The reason why pregnant women often burp during pregnancy

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Ợ sour pregnancy condition is very common in many pregnant women. The cause is usually due to hormonal changes, but sometimes this is a warning sign of many dangerous diseases.

1. Pregnant women often burp during pregnancy

Pregnancy heartburn is also known as gastroesophageal reflux. This is a condition in which there is a burning sensation from below the breastbone to the lower throat due to acid reflux from the stomach. Stomach acid can also back up into the throat or oral cavity, leaving a sour and bitter taste. This symptom can occur at any time, but most often occurs in the second half of pregnancy. About one-third of pregnant women experience heartburn in the first trimester and up to two-thirds of pregnant women have heartburn in the third trimester.
Pregnant women often have heartburn is a common and not dangerous symptom, but it can cause discomfort and easy sore throat. Although it is not related to heart disease, heartburn during pregnancy can cause a burning sensation in the center of the chest. If you are pregnant or have heartburn, if you are accompanied by some of the following symptoms, you need to see a doctor immediately:
Burning pain caused by heartburn often spreads from behind the breastbone to the throat. However, if you feel pain above your stomach and below your ribs, it could be a sign of preeclampsia. If you have pain in the upper right side of your stomach while you are sick, it could be a sign of liver disease during pregnancy. In addition, some other causes can cause heartburn during pregnancy such as pregnant women with some gastrointestinal problems that are not related to pregnancy, for example, pregnant women with stomach ulcers.
Watch now: Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux in pregnant women

2. Why do pregnant women often burp during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, dramatic changes in hormones in the body can lead to temporary symptoms such as heartburn and acid reflux. Increased levels of the hormone progesterone in the body help relax uterine smooth muscle to support the development of the fetus can do:
Relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter: acts as a wall between the stomach and esophagus, causing for stomach acid to back up, causing the pregnant woman to have a burning sensation in the throat. Decreased gastric motility: slows down the digestive process. During the last stage of pregnancy, the growing fetus pushes the small intestine and stomach upward. This further slows down digestion and pushes more gastric juice up the esophagus.

Nồng độ hormone progesterone tăng có thể khiến bà bầu ợ chua khi mang thai
Nồng độ hormone progesterone tăng có thể khiến bà bầu ợ chua khi mang thai

3. How to reduce heartburn during pregnancy

Pregnancy with heartburn will make pregnant women feel uncomfortable, if it happens regularly, it can affect the health of pregnant women. Therefore, some measures to help reduce heartburn during pregnancy include:
Avoiding foods and drinks that often cause digestive problems such as carbonated drinks, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate -la, acidic foods such as lemon juice, oranges and sour fruits, vinegar, mustard, chili sauce, processed meats, spicy, spicy or fried foods. Don't eat large meals: Instead of eating at the same time, eat small meals throughout the day, taking time to eat slowly and chew thoroughly. Avoid drinking a lot of water with meals: Drinking plenty of water is important during pregnancy, but drink it after eating if you don't want to strain your stomach. Chew gum after eating: When chewing gum, it will help stimulate salivary glands to secrete saliva to neutralize acid, avoiding the feeling of heartburn during pregnancy. Don't eat close to bedtime: The human body needs 2 to 3 hours to digest before you fall asleep. Sleep with pillows around: Using pillows to elevate the upper body will keep acid in the stomach.
Don't smoke and use stimulants: stimulants are the main cause of many health problems, especially in cigarettes and stimulants also increase stomach acid. So to have good pregnancy health, you should quit smoking and stimulants like alcohol before you get pregnant. If you're still smoking and are having a hard time quitting, contact your doctor to put in place a smoking cessation program. Gain weight appropriately during pregnancy and maintain a healthy weight as recommended by your doctor Wear soft and comfortable clothes: Pregnant women should wear comfortable clothes and avoid clothes that tighten around abdomen and waist area.

Hút thuốc có thể gây ợ chua khi mang thai cho mẹ bầu
Hút thuốc có thể gây ợ chua khi mang thai cho mẹ bầu

In short, pregnant women or heartburn is a common condition during pregnancy. However, this is completely normal due to body and hormone changes during pregnancy. However, if a pregnant woman often suffers from heartburn accompanied by some other symptoms such as chest pain, stomach pain, etc., she should immediately go to a medical facility for timely examination and treatment.
The period of October 9 of pregnancy brings both difficulties and happiness to the mother. Therefore, mothers need to be taken care of both physically and mentally. In particular, gastroesophageal reflux disease occurring during pregnancy can seriously affect the health of the mother as well as the development of the fetus. Therefore, if heartburn persists or has health problems during pregnancy, pregnant women need to visit medical centers for examination and treatment.
Currently, at the International General Hospital, there is a package maternity service, when choosing a package maternity service, pregnant women will be monitored and examined periodically with leading specialists. . Doctors will monitor and detect fetal abnormalities early, this is the great strength of Vinmec, which has carried out screening to detect fetal malformations very early and performed cytology intervention. Pregnancy offers many couples the opportunity to have a healthy baby. In addition, doctors will also examine and advise on the prevention and treatment of some common diseases during pregnancy to avoid affecting the mother's health before and after birth.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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