Should I take vitamin E before going to bed?

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Vitamins are key to supporting the immune system, cell function and skin health. It is an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals generated by food metabolism and environmental toxins. In recent years vitamin E supplements have become more popular. However, the benefits and risks of vitamin E supplementation are still unclear.

1. The role of vitamin E

Vitamin E is an important nutrient for vision, reproduction and blood, brain and skin health. It is a potent antioxidant that can be effective in reducing UV damage in the skin. Therefore, there are quite a few people, especially women, interested in how to take vitamin E to have beautiful skin.
Antioxidants are substances that can protect cells against the effects of free radicals - molecules produced when the body breaks down food or is exposed to tobacco smoke and radiation. Free radicals may play a role in heart disease, cancer, and other diseases. If taking vitamin E for its antioxidant properties keep in mind that supplements may not provide the same benefits as natural antioxidants found in foods.
Foods rich in vitamin E include canola oil, olive oil, margarine, almonds and peanuts. In addition, the body can get vitamin E from meat, dairy, green vegetables and fortified cereals. Or vitamin E is also available as an oral supplement in capsule or drop form.

Vitamin E có vai trò quan trọng với sức khỏe của da
Vitamin E có vai trò quan trọng với sức khỏe của da

2. The reason many people use vitamin E

Many people take vitamin E supplements in the hope that the antioxidant properties of this vitamin will prevent or treat disease or wish to have beautiful healthy skin. But studies on vitamin E to prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cataracts, and many other conditions have been disappointing.
To date, the only established benefits of vitamin E supplementation have been in individuals with a true deficiency. Because, vitamin E deficiency is very rare. In cases where deficiency is likely only in people with the disease, such as those with digestive problems, cystic fibrosis. In addition, people on very low-fat diets may also have low levels of vitamin E.

Bổ sung vitamin E có lợi đối với người bị bệnh tim mạch
Bổ sung vitamin E có lợi đối với người bị bệnh tim mạch

3. Vitamin E dosage should be used

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) includes vitamin E obtained from food and any supplements taken. With vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) recommendations are given in milligrams (mg) and international units (IU).
Children: From 1 to 3 years old: 6mg/day (9 IU) From 4 to 8 years old: 7mg/day (10.4 IU) From 9 to 13 years old: 11mg/day (16.4 IU) Women: 14 years and older Up: 15mg/day (22.4 IU) Pregnant women: 15mg/day (22.4 IU) Lactating mothers: 19mg/day (28.5 IU) Men: 14 years and older: 15mg/day (22.4 IU) See more How should vitamin E be taken?
The tolerable upper level of some supplements is the highest amount that most people can safely take. Higher doses can be used to treat vitamin E deficiency. But, it must be prescribed and prescribed by a doctor. The tolerable level (UL) of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) is given in milligrams (mg) and international units (IU).
For children:
From 1 to 3 years old: 200mg/day (300 IU) From 4 to 8 years old: 300mg/day (450 IU) From 9 to 13 years old: 600mg/day (900 IU) From 14 to 18 years old : 800mg/day (1,200 IU) 19 years and older: 1,000mg/day (1,500 IU) Because vitamin E is fat-soluble, adding vitamin E with fat will help for the best absorption.

Tư vấn sử dụng vitamin E trước khi dùng
Tư vấn sử dụng vitamin E trước khi dùng

4. Natural source of vitamin E from food

Most people get enough vitamin E from food. Food sources of vitamin E include: vegetable oils (wheat germ, sunflower, safflower oil are among the best sources of vitamin E), soybean oil, nuts (peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds). and sunflower seeds), green vegetables (spinach, broccoli)...

5. When is the best time to take vitamin E?

There is a debate about whether it is best to take vitamins in the morning or at night. The theory is that because you're already getting your nutrition throughout the day from food, taking a supplement at night helps your body get some nutrients while you sleep.
Professor of nutritional sciences at Tufts University in Boston Jeffrey Blumberg says otherwise. He suggested taking a vitamin supplement in the evening. Because waking digestion slows down during sleep, nighttime nutrient/vitamin supplementation will not be associated with absorption efficiency.
Vitamin E is fat soluble, so it must be taken with fatty foods for absorption. Time to take can be after lunch or dinner or take vitamin E before going to bed.

Bổ sung vitamin vào buổi tối
Bổ sung vitamin vào buổi tối

6. The risks of vitamin E supplements

The risks and benefits of vitamin E supplementation are still unclear. Research has linked vitamin E use to an increase in hemorrhagic stroke. In addition, a clinical trial analysis analyzed synthetic vitamin E or natural vitamin E with doses of 400 IU/day or higher associated with an increased risk of mortality. Cardiovascular studies also show that cardiovascular disease patients who take natural vitamin E at 400 IU/day have an increased risk of heart failure and heart failure-related hospitalizations.
Vitamin E supplements may be harmful when taken during early pregnancy. One study found that women who took vitamin E supplements during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy had a 1.7 to 9-fold increased rate of congenital heart defects. However, the exact amount of vitamin E supplements used by the pregnant women in this study is unknown.
One large population study found that men taking a multivitamin more than 7 times a week, in combination with a separate vitamin E supplement, actually had a significant risk of prostate cancer. .
The American Heart Association recommends getting antioxidants including vitamin E, by balancing a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains instead of getting vitamin E from supplements. fig.

Nguy cơ mắc ung thư tiền liệt tuyến ở nam giới khi dùng vitamin E quá nhiều
Nguy cơ mắc ung thư tiền liệt tuyến ở nam giới khi dùng vitamin E quá nhiều

7. Side effects of vitamin E supplements

Topical vitamin E may cause skin irritation An overdose of vitamin E supplements may cause nausea, headaches, bleeding, fatigue and other symptoms In people taking blood thinners or other medications not Vitamin supplements should be taken without a doctor's prescription. Reference source:;
Notes on vitamin E supplements during pregnancy Best time to take vitamins Why does the body need Vitamin E supplements?
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