The best time to drink coconut water

Coconut water is the clear liquid tapped from coconut, it provides people with electrolytes, vitamins and minerals. Drinking coconut water does not only help hydrate your body but also balances the electrolytes in our body. So, when to drink coconut water to benefit yourself?

1. When is the best time to drink coconut water?

Coconut water is believed to be an amazing beverage. It is best in hot weather during summer and is also a natural drink that immediately boosts people’ energy. Coconut water is low in calories, with natural enzymes and minerals like potassium, so it is a delicious beverage. Although it is great to drink fresh coconut water at any time of the day, drinking it at the right time can definitely double the health benefits..

Everyone can enjoy coconut water whether during the day or at night. Drinking coconut water pregnancy helps alleviate morning sickness and heartburn, which are common symptoms in the first trimester. As for athletes, coconut water is a natural sports drink ideal  to help hydrate the body and boost energy before their workout.

Here's everything people need to know about the best time to drink coconut water for optimal benefits:

Before and after meals: Drinking a glass of coconut water before meals, especially early in the morning, will help the stomach feel full for a long time and help prevent overeating later. Coconut water is low in calories and easy to digest, so it definitely helps the digestive process and prevent bloating after meals.
Before bedtime: The sweetness and pleasant aroma of coconut water have psychological effects that help reduce anxiety and slow the heart rate, fight stress, calm the mind, and help people sleep better. In addition, drinking coconut water before going to bed can help eliminate all toxins out and clean the urinary tract, preventing urinary infections or other diseases. After drinking alcohol, coconut water will help rehydrate, fight the feeling of headache, nausea the next morning and also restore lost electrolytes, refresh the body for a day after.
After exercise: Talking about healthy sports drinks, coconut water is the first to think about. After running, coconut water is a great refreshment and energy booster, supplying electrolytes lost through sweat. Therefore, this is also known as the drink of miraculous nature and nothing can replace it.

2. Is it good to drink a lot of coconut water?

This natural drink has always been considered a magical remedy for health. However, researchers recently have shown some disadvantages of coconut water when consumed too much. Excession of anything good may turn it into bad. ThIs is also true for coconut water. Accordingly, drinking coconut too much can cause:

2.1. Excess calories 
Coconut water contains just a few calories, but if you drink coconut water instead of pure water every day, it has a high caloric value. This will unexpectedly hinder those who wish to lose weight.

2.2. Frequent urination

Coconut water has a similar function to diuretics, and users may have to go to the bathroom often if they drink too much. This is why it is better to drink coconut water early in the morning rather than in the evening and the intake should be moderate, as it will only provide hydration and an energy boost without further dehydration.

2.3. Cautious in use for people with allergies

If you are prone to allergies to any fruit or nut, coconut water can cause certain health problems. Indeed, coconut is a food that can aggravate allergic reactions that are dangerous to people with allergies..

2.4. Blood Sugar Levels rise

Coconut water may be low in sugar but high in calories and carbohydrates, both of which are enemies of diabetes. However, these diabetic patients can still drink coconut water in moderation but should not drink regularly.

2.5. Low blood pressure

For a high blood pressure patient, coconut water can be dangerous. People who are taking medication to lower blood pressure should avoid coconut water, as this drink can lower blood pressure to extremely low levels.

2.6. Electrolyte imbalance

Talking about the mineral content in coconut water, it is low in sodium and high in potassium. If one consumes too much coconut water, the potassium content in the body will increase, leading to electrolyte imbalance and serious health complications.

People who are constantly exposed to high temperatures and humidity, taking drugs that keep potassium in the kidneys... should be very careful because drinking coconut water can lead to a condition called hyperkalemia, causing confusion. heart rate and sudden death.

If you wonder whether drinking coconut water every morning is good or not, the answer is that a small amount is still safe. However, you need to note that never drink more than two coconuts a day. If you drink too much, there could be serious consequences. In addition, you should make sure it is fresh coconut, limit the intake of packaged and bottled coconut water, because most of them are added with sweeteners and preservatives, so they can be harmful to the body.

To sum up, fresh coconut water is healthy for us and drinking coconut water early in the morning is an ideal time to not only help provide energy but also lose weight. However, you should take coconut water as other daily foods, avoid using too much or completely replacing filtered water because it may cause electrolyte imbalance and other health risks, especially on the skin, cardiovascular systems.

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