Yellow vegetables and health benefits

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Many studies encourage people to add more green vegetables in their meals, however, do not ignore yellow vegetables when going to the market. Yellow vegetables have been shown to be packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and many other health-promoting ingredients. Here are 7 yellow vegetables that you should include in your meals to reap the health benefits.

1. Corn (Corn)

This brightly colored cereal is a staple crop in many countries around the world. Corn contains a lot of vitamins A, B and E, as well as many other minerals. Yellow corn kernels are high in fiber, which helps prevent any digestive problems and diseases like constipation, hemorrhoids, and colorectal cancer.
Small yellow corn kernels that are evenly arranged on the cob contain phytochemical compounds that help prevent carcinogens from infecting cells, and help cells prevent and eliminate any changes like cancer letters.
Eat corn directly or simply process it. Plus, if you add a few ingredients, you can make a delicious and nutritious salad for your everyday meal.

2. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is also known as "summer squash", bringing many health benefits. This squash contains a lot of vitamins A, B6 and C, folate (vitamin B9), magnesium, fiber, riboflavin (vitamin B2), phosphorus and potassium, proving this is a very rich source of nutrients.
Pumpkin is also rich in manganese: a mineral that helps strengthen bones and helps the body metabolize fats and carbohydrates.
Pumpkin can be processed in many ways, from boiling / steaming to cooking soup, making cakes or cooking tea, ... The simpler the process, the more nutrients are preserved in the squash.

3. Yellow bell pepper

Bell peppers are botanically a fruit, but are enjoyed by many as a vegetable. Yellow bell peppers are mostly water with small amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Bell peppers are considered an excellent source of nutrients, fiber and antioxidants. They are also rich in folate (supports the function of red blood cells), vitamin K (needed for blood clotting). Bell peppers are also rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, provides energy, skin health, protects the body from disease, and heals wounds.
To make a delicious dish with yellow bell peppers; You can stir-fry, grill, cook soup or make raw vegetable salads.

Ớt chuông là nguồn cung cấp chất dinh dưỡng, chất xơ và chất chống oxy hóa tuyệt vời.
Ớt chuông là nguồn cung cấp chất dinh dưỡng, chất xơ và chất chống oxy hóa tuyệt vời.

4. Potatoes

Potato is not only a safe food but also very healthy. However, potatoes should not be mixed with butter, sour cream or cheese.
One of the biggest advantages of potatoes is that they feel full but do not contain many calories. In addition, potatoes are full of nutrients such as niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), vitamins C and B6, manganese and phosphorus. Phosphorus is essential for the body through helping to maintain the structure of cell membranes, energy production and bone mineralization.
To keep the most nutrients from potatoes, reduce oil and fat when cooking. An effective way of processing is to boil the potatoes, smash them and add some spices to make them more delicious when enjoying.

5. Beets

Yellow beets are usually sweeter than red beets, and are also very nutritious. Beets are good for the heart, help the kidneys remove toxins, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and even treat depression.
Similar to other yellow vegetables, beets contain a lot of beta carotene, which helps metabolize vitamin A, protecting body cells from damage.
Beetroot can be used to cook soup, stir-fry with garlic, make salad or juice,... These are all suitable processing methods that bring health benefits.

6. Pumpkin

Just one cup of cooked pumpkin provides more than 200% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. Vitamin A is very good for the human body, it helps to improve eyesight. In addition, that amount of pumpkin also contains a lot of vitamin C (about 11mg) which helps strengthen the immune system, prevent colds and many other health benefits.
In Western countries, pumpkin is often made into a traditional pumpkin pie, a crispy crust with pumpkin filling and spices inside.

Một chén bí ngô nấu chín cung cấp hơn 200% lượng vitamin A được khuyến nghị hàng ngày.
Một chén bí ngô nấu chín cung cấp hơn 200% lượng vitamin A được khuyến nghị hàng ngày.

7. Yellow cove beans (yellow stick beans)

Yellow cove beans contain many natural plant compounds that help fight cancer and support hormones such as isoflavones. In addition, it contains phytosterols that help block cholesterol absorption leading to a reduction in blood cholesterol levels. Legumes have also been shown to reduce the risk of cancer.
To make beans fresh, crispy and keep their eye-catching color, can be combined with vinegar oil in vegetable salads used with meals.

8. Conclusion

When it comes to vegetables, people often give preference to those with a delicious green color. However, do not overlook other eye-catching vegetables when preparing meals. Brighter, brighter yellow vegetables also have nutritional value and provide significant benefits to your body. The combination of foods with a variety of colors will make your body healthy and stimulate your taste buds better.
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