When and where should the 17-OHP test detect congenital adrenal hyperplasia?

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Posted by Doctor Biochemistry Test - Laboratory Department - Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital
The 17-OHP test helps doctors detect congenital adrenal hyperplasia, thereby providing timely treatment to avoid affecting the patient's life and quality of life.

1. What is the 17-OHP test?

The quantitative 17-OHP test is used to diagnose congenital adrenal hyperplasia. This is a modern test method and gives high accuracy results.
17-OHP test is a direct precursor to 11-desoxycortisol (Cpd-S) by enzyme 21-hydroxylase, from Cpd-S to cortisol by 11β hydroxylase enzyme.
In congenital adrenal hyperplasia, enzyme deficiency causes decreased synthesis of Cortisol and the precursor 17-OHP accumulates in the blood. A decrease in the amount of cortisol (average cortisol) in the blood stimulates the pituitary gland to increase the secretion of ACTH, the precursor 17-OHP that is not converted to Cortisol used to synthesize Androgen hormone (Male sex hormone). Deficiency of the enzyme 21-hydroxylase is a common cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).

2. When should the 17-OHP test be done?

Xét nghiệm 17-OHP được sử dụng trong các trường hợp sàng lọc sơ sinh, trẻ em và người lớn
Xét nghiệm 17-OHP được sử dụng trong các trường hợp sàng lọc sơ sinh, trẻ em và người lớn
The 17-OHP test is the test of first choice for the diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Accordingly, the 17-OHP test is used in newborn, pediatric and adult screening cases.
If infants and young children have symptoms of adrenal hyperplasia at an early stage, this test is indicated. Some specific symptoms are as follows:
Hyperadrenocorticism: Vomiting, fatigue, lethargic eyes, lack of energy, inflexibility, low blood pressure, dry crying, lazy to breastfeed, ... tests have decreased. Na+, increase K+, decrease blood sugar. Abnormal young genitalia, regardless of sex. This test is also indicated in children or adults with late-onset signs of adrenal hyperplasia. Signaling symptoms of the disease include:
In women: No menstruation or irregular menstruation, hirsutism, dryness, genitals tend to be virilized. In males: Early development, early puberty, abnormal development of sex organs. In addition, when the body is often tired, dehydrated, lost salt, low blood pressure, ... the quantitative test 17-OHP is also recommended to use to support the diagnosis. Manifestations can occur in both men and women such as acne , male pattern baldness and in some cases infertility .

3. Where can a quantitative 17-OHP test be done?

Xét nghiệm định lượng 17-OHP đều được thực hiện tại Hệ thống Y tế Vinmec trên toàn quốc
Xét nghiệm định lượng 17-OHP đều được thực hiện tại Hệ thống Y tế Vinmec trên toàn quốc
Currently, in order to improve the quality of examination and diagnosis services, Vinmec International General Hospital has been and continues to invest in medical equipment and machinery with modern standard technology. With a team of qualified, well-trained doctors and nurses who follow the correct procedures and protocols, medical tests in general and quantitative 17-OHP tests in particular give accurate results, contributing to It plays an important role in diagnosing the stage of the disease, thereby leading to timely treatment of the disease.
Currently, quantitative testing of 17-OHP is performed at Vinmec Health System nationwide. At Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital, the 17-OHP test by quantitative method is routine and is performed to screen newborns for all births at the hospital.
However, if babies do not give birth at Vinmec or other subjects such as children and adults who need to register for 17-OHP test, they can contact a medical facility in the Health System. The nearest Vinmec to send patient samples and perform tests.
If you have a need for medical examination by modern and highly effective methods at Vinmec, please register here.

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