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Articles in Chronic diseases

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Ginger and Testosterone
Individuals with low testosterone may need to increase their levels by consuming certain foods, such as ginger. Testosterone is a male sex hormone that plays a role in fertility, sexual function, bone health, and muscle mass. In this article, we will list the benefits of ginger in increasing testosterone levels.
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Why is fried food harmful to your health?
Deep-frying is a popular cooking method used globally. This process is often applied by restaurants and fast-food chains as a quick and appealing way to prepare food. However, these foods tend to be high in calories and trans fats, leading to negative health impacts when consumed in excess.
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Living Healthy: Things to Do Right Now
Living healthy every day is something we all desire, but not everyone knows what activities to take to live healthier. It is never too late to start a positive and healthy lifestyle, so to stay healthy, you need to implement the following as soon as possible.
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Which foods can trigger asthma attacks and should be avoided?
Certain foods can exacerbate asthma symptoms in individuals with asthma, so avoiding foods that may trigger symptoms is very important.
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Is red pleural fluid dangerous?
Normally, the pleural cavity always contains about 20 ml of clear or pale yellow physiological fluid. When there is an excessive amount of fluid, it is called a pleural effusion. Of the causes of this condition, red or bloody pleural fluid is often associated with trauma. Less common causes of red pleural effusion are tuberculosis, aortic dissection, ruptured aortic aneurysm, and malignancy.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics