Home Tag Preeclampsia

Articles in Preeclampsia

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Uses of Ajovy
Ajovy is a prescription medication used by adults with migraine headaches. So what does Ajovy do and how does it work?
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Uses of Nicardipine 10mg/10ml
Nicardipine 10mg/10ml is formulated as an intravenous syringe for the treatment of arterial aneurysms, malignant arterial hypertension or pre-eclampsia syndrome. So to find out what is Nicardipine 10mg/10ml? The following article will help you better understand the uses of Nicardipine 10mg/10ml.
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Uses of Vinphatoxin
Vinphatoxin has the main activity Oxytocin, is a drug used in obstetrics, has the effect of causing uterine contractions in both frequency and intensity. The drug is produced in the form of a syringe, with a concentration of 1ml/5UI.
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Uses of Brainrish
Brainrish drug belongs to the group of minerals and vitamins and is available in the form of soft capsules. The main ingredients of Brainrish drug are EPA, DHA and are used to enhance brain function, enhance memory, especially in people under stress, working under too high pressure. However, before using the patient should carefully study the information of the drug.
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36 weeks pregnant women at high risk of preeclampsia what to do?
I am at high risk for preeclampsia. I went to the hospital to see the doctor and he gave me aspirin 81mg to take 1 tablet per day. Currently, I'm 36 weeks pregnant, but now it's been more than 2 months and I haven't been able to go to the doctor. So the doctor asked me to ask a 36-week pregnant woman at high risk of pre-eclampsia what to do?
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Acute coronary syndrome: Symptoms and causes
Acute coronary syndrome is a concept that refers to any clinical symptom associated with an acute coronary event, resulting in severe myocardial involvement.
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How to treat gestational hypertension?
Dear doctor. Currently, I go to check my blood pressure is 140/87. Over the past few days, I have been monitoring my blood pressure and the index is still fluctuating close to the above index. So I hope the doctor can advise me on the above situation to be safe for the health of both mother and child.
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Can arrhythmia affect the fetus?
During pregnancy, erratic changes in the body of the mother or fetus make the mother feel anxious and insecure. This mentality has a negative impact on the health and comprehensive development of mother and baby. So does cardiac arrhythmia affect the fetus, let's find out through the article below.
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Prevention and treatment of preeclampsia in pregnant women
Tiền sản giật đã tước đi mạng sống của rất nhiều phụ nữ mang thai hoặc khiến cho họ phải chịu những hậu quả nặng nề. Vậy điều trị tiền sản giật được thực hiện ra sao và làm thế nào để phòng ngừa? Cùng lắng nghe chia sẻ cùng với Thạc sĩ. Bác sĩ Nguyễn Như Thu Trúc, khoa Sản phụ khoa, bệnh viện ĐKQT Vinmec Nha Trang.
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Effects of gestational hypertension on mother and baby
Tăng huyết áp thai kỳ là biến chứng nội khoa thường gặp ở phụ nữ mang thai và là một trong những nguyên nhân quan trọng gây tử vong cho người mẹ. Vậy tăng huyết áp thai kỳ là gì? Bài viết dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về bệnh lý này.
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Preeclampsia - dangerous obstetric complications and ways to prevent
Tiền sản giật là một trong những yếu tố hàng đầu gây ra tai biến sản khoa nguy hại cho cả mẹ lẫn con. Vậy tiền sản giật là gì? Làm thế nào để phòng ngừa biến chứng của tiền sản giật? Cùng tìm hiểu bài viết dưới đây!
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics