French fries linked to risk of early death

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A recent study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who ate french fries more than 2 times per week had a higher risk of early death than those who didn't. Meanwhile, steamed or boiled potatoes were not associated with shortened lifespan.

1. Data from research

French fries is a dish originating from Belgium, gradually popular in European - American countries, and now available all over the globe. The number of french fries consumed is increasing worldwide. In 2014, each American consumed about 50 kg of potatoes. Of which, 15kg are fresh potatoes and the remaining 35kg are processed, mostly french fries. French fries are also the number one snack enjoyed by toddlers, ages 15-18 months, to adults.
Although many people know that french fries may not provide health benefits, there is very limited scientific data to support this. So, one research team divided 4,440 participants, ages 45 to 79, into subgroups, based on how often they ate potatoes each week. In eight years, a total of 236 people died. Analyzing data for each group, the experts found that people who ate French fries two to three times a week were twice as likely to die early as those who didn't.
The age or gender of the participants did not affect the results, but the data showed that men and younger adults were more likely to consume potato chips than women and older adults.
Potato chips, including potato sticks, chips and potato chips, are high in fat and salt that can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. Consuming large amounts leads to high blood pressure, diabetes or obesity - risk factors for many other health problems. People who consume a lot of chips also love other high-fat or high-salt foods such as soft drinks, fast food, and red meat.
The researchers note that they can't say that eating chips directly causes premature death, they just found a link between behavior and outcomes. Other important factors, including obesity, sedentary lifestyle and high salt intake, may also play a role in the reduced life expectancy of people who eat more than two servings of chips. every week. More research is still needed to reach a final conclusion.

Ăn nhiều khoai tây chiến sẽ dẫn đến bệnh tiểu đường ở trẻ em
Ăn nhiều khoai tây chiến sẽ dẫn đến bệnh tiểu đường ở trẻ em

2. Is eating french fries good?

2.1. Nutritional value of potatoes

Potato is inherently a very healthy vegetable. A medium-sized potato has 110 calories, no fat, no sodium, no cholesterol and provides almost a third of your daily vitamin C requirement, on the other hand, they contain more potassium than a banana. Basic nutrients, such as calorie, fat and sodium content, are virtually unaffected no matter how the potato is prepared. There is no evidence that potato consumption can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or early death.

2.2. Trans fats in French fries

Uncooked white potatoes are a relatively healthy food because they contain a good amount of fiber, vitamins and micronutrients. However, french fries are often high in fat and added salt. A moderate amount of french fries has 365 calories along with 17g of fat, which is 26% of the daily requirement.
Overall, oils rich in trans fats are an important factor in increasing the risk of early death in people who regularly eat french fries. Trans fats have been shown to raise blood "bad" cholesterol, or LDL, which can lead to cardiovascular disease.

Chất béo chuyển hóa trong khoai tây chiên làm tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim mạch
Chất béo chuyển hóa trong khoai tây chiên làm tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh tim mạch

2.3. Acrylamide in French fries

Nutritionists say the potential danger of eating fried starchy foods, like French fries, is acrylamide.
Acrylamide is a chemical created when starchy foods, like potatoes, are fried or baked at high temperatures. This processing is a reaction that produces Acrylamide - a potential carcinogen and considered toxic to humans.
You can reduce the amount of acrylamide by boiling or steaming starchy foods, instead of frying them. If you still want to make fried food, cook it quickly. The darker the fried or baked food, the more acrylamide it contains.
Finally, you should not store potatoes in the refrigerator as this can lead to the production of more acrylamide during processing.

Luộc hoặc hấp khoai tây sẽ hạn chế chất Acrylamide
Luộc hoặc hấp khoai tây sẽ hạn chế chất Acrylamide

3. Be careful when eating French fries

Although potatoes are a healthy food, 7 out of 9 experts discourage eating them. In addition to the fat from the frying oil and seasoning with salt, this dish also removes the skin of the potato - one of the healthiest parts, packed with nutrients and fiber.
Furthermore, one study found that foods high in fat and refined carbohydrates, like potato chips, have the potential to cause addiction. An increased risk of premature death was observed in people who ate French fries more than twice a week. So you can eat up to 1 time a week or less so as not to significantly affect health. Like all foods, french fries are mostly harmless if you eat them in moderation and follow some helpful tips:
Limit your intake of french fries with other super fatty foods like hamburger, fried chicken,... instead eaten with vegetable salad; Avoid dipping fries with ketchup, butter, and fatty mayo; Do not fry potatoes in hot oil or used cooking oil. If possible, use olive oil in minimal amounts; Cut potatoes into thick pieces to absorb less oil; Prepare and enjoy a small portion of chips at home instead of eating out at a restaurant; If you must eat out, order a small portion, or share it with a few friends.

Tránh chấm khoai tây chiên với nước sốt cà chua
Tránh chấm khoai tây chiên với nước sốt cà chua

High consumption of french fries is considered unhealthy, is associated with an increased risk of premature death and an increased risk of many other diseases. Therefore, you should limit this favorite dish and increase the intake of other better alternative fruits and vegetables. If you can't eliminate french fries from your diet, use them in moderation and cook them in the healthiest way at home.
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