This article was written with the professional consultation of MSc. Dr. Trịnh Thị Phương Nga, Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine Specialist at Vinmec Times City International Hospital. Dr. Nga has nearly 20 years of experience in the field of diagnostic imaging.
“White lung" or "white chest X-ray" is a phenomenon observed in chest X-rays of certain patients with respiratory disorders, particularly in the lungs. This condition, also known as white lung disease, impacts the patient’s health and requires timely detection and treatment.
1. Chest X-ray - White Lung
Before an individual is admitted to the hospital for routine health check-ups or shows abnormal respiratory signs such as coughing or difficulty breathing, or for other medical reasons, a chest X-ray is often ordered for the patient. This imaging method examines the organs within the thoracic cavity, including the heart and lungs, using X-ray radiation. The X-rays pass through the thoracic organs to capture images, and in combination with clinical signs, can serve as crucial evidence for doctors to diagnose the patient's condition.
Depending on the composition of each organ, their absorption of X-rays will vary, resulting in images of different intensities in black, white, and gray on the X-ray film. In clinical practice, certain cases present with white X-ray images in one or both lungs, or sometimes hazier images with nodules. If the apex or other areas of the lungs show white or creamy patches, accompanied by clinical symptoms such as productive cough or difficulty of breath, these are key indicators for diagnosing white lung disease. This condition is a respiratory system disorder where the insufficient oxygen supply to the lungs lead to partially or completely white lung images on chest X-rays.

2. White lungs
White lung caused by lung damage or fibrosis in one or both lungs, leading to the gradual loss of oxygen exchange function and clinical symptoms such as difficulty of breath. According to various studies, there are many causes of white lung disease, and in some cases, the cause remains unidentified. However, some common causes encountered in clinical practice include:
smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke. People who smoke heavily daily are at high risk of lung-related diseases such as white lung disease, tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleural effusion, and lung cancer. Moreover, people exposed to secondhand smoke face an even higher risk of developing white lung disease, particularly children. Inhaling secondhand smoke increases susceptibility to lung diseases.
Sudden Weather Changes: weather changes can predispose patients to respiratory conditions such as dry cough, persistent cough with sputum, pneumonia, and bronchitis. If these conditions recur frequently without effective treatment, they can create favorable conditions for the development of white lung disease.

Environmental Pollution: The surrounding environment polluted by smoke, dust, and harmful industrial chemicals contributes to respiratory diseases, including white lung disease. Occupations requiring contact with hazardous substances such as uranium, asbestos, and arsenic significantly increase the risk of white lung disease and lung cancer compared to other occupations.
In addition to clinical symptoms such as productive cough, dry cough, and shortness of breath, supplementary diagnostic tests such as chest X-rays, CT scans or other imaging techniques are recommended for diagnosis. Results showing white shadows on X-rays or cloudy areas on CT scans help identify the cause of the disease and guide appropriate treatment.
For the treatment of white lung disease, besides following prescribed medication regimens, patients should also change unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as smoking, to reduce the risk for themselves and those around them. These changes also help prevent further complications.
Complications of white lung disease include:
Pulmonary abscesses or pus-filled sacs within the lungs.
Pneumonia, consolidation of pulmonary lobules.
Pleural Effusion
Sepsis is a condition characterized by severe lung inflammation, with extensive inflammation in the alveoli and other tissues in the lungs, leading to infection in the blood. If not detected and treated promptly, sepsis can spread to other organ systems in the body.

White lung disease is an extremely dangerous condition that can lead to a range of complications in the body, especially for children, the elderly with underlying conditions, pregnant women, and immunocompromised patients with other illnesses. As such, preventive measures are required to prevent contracting this serious disease, including:
- Avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke by finding private spaces or requesting others not to smoke nearby.
- Wearing masks in crowded areas.
- Drinking adequate amounts of water daily.
- Eating nutritious foods to strengthen the immune system.
- Maintaining an exercise routine suitable for your health condition.
- Cleaning your nose and mouth daily with saline solution to prevent infections.
- Attend regular health check-ups for early detection of diseases.
If experiencing any unusual symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately for timely diagnosis and treatment.

3. Conclusion
White lung disease is diagnosed when patients present abnormal respiratory symptoms such as coughing or difficulty of breath, accompanied by white shadows on X-rays or white areas on lung CT scans. This is a dangerous disease with the potential to cause severe health complications, so it requires the earliest possible detection and treatment.
Today, chest X-ray imaging is a routine technique at Vinmec International Hospital for diagnosing respiratory diseases, particularly lung disorders. To improve the quality of medical examinations and treatments, Vinmec is fully equipped with modern medical systems, internationally certified X-ray machines, and comprehensive health check-up packages tailored to different ages, genders, and specific needs of customers, with reasonable pricing policies.
In these health check-up packages, patients will receive in-depth examinations with specialized doctors and undergo diagnostic methods such as X-rays, blood tests, urine tests, and more.
Patients’ examination results will be delivered directly to their homes. After receiving the comprehensive health check-up results, if any diseases are detected requiring further examination and treatment, you can access services from other specialized departments at the hospital, offering superior treatment quality and customer care services.
Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.