Uses of Atzozem

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Contains the main ingredient is zinc (in the form of zinc sulfate) with a content of 10mg - a very important and necessary trace element for health. The drug is used to support, treat cases of rickets, supplement for pregnant or lactating women. In addition, the drug is also used in digestive disorders, infections.

1. What is Atzozem?

Atzozem is a brand name of the active ingredient zinc that is used only when prescribed by a doctor. The drug is a product of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical One Member Co., Ltd and is prepared in the form of syrup (box of 1 bottle of 100ml or 120ml).
Each 5ml of Atzozem contains 10mg of zinc (in the form of zinc sulfate) and some other excipients just enough.

2. Atzozem medicinal uses

The drug is used for the main purpose of supplementing, preventing zinc deficiency or supporting treatment in the following cases:
Rickets. Malnutrition . Growth retardation in children. Pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. Diet or lack of balance. Long-term parenteral nutrition. Acute and chronic diarrhea. Digestive disorders: Anorexia, slow digestion, constipation, nausea, vomiting during pregnancy. Recurrent infection. Dry skin, slow wound healing (from burns or pressure ulcers). Dry eyes, corneal ulcers, night blindness. When the body lacks zinc, it will cause some typical symptoms of typical skin and mucosal lesions (due to defects in the division of tissues and the immune system) such as:
Inflammation of the intestines. Scalp inflammation. Nail dystrophy (wrinkled nails, white streaks, slow growth). Dry eyes. Inflammation around the natural opening (vulva, anus). Diarrhea. Weight loss. Slow wound healing. Decreased sense of smell and taste. Zinc is used by the body for cell production and for immune function. Although the understanding of the role of zinc in the body is still incomplete, zinc is an essential and important trace element for the proper functioning of the body. Zinc is an indispensable component of many enzyme systems (about 300 types) such as dehydrogenase, carbonic anhydrase, ... needed for the synthesis of nucleic acids, glucid and proteins. Zinc is present in all tissues and keeps tissue integrity.

3. Instructions for using Atzozem

For best absorption, take zinc syrup about 1 hour before eating or 2 hours after eating. However, if symptoms of digestive disorders occur, they can be taken with meals to overcome.
Recommended dosage based on users:
Children under 10kg: Take 5ml, 2 times a day. Children 10-20kg: Take 10ml dose, 1 to 3 times daily. Children over 30kg and adults: Take 20ml dose, 1 to 3 times daily. For pregnant women and lactating women: There are currently no reports of the effect of the drug on these subjects, so zinc syrup can be used. However, it is necessary to consult with a specialist to determine the appropriate dose. Before prescribing Atzozem, tell your doctor if you have one of the following contraindications:
Have a hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the drug. Liver failure. CKD. Adrenal insufficiency. History of kidney stone disease. The drug can be used by people who do jobs that involve driving or operating machinery.
Usually the duration of treatment is about 1 to 2 months. After that, you should take a break for about 1 month before you want to use it again. Consult your doctor to determine the length of time you need treatment.
Those who are addicted to alcohol and beer also need to supplement with zinc. This is because these people have low zinc levels, because they cannot absorb nutrients because of intestinal damage from excessive alcohol consumption or because more zinc is excreted in the urine. .
One thing to keep in mind is to avoid using the drug during a stomach ulcer and vomiting. Moreover, it should not be used with copper, iron or calcium preparations to prevent absorption reduction. If needed, it should be about 2 to 3 hours apart.
Besides, during the treatment it is also necessary to add some zinc-rich foods to increase the effectiveness such as:
Oysters. Clam. Red market. Poultry. Egg. Seeds. Wheat germ. When overdose of Atzozem or when taking zinc with high concentrations for a long time, it will cause a decrease in copper absorption, thereby causing anemia and leukopenia. In cases of acute poisoning, the patient should be taken to the nearest medical facility for proper treatment (usually milk, alkaline carbonate or activated charcoal is required).
In case of missed dose, try to take it as soon as you remember. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take the next dose at the designated time. Absolutely do not take the combined dose.
Do not tear the medicine packaging, store at a temperature below 30oC and in a dry place, protected from light. If the medicine shows any signs of deterioration, changes color, or becomes watery, discard the tablet and replace it with a new one.

4. Drug interactions and side effects of Atzozem

4.1 Drug Interactions Zinc can cause interactions with the following drugs when used together:
Preparations containing iron. Phosphorus. Penicillin. Tetracyclines. Copper. 4.2 Side Effects Possible side effects of Atzozem include:
Abdominal pain. Undigested. Nausea and vomiting. Diarrhea. Stomach stimulation. Gastritis. When experiencing any serious condition, the patient should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.
Once you have a clear understanding of the uses, doses, and ingredients of Atzozem, patients should refer to it so that they can use the drug for the right purpose to help improve their health.

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