Why should you meditate, even if you don't like it?

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Meditation can enhance your life, it benefits your mind and body, and has powerful effects on your health. Researchers at Harvard Medical School have found that people who long-term practice relaxation methods like yoga and meditation have a much stronger resistance to disease than those who don't. So you should meditate even if you don't like it. Read more to understand why.

1. 10 Reasons Why You Should Meditate Every Day

1.1. We will become more mindful and conscious people

Mindfulness means we are more aware of our thoughts and actions. Unless we are in a heightened state of awareness, we are often unable to rationally observe our thoughts. Meditation gives us time to reflect on our thoughts and focus mainly on the breath or some other aspect of being human. Meditation gives us the awareness to refocus our minds on the present moment, as opposed to the past of the future. This kind of awareness is a useful skill if we want to keep making progress in our daily lives.

1.2. Meditation can reduce unnecessary stress

We all experience stress and pressure in life. However, constantly facing stress can be unhealthy and harmful if we can't find a way to overcome it.
Meditation is a quiet time that you should give yourself every day. Use deep inhalations and exhalations to refocus your attention. Stress will not go away automatically, but we will observe a change in the amount of stress we accumulate. Just by closing our eyes and breathing steadily we can feel the great effects, especially when we acknowledge the stressful situations that arise.

1.3. Better self control

We all want to be able to control our emotions on our own. When we are happy, we always want to express those emotions freely. At the same time, we may want to express our emotions of anger, sadness, and grief within a certain range. You have the right to express any emotion you want as long as you control that feeling or emotion. People often lose control of their emotions and they simply accept it. Learn to respond skillfully in stressful situations by taking time simply to observe what your mind is on.
Meditation gives us the opportunity to do this. The more we meditate, the more we'll notice our thoughts and actions triggering emotions we might not want. Unless you try to observe thoughts and try to understand what the mind is doing, you will never learn about your inner self. Simply believing that every thought that pops into your head and living under the control of your mind will not make us more comfortable.

Thiền hiểu biết giúp bạn học cách phản ứng khéo léo trong các tình huống căng thẳng
Thiền hiểu biết giúp bạn học cách phản ứng khéo léo trong các tình huống căng thẳng

1.4. Be able to make better decisions in life

As we become more aware and clearer about our thoughts, actions, and emotions, we will find that we can make better decisions. Instead of simply reacting to adverse situations, we gain a more useful understanding of what's going on in our minds. This understanding gives each person the skill to think before acting and thus make purposeful decisions.

1.5. Meditation helps us live slower

Unless you are a person who loves the hustle and bustle of life, you will want to slow down and enjoy life. Meditation gives you the ability to live slowly. Life is not a sprint; it is a long distance race. Don't rush through it and miss out on things you'll regret later. First give your mind a break and then everything else slows down.

1.6. Learn useful skills in life

For a lot of people, they have learned useful life skills through meditation. Meditation is a skill, and like any skill, it takes practice and maximum concentration. The more skills and knowledge we have, the easier our lives become.

1.7. Experience a happier life through meditation

We all want to be happier and feel more satisfied with our lives. Daily meditation is a great way to open our eyes to this life and really experience all that life has to offer. Meditation will help us appreciate life more and feel more connected to the things that exist around us.

1.8. Meditation is a free practice

This may be the reason why many people choose to meditate. It won't cost us a dime to get the benefits of meditation back and moreover, any of us can practice meditation right in our own home.

1.9. Meditation can be done anywhere

Just find a comfortable place to meditate. Some people use quiet spaces at home or at the office. Churches are also great places to meditate as they are often quiet and secluded. Many people love to meditate outside in nature. Find an attractive, quiet place and make it your meditation spot.

1.10. Meditation really works

Surely among us, none of us naturally perform an action that does not bring a certain effect. There is a lot of scientific evidence that proves the benefits of meditation. Longtime meditation researchers have shown that people who practice this method are more adept at dealing with life's disturbances and currents.
The time between thoughts increases as we meditate, which provides an opportunity to examine our thoughts more carefully and rationally. The physical benefits of meditation include lowering blood pressure and lowering anxiety levels, as well as a boost in immune system health. Besides the mental benefits, meditation has the ability to expand our consciousness, thus giving us the ability to understand our emotions and thoughts more. And as we become more alert through meditation, we gain more control over our emotions and make our lives even happier.

Ý nghĩa thiền định giúp tăng khả năng hiểu được cảm xúc và suy nghĩ của bản thân
Ý nghĩa thiền định giúp tăng khả năng hiểu được cảm xúc và suy nghĩ của bản thân

2. The reason why even though you don't like it, you still meditate

Meditation has been proven once again to help reduce stress, with all its physical, social and emotional benefits. Many studies have found that meditation can reduce feelings of depression. In 2003, researchers learned that regular meditation helps boost immune function as well as manage chronic pain. So many people have changed their view of meditation from dislike to focus on it because of what they have learned about meditation and how to make it part of trying to improve their lives in a positive way.

2.1. We don't just have to sit in one place

People who have never meditated sometimes imagine meditation as a boring practice - and perhaps if not done in a certain way, that is quite true. But there are many types of meditation available, so we can easily find one that works for us. Here are some alternatives including:
Walking meditation has the ability to calm our mind by focusing on our steps and body movements (or rather focusing on the breath) . Walking is a contemplative practice that dates back centuries, popular among many spiritual beliefs, including Catholicism. Kata is the official practice of martial arts, including tai chi. The movements of this method are so complex that it is impossible to think of anything else, allowing for deep meditative focus. Conscious listening to music, especially music without lyrics, creates an effect similar to meditation by allowing the body to be conveyed by the sound, away from stray thoughts. and unrelated. Daily Work Meditation is where we do our meditation while doing other things - like making food, cooking a meal or dressing up... The types of meditation mentioned above are just that. for example. There are many other options for meditation including compassion meditation, guided relaxation, breathing meditation, sitting meditation, awareness meditation, Kundalini, pranayama... Our problem is to choose a suitable type of meditation. most suitable for you to practice.

Cách tu tập thiền định không nhất thiết chỉ ngồi một chỗ như mọi người vẫn nghĩ
Cách tu tập thiền định không nhất thiết chỉ ngồi một chỗ như mọi người vẫn nghĩ

2.2. Improve the ability of the brain

Meditation is considered a stillness of mind, where we think about nothing in particular (or nothing else but the actions of meditation) regardless of background noise and let our bodies be. rest. That's why exercise can be meditative: at a given moment, we can only think about the exercise. But along the way, during meditation sessions, our thoughts will constantly go in the wrong direction and try to distract us. This happens to everyone, even those who have been meditating for many years. The secret of meditation is not to get rid of those thoughts entirely. It's to let them run through your mind.
In the first stage of learning, many people will fail a lot. You'll meditate for a while, then suddenly you realize that you've stopped somewhere along the way to think about your to-do list and what you're going to do for dinner that night. But over time, that will improve and stray thoughts will pass by without distracting us.

2.3. Meditation doesn't take too much time

We don't have to spend hours every day meditating to get the full benefits of this method. The conducted studies mentioned above allowed subjects to meditate for less than an hour, in most cases less than 15 minutes, and even that amount of time was enough to bring about improvements. significant impact on physical, emotional and psychological well-being.
Some meditation gurus even suggest we should start with just one minute of meditation a day. That won't be enough to reap huge and lasting benefits, but it has two advantages:
This is easier to do. Anyone can meditate for a minute, no matter how busy or distracted they are. Many people will be pleasantly surprised at the difference it makes in the next 10 minutes of their lives. Experts also say that those two factors combine to become a great motivator. Under the powerful impulse of immediate success and feeling the short-term impact of that minute, meditators will commit more fully to learning how to meditate.

2.4. Anyone can meditate

Unlike the old concept, today, anyone can practice meditation. Here is a list of some of the celebrities from all walks of life who have incorporated meditation into their daily routines:
Professional athletes in major sporting events Actors include: Hugh Jackman , Clint Eastwood and Arnold Schwarzenegger SEAL Team Six and other special forces branches of the US military and around the world A long list includes CEOs and entrepreneurs like Richard Branson and Elon Musk As you know, meditation brings us many health related benefits. Of all the so-called “spiritual practices,” meditation is perhaps the most studied and most deeply studied. Many studies that have observed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brains of meditators have shown that regular meditation practice can correct neural patterns in the brain and even increase gray matter. Along with other great benefits related to body systems, meditation is a method everyone should consider adopting in their life.

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References: lifehack.org, healthline.com, markmanson.ne
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