Sample collection, the meaning of 17-OHP . test results

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Posted by Doctor of Biochemistry - Laboratory Department - Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital

Quantification of 17-OHP is the test of first choice for the diagnosis of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. DIAsource's chemical testing method on the ELISA system is made with venous blood samples.

1. What is the 17-OHP test?

17-OHP quantitative test is a test to diagnose congenital adrenal hyperplasia. This is a modern test method and gives high accuracy results.
Time to take specific specimens for testing is as follows:
For newborn screening: Take blood for testing about 72 hours after birth. Other cases: Blood is drawn at any time when a quantitative 17-OHP test is indicated, no special preparation is required. Sample collection location
Blood samples can be collected at Vinmec International General Hospital Samples can be collected and shipped from elsewhere.

Xét nghiệm định lượng 17-OHP trong trường hợp sàng lọc sơ sinh
Xét nghiệm định lượng 17-OHP trong trường hợp sàng lọc sơ sinh

Blood sample for quantitative 17-OHP test is venous blood, taken into tube without anticoagulant (preferably gel tube, minimum blood volume 1 mL. Blood sample after collection should be transferred immediately to If the blood sample cannot be transferred immediately or tested, it is necessary to store the specimen (non-anticoagulant gel tube if it is whole blood/serum) at 2-80C for 7 days. If the test cannot be tested before 7 days, serum should be separated and stored frozen.It is also recommended not to perform the test on specimens with broken red blood cells or too turbidity, this may cause erroneous test results.
Specimens transferred from other places need to comply with general regulations on biosafety and ensure sample storage temperature.

2. Significance of 17-OHP . quantitative test results

In neonates: Reference ranges vary according to birth weight (Printed with test results).
Depending on the technique/equipment used for testing, the reference range may be slightly different. The following are the reference ranges recommended by DIAsource (Manufacturer of 17-OHP quantitative testing reagents using the Elisa system at Vinmec Time City International Hospital, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital, the hospital). Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital)

Khoảng tham chiếu định lượng 17-OHP
Khoảng tham chiếu định lượng 17-OHP

Note: The above biological reference values ​​are in the 2.5-97.5 percentile range.
For 17-OHP test cases with results > the upper limit of the reference range, there is a high risk of disease. Accordingly, depending on the clinical case, it may be necessary to do other tests to get a deeper diagnosis to provide an effective treatment method. In cases where the quantitative 17-OHP increase is not clear for diagnosis, the ACTH test may need to be done to assist in the assessment and diagnosis. Quantitative testing of 17-OHP by ELISA system takes a long time and is expensive if you do each test individually, so the laboratory often collects samples and does it on a schedule (daily/everyday/2 times a year). weeks) depending on the number of specimens. Therefore, the return of test results is usually scheduled with a delivery time (Depending on each hospital, currently Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital returns results regularly on Tuesdays and Saturdays, except for cases where testing is required. emergency test).
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a group of disorders involving the hormones secreted by the adrenal glands. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia affects both boys and girls, causing the adrenal glands to produce more androgens (male steroid hormones) and, in some cases, not enough hormones that regulate the body's salt balance. body.

Xét nghiệm 17-OHP cần được thực hiện tại cơ sở y tế uy tín và chất lượng
Xét nghiệm 17-OHP cần được thực hiện tại cơ sở y tế uy tín và chất lượng

Although congenital adrenal hyperplasia is quite dangerous, they can be detected soon after birth with postpartum screening methods such as heel test. Therefore, parents should implement this method to detect diseases early for children, thereby having a direction for timely examination and treatment.
Currently, in order to improve the quality of examination and diagnosis services, Vinmec International General Hospital has brought a system of modern medical machines up to standards in examining and diagnosing many diseases, including hypertension. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Accordingly, diagnostic testing techniques at Vinmec are carried out methodically and according to standard procedures by a team of highly qualified medical professionals, so they can produce accurate diagnostic results, making a significant contribution to the identification of diseases and conditions. stage of the disease.
If you have a need for medical examination by modern and highly effective methods at Vinmec, please register here.
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