Yellow, Brown and More: What does the color of semen mean?

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Healthy semen is milky white in color and has a consistency similar to raw eggs. Changes in the color, texture, and even smell of semen are likely normal and should not be alarmed. But in some cases, a change in semen color can be a sign of a health problem.

1. What color is healthy semen?

Normal, healthy semen is a milky or grayish liquid with a consistency similar to raw egg or royal jelly. It will also have an alkaline smell that closely resembles bleach.
These characteristics of semen can vary slightly depending on your genes, diet and overall health. Changes in the composition of semen can slightly alter these characteristics.
Unless you are experiencing other unusual symptoms, temporary changes in color are usually not cause for concern.
Semen is an important part of the male reproductive system. Semen contains sperm, but it is a complex liquid that contains other substances. A 2016 study noted that healthy semen contains:
Vitamins Enzymes Minerals Proteins Antioxidants Sugars These compounds help sperm develop and protect them from environmental factors.
Semen can also change when it mixes with other substances present in semen. This may include blood, pus, urine, or other fluids in the reproductive system or urethra.

Tinh dịch bình thường là chất lỏng màu trắng đục hoặc xám
Tinh dịch bình thường là chất lỏng màu trắng đục hoặc xám

2. What do different semen colors mean?

There are different reasons for the color change of semen. A person's symptoms and the color of their semen can indicate the underlying cause.
Clear, white or gray semen is normal.
Red semen caused by:
High blood pressure Excessive force, rough sex or masturbation Sexually transmitted disease Prostatitis Prostate biopsy or surgery Prostate cancer, cancer Testicles or urethra Pink semen due to:
High blood pressure Excessive force, rough sex or masturbation Sexually transmitted disease Prostatitis Prostate biopsy or surgery Prostate cancer Prostate, testicular or urethral cancer Brown semen due to: Prostatitis Prostate biopsy or surgery Prostate cancer, testicular or urethral cancer Black semen due to:
Heavy metals Spinal cord injury Yellow semen due to:
Sexually transmitted diseases Prostatitis Diet Jaundice Leukopenia Drug use Urine in semen Green semen:
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Prostatitis Diet

Có nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau ảnh hưởng đến màu sắc tinh dịch
Có nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau ảnh hưởng đến màu sắc tinh dịch

2.1. What does red or pink semen mean? Pink, red, or brown colors in semen can be worrisome and often indicate blood in the semen. Doctors may call this hemophilia. A 2017 review notes that there are several common causes of the condition, although many are relatively harmless.
There are a number of cases where blood in semen can be a sign of an underlying problem that needs to be treated, including:
Broken blood vessels
Broken blood vessels can allow small amounts of blood to mix with semen, causing changes in the color of semen. This color can range from pink or red in fresh blood, or brownish in older blood.
Blood vessels in this area can also rupture due to:
Trauma. Strong, rough sex or masturbation. If these symptoms go away and there are no other problems, there is no need to worry about the condition. But if this condition persists or appears along with other unusual symptoms, you should see a doctor to find out the cause for timely treatment.
Some infections can cause blood to mix with semen and change color depending on the freshness of the blood. You should also look out for other signs of infection.
Sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause blood in your semen.
Other symptoms of these STIs may include:
Pain or burning sensation in the urethra when urinating Pain or swelling of your testicles Yellow or unusually colored discharge from the penis your rash itchy, uncomfortable or painful Prostate problems
Some prostate problems can also change the consistency or color of semen. Prostate complications that can cause these changes include:
Prostatitis: If left untreated, prostatitis can also cause bloody semen. Other symptoms of prostatitis can include:
Difficulty urinating Pain when urinating Feeling the need to urinate often Lower abdominal pain Pain near your rectum Pain during ejaculation Feeling exhausted Fever Chills

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Nam giới thể gặp tình trạng đau bụng dưới khi bị viêm tuyến tiền liệt

Prostate surgery: blood can also mix with substances in the prostate that are made when you ejaculate. Blood can cause your semen to turn a reddish, pinkish, or brownish color.
After prostate tissue biopsy: a biopsy is done when your doctor takes a tissue sample from your prostate gland. This means there is tissue damage, which can send blood into your urinary tract or ejaculatory duct.
Cancer of the prostate, testicles or urethra: in rare cases, bloody semen can be a sign of prostate, testicular or urethral cancer. These diseases are often successfully treated, even at a late stage. Other symptoms of prostate, testicular, or urethral cancer may include pain or discomfort in:
Testicles Scrotum Lower abdomen Genital V
High blood pressure
Complications from high blood pressure can cause disruptions in several systems in the body. In the reproductive system, it can allow blood into the semen, and change the color of the semen.
2.2. What does brown or black semen mean? Reasons why semen color may be brown or black include:
2.2.1. Injuries and heavy bleeding Dark brown or black semen can be a sign of increased bleeding or blood that has been present in the body for a long time. This can happen due to severe trauma such as:
Spinal cord injury Genital trauma. Occasionally, a spinal cord injury can occur without much bleeding, and semen may still turn dark or black. Although the exact reason is unknown, there may be something to cause a malfunction in the seminal vesicles. The seminal vesicles are where some of the substances that make up semen are produced.
See your doctor for an injury to the spinal cord or genitals. Your doctor can assess whether it is causing dangerous conditions, and prescribe the right treatment for you.
Heavy Metals
High levels of heavy metals in the body and blood can lead to dark semen in some cases. An article published in 2013 found that the blood of people with dark semen is rich in heavy metals, such as manganese, lead, and nickel. This can be caused by exposure to contaminated food, water or other environmental factors.

Lượng kim loại nặng trong cơ thể và máu cao có thể ảnh hưởng đến màu sắc tinh dịch
Lượng kim loại nặng trong cơ thể và máu cao có thể ảnh hưởng đến màu sắc tinh dịch

2.3. What does yellow to green semen mean? Reasons why semen may be yellow or green include:
Yellow or green semen color could be due to a urinary tract infection or sexually transmitted infections sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. In addition to discoloration, semen can also have a foul odor.
Yellow or greenish-yellow semen can be caused by a prostate infection. Prostatitis occurs when bacteria from the urinary tract enter the prostate gland.
Other symptoms of prostatitis can include:
Difficulty urinating Pain when urinating Feeling the need to urinate often Lower abdominal pain Pain near your rectum Pain with ejaculation Feeling exhausted Fever Chills Irregular Ejaculation
Yellow semen can be a sign of irregular ejaculation. Semen may have more time to mix with other compounds that cause it to change color.

Change in diet
Semen can change color if it mixes with certain vitamins or drugs. If the color change is the only symptom and then goes away, there is no need to worry about it.
Food containing dyes can also change the color of semen in some cases. Using foods that contain yellow dye can make your semen yellow. Foods high in sulfur, such as onions and garlic, can also have an effect.
Drinking alcohol or using marijuana can also lead to a slightly yellowish color of semen.
Semen can also mix with urine droplets from the urethra. This can give semen a slightly yellow color. This is generally not a cause for concern.
Urine can collect in the urethra after you urinate. Then, as semen passes through the urethra, it can be mixed with residual urine, giving your semen a yellowish color. This usually occurs if you ejaculate shortly after urinating and this is usually not a cause for concern.
Several causes of urine in semen may require medical attention, including:
Urinary tract infections Benign prostatic hyperplasia Infection of the prostate gland or other genital organs Jaundice
Jaundice occurs when the liver leaves too much bilirubin in the body. This is a natural yellow pigment produced when the body breaks down red blood cells. Although it causes jaundice, it can also change the color of semen.
Other symptoms of jaundice include:
Chills Fever Abdominal pain

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Nam giới có thể gặp tình trang sốt và ớn lanh

High white blood cell count
Having too many white blood cells in semen can also change its color, making it appear more yellow. This could be a secondary effect from another condition, such as a urinary tract infection, prostate infection, or sexually transmitted diseases. In some cases, it can be a sign of an autoimmune disorder.
Some causes of leukocytosis can lead to infertility if not treated promptly, such as chlamydia .

3. What can different textures of semen mean?

Along with changes in color, changes in the texture of semen can also cause anxiety in some people. These texture changes can vary based on different factors.
Normal, healthy semen may have changes in texture and may be slightly thicker or thinner due to factors such as:
Diet Lifestyle such as activity level Alcohol use Drug use Temporary changes in semen texture are usually not cause for concern. Even simple problems, such as temporary dehydration, can lead to thicker semen in the short term.
However, texture changes that occur along with other semen problems, such as bad odor or color change, can be a sign to see a doctor.

4. Semen changes color, when to go to the doctor?

Some reasons for a change in the color of semen are not cause for concern and will not require medical attention. However, if these changes are persistent and are accompanied by other symptoms, such as a bad odor, or persistent hemophilia, etc., you should see your doctor as soon as possible.
If a person notices any signs of prostate problems, they should also see a doctor. These may include difficulty urinating, swelling in the genital and pelvic area, feeling pressure in the colon, or constantly feeling the need to have a bowel movement.
Early detection and treatment of medical conditions will help reduce the risk of serious complications such as infertility.

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