What are the benefits of eucalyptus oil?

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Essential oils are an important ingredient involved in many ways in health care. Furthermore, modern science cannot deny the far-reaching benefits found in perennial plant extracts, such as eucalyptus essential oil. Indeed, a bottle of eucalyptus oil is a familiar product in every family, which can help clear sinuses, relieve muscle aches and fight stress.

1. What is eucalyptus oil?

Eucalyptus tree or eucalyptus tree is extracted essential oil from oval leaves. The leaves are dried, crushed and distilled to release a powerful essential oil. The composition of eucalyptus essential oil is cineole (also known as eucalyptol), which is known for its anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and aromatic properties. Many peoples have long had the experience of using eucalyptus essential oil as a natural remedy against wounds, infections, aches and colds.

2. What is the effect of eucalyptus oil?

Unclog the sinuses The most effective way to combat congestion in the setting of sinusitis with eucalyptus oil is to steam it, allowing the oil to react with the mucous membranes, reducing mucus secretion and limiting congestion.
To create inhaled steam, users can add one or two drops to a bowl of hot water while steaming. Spread a towel over your head to focus the steam and stand with your head at least an arm's length from the bowl. Breathe deeply several times for 5 to 10 minutes. It is important to note that the activity of eucalyptus oil is very strong, so only a drop or two is needed to achieve the desired effect.
Cough relief When sick, cold and can't stop coughing, eucalyptus oil can help relieve cough. This is thanks to the ingredient eucalyptol which acts as a natural decongestant and cough suppressant by helping the body break down mucus and phlegm and opening up the airways.
This is a gentle home cough remedy, just add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam until it feels better.
Promotes mental clarity Because eucalyptus essential oil works to clear the airways, allowing more oxygen to enter the lungs, it can boost energy and promote mental clarity. As a result, those who inhale essential oils will automatically feel a great release just by splashing five drops of the oil at home or work to regain focus.
Fights stress Fresh scents like eucalyptus oil will help awaken and invigorate the senses. This will also help calm the mind before starting the day. Just fill a spray bottle with water and add 5 to 10 drops of eucalyptus oil. Spray the bathroom wall and turn on the hot shower, letting the water evaporate before entering.

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Tinh dầu khuynh diệp có tác dụng chống lại căng thằng, mệt mỏi

Alleviates Headaches Eucalyptus oil can not only relieve sinus pressure and promote mental clarity, but it can also help relax tense facial muscles. To relieve headaches by using essential oils, roll up a clean, damp cloth and sprinkle a few drops of eucalyptus oil on your forehead, focusing on your temples and back of your neck.
Relieves muscle and joint pain Thanks to its anti-inflammatory benefits, eucalyptus oil works wonders if your muscles are sore after a workout or if you have chronic pain caused by certain medical conditions, such as tubular syndrome. tennis wrist or elbow.
This effect can be applied by applying one or two drops of eucalyptus oil and rubbing it on the painful area in a circular motion, the patient can feel the area warm and reduce pain.
Improves Bad Breath Thanks to the antibacterial properties in eucalyptus oil, this product can fight bad breath and is used as a natural mouthwash. Just put one or two drops in water, gargle and spit out. Be careful not to swallow, do not ingest eucalyptus oil.
Furthermore, the natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of eucalyptus oil can be helpful in reducing bacteria in the mouth that contribute to tooth decay, gingivitis, bad breath, and other oral health problems. . Accordingly, this is also one of the ingredients commonly found in familiar everyday products such as toothpaste, mouthwash and even chewing gum.
Improves scalp function Eucalyptus oil has many effects when used for hair. This ingredient helps to stimulate the scalp, fight dandruff and improve hair elasticity. How to use is to add a drop to shampoo before applying to hair.
If you want to use eucalyptus oil to fight dandruff, mix two to four drops of eucalyptus oil with one to two tablespoons of coconut oil, apply to the scalp, wait 20 minutes and then wash it off.
Relieves Sunburns Its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, along with its natural cooling sensation, make eucalyptus oil ideal for soothing painful sunburns. The antibacterial properties also protect the skin from infection.
To use it is necessary to fill the spray bottle with purified water and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil, a teaspoon of pure aloe vera gel, which acts as a natural emulsifier. Shake well and spray onto skin to soothe. This is also a way to make a refreshing spray that can help cool off on a hot summer day.
Soothes insect bites Eucalyptus oil contains a natural antiseptic that can be used on insect bites. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, the oil prevents the growth of new germs. Putting two to three drops on a clean cotton ball and applying it to the insect bite twice daily is a step towards better wound care.
Besides, eucalyptus oil also helps cuts and scrapes heal faster. You can make your own homemade antiseptic wash for cuts, scrapes, and burns by adding 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to two cups of water and putting it in a spray bottle, spraying on a clean damp cloth, and wiping the stain. love.
When herpes simplex virus does not go away, eucalyptus oil can really help. Research shows that many compounds in eucalyptus oil may help fight the herpes simplex virus thanks to their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. So, while it's unclear whether eucalyptus oil is more effective than conventional herpes treatments, it's still a useful natural remedy.
Repels Insects When you're looking for an insect repellent that doesn't contain harsh chemicals, eucalyptus oil is an ideal choice. The scent of the oil will help repel moths, rodents, cockroaches and mosquitoes that often enter the house after dark.
Disinfect indoor spaces Due to its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, eucalyptus oil makes a pretty effective household disinfectant, especially if someone in the household is super sensitive to substances. Strong chemical cleaners. At this point, users can mix a solution of water, white vinegar and a few drops of eucalyptus oil to wipe the floor surface, both to help clean and antibacterial.

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Tinh dầu khuynh diệp giúp bạn xua đuổi côn trùng

3. Does Eucalyptus Oil Have Any Side Effects?

If you've ever smelled this essential oil, you know it's very active — especially in its highly concentrated form.
An important note is that eucalyptus oil can become toxic when ingested. Therefore, it should be kept out of reach of children and pets.
While eucalyptus oil has many uses and can be used in a variety of ways, be sure to dilute the essential oil before applying it directly to the skin — and to avoid sensitive areas, like the face, and also avoid contact with eyes, nose, mouth, inner ear.
Finally, keep in mind that eucalyptus oil can affect how the body metabolizes certain medications (such as diabetes and cholesterol medications), so consult your doctor first. when using this product.
In short, known for its many uses, eucalyptus oil can be used universally with many health needs in the home, from decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral to pain relief, anti-stress. Therefore, eucalyptus oil can be found in a number of products, from topical ointments, mouthwashes to household cleaners. Therefore, it is important to understand the uses of this versatile essential oil and know how to use it to receive its natural and safe benefits.

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Reference source: prevention.com

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