What are the benefits of eating eel?

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Eel is classified as a food group that provides a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to health. In Oriental Medicine, eels have many roles in improving the condition of damaged organs, low leprosy areas... This article will provide more information about the function of eels in the treatment of diseases.

Eel meat is known as a high-value food that is used as an ingredient for many delicious dishes from eel, such as eel porridge, eel vermicelli, eel salad.... In 100 grams of eel meat can contain about 18.7 grams protein, 0.9 grams fat, 150 milligrams Phosphorus, 39 milligrams Calcium, 1.6 milligrams Iron, vitamin A, vitamin D vitamins B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin PP or in 100g of eel meat includes 0.05g cholesterol and 285 calories. In addition, eel meat also contains many other vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. When comparing eel with meats such as mussels, shrimps, and crabs, eel meat is classified as a nutritious food for sick people, the elderly and children.

1. The health benefits of eel meat

In Eastern medicine, eel meat has the properties of orange, tonic for the spleen and stomach. The function of eel meat on the body helps to replenish damage, reduce leprosy, strengthen tendons and bones. Use eel meat for cases of tuberculosis, qi and blood, low blood pressure, postpartum haemorrhage, hemorrhagic dysentery syndrome, hemorrhoids, or physical weakness. What are the benefits of eating eel? Using eel with a dose of about 200 to 500 grams with many different processing methods helps bring many health benefits such as: clearing heat, laxative, sedative, strengthening tendons and bones as well as regulating blood and gas. According to some foreign documents, eel meat is used in the same way as steamed eel with rice as a popular medicinal dish used to treat jaundice - royal disease. Or use eel cooked with lotus root to help treat symptoms such as menorrhagia and haemorrhage. Grilled eel roll with bay leaves also has the effect of curing low back pain. And stewed eel meat with black beans has a nerve tonic effect. When simmering eel meat with chicken gizzards for children to use, it can help treat leprosy in children.

Các món ngon từ lươn được coi là những món ăn bổ dưỡng cho người bệnh, người già và trẻ em
Các món ngon từ lươn được coi là những món ăn bổ dưỡng cho người bệnh, người già và trẻ em

2. Eel-based dishes bring many health benefits

Eel meat cure anemia, emaciation, fatigue: Use 10 grams of finely chopped eel meat, filtered and filtered ginger juice for about 10 to 20 ml, take just enough rice to cook eel porridge. And eating eel porridge during the day has the effect of curing anemia, emaciation and fatigue. Eel meat can cure chronic hepatitis: Use 2 to 3 eels that are butchered and washed, gutted, taken 60 grams of mistletoe - tang parasites, 30 grams of reed roots, with enough water . Bring this mixture to a boil and eat it with the water. This dish has a good effect on chronic hepatitis. Eel meat can cure neurasthenia: Use 250 grams of cleaned and chopped eel meat, 30 grams of Hoai Son, 30 grams of cypress with sufficient water content. Bring the mixture to steam in a water bath and eat during the day. Using this dish within 5 to 7 days has the effect of curing neurasthenia. Eel meat can cure sweating hands or feet: Use 1 cleaned sorghum, then boil and remove the meat. Combine with 20 grams of yin yu, 30 grams of glutinous rice. Then, mix this mixture to cook eel porridge, add spices to taste. This porridge is used for about 5 to 7 days as a treatment for sweating in the feet or hands. Eel meat can cure sperm and sperm : Using 10 grams of cooked gun, then peeled and dried, 50 grams of Hoai Son rotten gas, also cooked and dried. Grind these two types into a powder and mix well, then cook eel porridge. Eel porridge is used on an empty stomach and used continuously for a period of time to help cure spermatozoa and nightmares. Eel meat can cure leukoplakia: Use a large eel to take the middle part about 30 cm, then burn the eel to ash, use finely ground pepper and sieve. Mix these two mixtures well and use 8 grams of this mixture with alcohol, drinking 3 times a day will help treat leukoplakia, and vaginal discharge.

Các món ngon từ lươn mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho sức khỏe
Các món ngon từ lươn mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho sức khỏe

3. Remedies using eel meat to treat some diseases

Remedies to help cure rheumatism, joint pain, hemorrhoids: Use 300 to 400 grams of grilled eel soaked in river bones and guise leaves. Eel is cleaned viscous, then gutted, add ginger, garlic, salt and pepper. Use river bones and guise leaves to wrap and bake until cooked. Use this remedy with meals. The eel stew recipe helps to cure tuberculosis and a lot of cough: Use 250 grams of eel, 15 grams of cross-body samples, 30 grams of cypresses, 15 grams of Bach Bo, 4 grams of five vines. The eel is cleaned, then put the medicinal herbs in a cloth bag and cook with the eel meat until it is cooked, then remove the residue, add salt and pepper and spices. Divide this remedy to eat 1 to 2 times a day and use this remedy while it is still hot and do it continuously for about 10 days. Ginseng stewed eel remedy helps to recover for those who are debilitated, after a long-term serious illness or blood loss, bad breath such as anemia, paleness, fatigue, thin weight loss: Use 300 to 500 grams of eel, 15 grams Ginseng 15g dong quai. The eel is cleaned to remove the slime, and the medicinal herbs are put in a duffel bag, add enough water and boil this mixture for about 1 hour, then add onions, ginger, salt, cooking oil and use herbs. this medicine together with rice. Remedy for eel wine, man Ngu, helps to improve emaciation, weight loss, cold hands and feet, hemorrhagic bowel movements: use 500ml of light wine - prince, 500g of eel. The eel is taken to be cleaned, removed the intestines, and then put the eel in the pot, with wine, salt, and an appropriate amount of water. Then, simmer until cooked, and eat this remedy with a little vinegar sauce. The remedy for cooking eel millet is effective in helping children with positive symptoms: Use 50 grams of eel meat, 10 grams of internal millet, fish sauce, and salt in the right amount. Cook this mixture well and eat it about 1 to 2 times a day and do this remedy for about 5 to 7 days. Eels often live huddled under muddy ponds, swampy ... these environments are not clean. In addition, eels are omnivores, so the digestive system as well as the meat of the eel can be infected with bacteria and parasites. Some people have used eel meat with undercooked eel cooking, so it was infected with parasites with Gnathostoma spinigerum larvae from 0.8 to 29.6%. In the dry season, the infection rate was lower than in the rainy season.
This type of larvae is very tough and can withstand high temperatures. Therefore, if the food is processed only by frying the fruit on the fire, it is possible to help the larvae living on the food to stay alive and enter the human intestine by eating. Furthermore, you should not buy or use dead eels.

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