Using Vinmec, a 40-day-old congenital heart case was successfully revived

Two-month-old Nguyen Dang Khoi Nguyen was found to have serious congenital cardiac disease caused by a shared artery, necessitating immediate surgery. Before, during, and after the baby's surgery, the Cardiology Center at Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital sought active treatment for the entire process, talked with specialists, and immediately confirmed the diagnosis of congenital heart injury.

This is a challenging situation because the infant also has various illnesses such newborn jaundice, decreased platelets in the red blood cells, pneumonia, and infections that need antibiotics during pregnancy, in addition to the common artery disease that increases the pulmonary wall pressure from previous treatment. The baby underwent surgery on January 8 and received ESP pain relief. The infant was successfully weaned from the ventilator after just one day. Baby Khoi Nguyen was discharged after one week, having totally recovered. A few days later, he was able to drink milk, sleep soundly, and giggle. For Mr. and Mrs. Khang and Ms. Dang, the procedure was like having a healthy baby again.

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