What are the uses of Terfelic F .?

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Terfelic F is a commonly prescribed drug in cases of iron-deficiency anemia, because iron requirements are high in some special subjects where the regimen does not meet the required amount of iron. So how should Terfelic F be used to be effective for users?

1. What is Terfelic F?

Terfelic F is a drug belonging to the group of minerals and vitamins, with the main ingredients being iron fumarate 200mg and folic acid 1mg. The drug has the effect of preventing and treating anemia caused by iron deficiency and nutritional supplements for pregnant women, lactating women, the elderly, after surgery, debilit... Inorganic iron, supplementing with trace elements is a very important iron ion in the body. Folic acid is a vitamin of group B (vitamin B9).

2. Indications and contraindications of Terfelic F

Indications Used to prevent and treat folic acid deficiency and iron deficiency in pregnant and lactating women when the daily diet is not enough to provide the body's needs.
Support to provide iron for some cases of poor iron absorption such as gastrectomy, atrophic gastritis, chronic enteritis.
Cases of blue skin fatigue in women during menstruation, menorrhagia.
Have iron deficiency anemia and folic acid deficiency.
Contraindications Patients allergic to the components of Terfelic F
Should not be used concurrently with preparations containing iron
Patients with narrowing of the esophagus, pouch and digestive tract.
Body excess iron such as: Iron-infected tissue disease, hemosiderin infection, hemolytic anemia, anemia due to bone marrow failure, people with malignant tumors or suspected cancer.
Regional enteritis, gastric ulcer, polycythemia vera, duodenal ulcer.
The drug is not recommended for children under 12 years old and the elderly.

3. Dosage and how to use Terfelic F

Dosage for prevention:
In case of pregnant women: 1 tablet/day, continuously used from the time you know you are pregnant to 1 month after giving birth.
Blood donors: 1 tablet/day, continuous use for 2-4 months.
Dosage for treatment:
Adults: 2-3 tablets/day, not more than 6 tablets/day.
Children over 12 years old: 1-2 tablets/day.
How to take
Although Terfelic F is better absorbed if you take it on an empty stomach, it has the potential to irritate the lining of the stomach. Therefore, the drug is recommended to be taken 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals. Taking the tablet as a whole, do not break or crush it to make it easier to take, as it can reduce the effectiveness of the drug's absorption and at least with half a glass of water.
Doctors will usually prescribe a minimum dose initially and increase as response to the drug to increase effectiveness and not harm the patient. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, increase or decrease the dose, or stop taking it without consulting your doctor.

4. How to handle overdose and missed dose

No cases of overdose have been reported with Terfelic F. If you miss a dose as directed by your doctor, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for the next dose to be remembered, you can skip it and take the next dose. Do not take a double dose if you miss the dose prescribed by your doctor.

5. Precautions when using Terfelic F

Take the medicine exactly as prescribed by the doctor prescribed on the prescription, do not arbitrarily take the medicine, increase or decrease the dose if there are some side effects or the symptoms have improved without the advice of the doctor or pharmacist.
Although there are no studies on interactions with Terfelic F drugs, when you are prescribed medication as directed by your doctor, you should tell your doctor about any drugs you are taking or plan to take while taking Terfelic medicine. F for complete advice and effective use of the drug.

6. Side effects when taking Terfelic F

During the use of Terfelic F you may encounter some of the following side effects:
Black stools are common when taking Terfelic F, so the doctor or pharmacist when asking the patient to take the drug needs to explain to the patient. Patients know if experiencing this side effect. Some other less common side effects in the gastrointestinal tract such as abdominal pain, nausea, constipation. May occur in the first few days of use, the condition will subside. If these symptoms worsen, you should immediately notify your doctor for timely treatment. Besides, when using the drug should pay attention to store the medicine in a cool, dry place to avoid affecting the structure of the drug.
Above is important information about Terfelic F, paying attention to the correct and sufficient medication process will bring the best results to the patient's health.

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