Home Tag Mitral valve stenosis

Articles in Mitral valve stenosis

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Mitral stenosis: Treatment measures
Heart valve stenosis usually occurs when the structure of the valve leaflets is deformed, instead of being slender and soft, they become hard, thickened or stick together, preventing the leaflets from opening completely. All heart valves can be narrowed, but the most common are the mitral and tricuspid valves. Through this article, let's learn how to treat mitral stenosis.
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5 frequently asked questions about heart murmurs
In healthy adults, two normal heart sounds, often described as a lub (opening) and a dub (closing sound), occur in sequence with each heartbeat. It is the first heart sound (S1) and the second heart sound (S2), produced by the closure of the atrioventricular and semilunar valves. In addition to these normal heart sounds, many other heart sounds may also be encountered including murmurs, valve clicks, and galloping sounds S3 and S4.
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Diagnosis of mitral stenosis: Electrocardiogram and echocardiography
Mitral stenosis is a common disease in our country, especially in women, when it is diagnosed, there are often few symptoms, so the patient is subjective and only diagnosed at a late stage, leaving this consequence for the patient.
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Note in balloon stenosis valvular angioplasty
Heart valve stenosis is one of the dangerous cardiovascular diseases, threatening the health of many patients. In the treatment methods of the disease, percutaneous balloon dilation is a safe, low-risk technique that has good effects in improving symptoms in patients with mitral stenosis.
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Heart valve disease in pregnant women
Heart valve diseases in pregnant women such as mitral regurgitation, mitral stenosis, heart valve prolapse,... can affect the health of both mother and baby. Therefore, pregnant women with heart valve disease need to be examined and closely monitored for appropriate interventions.
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People with diabetes, high blood pressure can treat heart valve stenosis by dilating the heart valve with a percutaneous balloon?
My mother is 60 years old, has diabetes and high blood pressure for 7 years. Currently hospitalized for treatment of heart valve stenosis. I don't know if people with diabetes, high blood pressure can treat valvular stenosis by dilating the heart valve with a percutaneous balloon?
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How is tachycardia treated?
I have a 76-year-old mother who has had tachycardia (atrial fibrillation) for 10 years. Each time there is a tachycardia of about 120 beats, the measured blood pressure is not too high and not too low. If you don't drink at all, 1-2 hours will return to normal. So the doctor asked me how to treat tachycardia?
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Complications of mitral stenosis need to know
Is mitral stenosis dangerous? These are the concerns of many people. Let's find out more information about the complications of mitral stenosis so that we can proactively prevent and treat the disease effectively.
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What is autologous heart valve replacement?
Heart valve repair surgery or heart valve replacement is a method indicated in cases where the patient's heart valve system is damaged causing valve regurgitation, severe valve stenosis or both stenosis and valve regurgitation causing many complications for the patient.
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Can I have a baby after mechanical heart valve replacement?
After a heart valve replacement, whether to become pregnant or not is a concern of many women. Although pregnancy can put a lot of pressure on the heart and circulatory system, many women with heart valve disease still want to have children. To answer this question, read the article below.
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Cardiovascular disease and pregnancy
Trong quá trình mang thai, cơ thể phụ nữ có nhiều thay đổi về tâm sinh lý, giải phẫu, huyết học, tuần hoàn...Một trong những thay đổi điển hình là về chức năng tim mạch và bị bệnh tim khi mang thai có thể dẫn đến nhiều nguy cơ trong thai kỳ và sinh nở. Vì thế việc theo dõi, điều trị, tiên lượng và quyết định các can thiệp phù hợp đối với bệnh nhân tim mạch đang mang thai rất quan trọng.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics