A cutting-edge treatment plan at Vinmec Times City in Hanoi has nearly totally managed the "silent killer" hepatitis C. With a cure rate of up to 90% or even 99%, this new treatment plan from the European and American Hepatobiliary Associations cuts treatment duration from a year to three months.
Cure hepatitis C up to 90-95%
Ms. Nguyen Thi A (62 years old, living in Hanoi) has had type 6 hepatitis for seven years. Due to consequences from cirrhosis' long-term increase of liver enzymes and esophageal varices, Ms. A has gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Although therapy is necessary, the success of hepatitis C medications for type 6 is only 60–70%, leaving Ms. A without a permanent cure. These adverse effects include depression, insomnia, digestive problems, and more.
She saw Dr. Tran Thi Phuong Thuy, Hepatobiliary Unit, Vinmec Times City General Hospital (458 Minh Khai, Hanoi), three months ago, and was given advice on a new regimen with three medications that can treat up to 90-95% of the disease: sofosbuvir, peginterferon, and rivabirin. Only three months instead of six were required to finish the medication. In addition, doctors have a strategy to assist nutrition and psychology, reducing the negative effects of the medication.
The process of taking the drug passed more smoothly than initially imagined and surprisingly, after 3 months, Doctor A did not detect hepatitis C virus in his blood, liver enzymes returned to normal. Ms. A was concluded to have recovered from the disease.
Dr. Thuy said that Ms. A is just one of the typical cases of liver C patients, taking forever to recover from the disease because of the long old-fashioned treatment time, the drug has many side effects, so the patient often gives up.
"When using new regimens in Europe and the US, patients relapse rarely, the length of therapy is still just a third, and the drug nearly never causes side effects. Dr. stated that a blood test three months later is sufficient to evaluate the cure.
Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Son, a gastroenterologist - hepatobiliary specialist, Vinmec General Hospital, also has many years of experience in consulting and treating hepatitis C. Dr. said: "Treatment of hepatitis C is especially difficult in patients with certain diseases. drug-resistant patients, had cirrhosis or relapsed in liver transplant patients.
No need to go abroad for treatment
Since 2011, the first new generations of oral-only medications have been available worldwide. Even in cases of relapse or hard-to-treat cirrhosis, the success rate is currently up to 99% when employing the most recent generation of medications.
Dr. Son has updated information and assisted patients in obtaining new medications with beneficial therapeutic effects in compliance with the requirements of the Law on Pharmacy and Medicine and Commercial Law in Vietnam permits. with the assistance of hepatobiliary experts in Europe, the US, and Singapore.
The Ministry of Health approved the import of Sofosbuvir, one of the new medications, in October 2015. Tolerance to the medicine, the likelihood of responding to regimens, and the severity of side effects vary depending on the individual. In order to achieve optimal success, patients must be observed, counseled, and modified by skilled medical professionals at each stage.
Moreover, through Vinmec's cooperation with the world's leading experts on hepatitis C, patients have access to new drugs and regimens that cure 99% of the disease without having to go abroad – Dr. Son said.
It is clear that in the past, treatment for mild cases of hepatitis C was not advised due to its poor efficacy, numerous adverse effects, and expensive expenses for those without health insurance. Only when the stage of liver fibrosis changes and liver enzyme levels persistently rise is a patient treated. The World Health Organization and the European Hepatobiliary Association, both in the US, assert that hepatitis C therapy should be made available to more people sooner because it frequently advances covertly and quickly results in chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, and subsequently liver cancer.
Therefore, Vinmec's implementation of the updated European and American Hepatobiliary Association protocol directly in Vietnam, reducing the length of the therapy from a year to three months with a cure efficiency of up to over 90%, even 99%, is wonderful news for persons with hepatitis C in the nation. The Vinmec medical system also has the remarkable benefit of updating new technology and cutting-edge approaches to increase professional effectiveness, giving Vietnamese patients hope.
If you would want guidance or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tran Thi Phuong Thuy and Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Son, call the call center at 04 3974 3556.
Dr. Tran Thi Phuong Thuy has more than 15 years of experience in treating hepatitis, infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS; Dr. has served as a researcher in international clinical trials of viral hepatitis and influenza.
Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Son is an expert with over 15 years of experience in the field of Gastroenterology - hepatobiliary and gastrointestinal endoscopy: Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the digestive, hepatobiliary, hepatitis, nutrition and cancer sectors. Digest; Gastrointestinal endoscopy, colonoscopy, diagnostic and interventional cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic ultrasound, liver biopsy...
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