What to eat after thyroid surgery is a common concern for most patients. Choosing the right foods can support the recovery process and also enhance overall health and minimize long-term effects.
1. Foods that can be consumed after thyroid surgery
The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland with 2 connected lobes which is located in the front of the neck. When thyroid nodules form, they can pose a health risk, and doctors may remove them surgically.
After thyroid surgery, patients need proper care to recover quickly. In particular, the wound in the neck area can make patients feel more uncomfortable and tired due to the constant movement of this area.
So, what to eat after thyroid surgery? Doctors often recommend consuming liquid foods such as soups, juices,... especially avoiding hot foods to prevent damage to the wound.
After thyroid surgery, patients are more susceptible to throat diseases, especially pharyngitis. Therefore, to facilitate eating and reduce throat irritation, you can consider some of the following foods:
- Mashed potatoes
- Vegetable soup
- Vegetable smoothies
- Cheese
- Oatmeal
- Hard-boiled eggs
- Soft porridge

2. Foods to speed up recovery after thyroid surgery
What to eat after thyroid surgery is always a concern for patients and caregivers. To help the wound heal and stabilize while maintaining good health, after surgery, you should choose foods based on the following criteria:
Avoid foods that are difficult to digest
In general, post-surgery patients should not use hot foods that are difficult to digest, as they will affect the incision. Therefore, after thyroid surgery, you can eat a little of sweet potato, papaya, or natural yogurt. These are liquid or soft foods that are good for digestion and do not make the thyroid work hard during eating.
For patients who have difficulty in eating, you can grind the food into small pieces or even divide each meal into small portions to ensure energy supply for the body. You should avoid oily or processed foods as they cause indigestion and do not provide the necessary nutrients for post-surgery patients.
Supplement the body with vitamin C to enhance the immune system
Vitamin C is used to enhance immunity, so newly operated patients need to be supplemented to reduce inflammation and swelling caused by the incision. In addition, vitamin C also helps accelerate the healing process of the wound and prevents scarring.
For patients after thyroid surgery, you should eat foods rich in vitamin C such as strawberries, cauliflower, blueberries, tomatoes, bell peppers, orange juice, ...
Foods that prevent oxidation
The oxidation process of free radicals is not a positive phenomenon for the body even before surgery. Especially for people who have just undergone thyroid surgery, supplementing with vitamins to prevent oxidation will help the wound heal faster and prevent scarring.
You can use foods like green vegetables, poultry, seafood, almonds, and some nuts to supplement your body with antioxidants.
Foods rich in vitamins and minerals
Vitamins and minerals are a green food group that cannot be ignored for any body. So, what to eat after thyroid surgery to provide this kind of nutrition?
According to many studies, trace elements and minerals contribute to improving thyroid function. In particular, supplementing with zinc, iron,... will be very beneficial for thyroid health after surgery. You can prepare dishes from vegetables, liver, mushrooms,... to provide minerals and trace elements for the thyroid gland.
Foods containing polyunsaturated fats and protein
Protein and omega-3 are essential nutrients in a healthy body. Therefore, supplementing this group of substances for post-surgery patients will bring positive effects on the recovery process. At the same time, meat is a rich source of protein that provides calories for the body.
Grains are foods made from various grains that provide many nutrients beneficial to health. Especially for patients after thyroid surgery, grains are a source of zinc, magnesium, vitamins E & B that help restore and enhance thyroid function.
Dark-colored fruits and vegetables
We often choose dark-colored vegetables to cook because we believe that color affects the nutrients that food provides to the body. Indeed, the darker the color of fruits and vegetables, the more vitamins and minerals they contain.
For patients who have undergone surgery, to supplement nutrients, you can use some fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, bananas, grapes,... In addition, you can eat vegetables rich in vitamin K and vitamin A such as spinach, watercress,... which will be good for treating and healing post-operative wounds.

3. Some notes on the diet for patients with thyroid disease after surgery
If you are unsure about what to eat after thyroid surgery, you may inadvertently consume unhealthy foods. Here are some foods you should avoid to avoid affecting your health.
Iodine is encouraged for the prevention of goiter but is not good for patients who have just undergone thyroid surgery. If accidentally consumed, patients may risk an increase in thyroid size, endangering their health.
Milk and dairy products
Milk is an essential nutrient for every body but is not recommended for post-surgery patients. This is because the fat and sugar content in milk affects the recovery and function of the thyroid gland.
Animal organs
Animal organs are a source of folic acid and trace elements needed by the body, but they have the opposite effect when used for patients with thyroid surgery. In particular, folic acid interrupts and slows down the recovery of the thyroid gland. It may even disables the medication‘s effects.
Processed foods
Processed fast foods are high in saturated fat and are always a threat to health. If you use these foods a lot, it may be convenient at first because it does not take much time, but in the long run, they are the cause of obesity, cardiovascular disease, fatty liver, and more seriously, the development of cancer cells.
Therefore, patients who have just had thyroid surgery should avoid eating these foods to avoid adverse effects on the wound and subsequent recovery.
So, with the above sharing, you probably have the answer to the question of what to eat after thyroid surgery. You can also consult with leading specialists if you have any questions about treatment and recovery after thyroid surgery.
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