Sapodilla to eat hot or cool

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Sapodilla is a popular tropical fruit loved for its sweet taste and many medicinal uses. So "eat sapodilla hot or cool", if you do not know the answer, you can find out through this article.

1. Sapodilla to eat hot or cool?

Herbalist Vu Quoc Trung (Vietnam Oriental Medicine Association) said, according to Oriental medicine, sapodilla is a fruit with cool properties, effects on the heart, laxative and useful refreshment.
Besides the fruit, the bark or seeds of sapodilla are used in a number of remedies. For example, the bark has a cooling effect, it also contains a water-soluble compound used for people with tuberculosis. Sapodilla seeds have a diuretic effect. The leaves are used to heal mouth ulcers.
So, to the question "eat sapodilla hot or cool", the answer is cool.

2. Nutrients contained in 100 grams of sapodilla

Energy 83 kcal Protein 0.44 g Total fat 1.10 g Carbohydrate 19.9 g Fiber 10.9 g Folate 14 mcg Niacin 0.2 mg Pantothenic acid 0.252 mg Pyridoxine 0.037 mg Riboflavin 0.020 mg Thiamine 0.058 mg Vitamin A 60 IU Vitamin C 14.7 mg Sodium 12 mg Potassium 193 mg Calcium 21 mg Copper 0.086 mg Iron 0.80 mg Magnesium 12 mg Phosphorus12 mg Selenium 0.6 mcg Zinc 0.10 mg

Ăn hồng xiêm tốt cho cơ thể vì nó chứa nhiều vitamin và khoáng chất
Ăn hồng xiêm tốt cho cơ thể vì nó chứa nhiều vitamin và khoáng chất

3. Eating sapodilla is good?

"Is it good to eat sapodilla" or "how does it affect health" are also asked by many people. To know "is sapodilla good to eat" you can learn the uses that it brings to human health as follows:
Stress relief Research shows that vitamin C helps reduce stress. This vitamin accounts for 39.33% in sapodilla.
Provides plenty of energy Sapodilla is a calorie-rich fruit, made up of simple, easily digestible sugars such as fructose and sucrose. Eating sapodilla instantly replenishes energy levels and is a great snack choice during intense exercise activities. Furthermore, sapodilla is the best fruit choice for children and pregnant women to meet the growing need for energy.
Enhances Digestion The presence of tannins, a natural plant compound of sapodilla helps to neutralize acids in the intestinal tract. The body synthesizes about 10g of fiber when eating 100g of sapodilla. A large amount of fiber adds to the stool, acts as a natural laxative, regulates bowel movements, treats constipation, and aids in the protection of the colon lining from cancer-causing toxins. Additionally, sapodilla's potent anti-infective properties can soothe an irritated digestive tract.
Strengthens the immune system Sapodilla contains large amounts of vitamins A, C, polyphenols and antioxidant compounds, which play a role in building a healthy immune system, fighting harmful toxins and reducing harmful toxins. risks of diseases. Adding sapodilla as part of a healthy diet helps protect against harmful bacteria, and aids in the treatment of seasonal colds and coughs.
Healthy bones and joints If you are over 30 years old and are facing joint problems, add sapodilla to your diet. A large amount of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, magnesium and iron present in sapodilla help strengthen bones, prevent osteoporosis and joint pain. The rich amount of copper in sapodilla is important for keeping connective tissue and muscles healthy.
Wound healing Sapodilla also contains vitamin B5, which helps speed up the healing of cuts and wounds. It also slows down the aging process like reducing freckles and wrinkles. Research shows that Vitamin B5 accelerates the healing process by improving the multiplication of cells.
Prevent cancer The abundant amount of antioxidants in sapodilla helps to fight oxidation, prevent the formation of tumor cells and reduce the risk of cancer. Nature rich in vitamins A and B help keep the lining healthy, prevent the risk of lung cancer and nasopharyngeal cancer. Besides, sapodilla is a natural source of fiber, which helps to keep the intestinal tract healthy and protects the body from colon cancer.
Treatment of anemia Anemia is a common health condition in women of reproductive age caused by iron deficiency. Sapodilla contains a lot of iron which helps to improve iron levels and treat anemia.
Adjust blood pressure In 100g of sapodilla, there are 193mg of potassium. Sapodilla is one of the commonly used fruits to control high blood pressure, reduce blood sodium levels, relax muscles, and improve blood circulation.
Improves Vision Sapodilla is rich in vitamin A, which plays an important role in maintaining good vision by promoting the health of the cornea. It is also a component of rhodopsin, a protein found in the eye that helps you see in dim light and promotes vision.
Uses of sapodilla for pregnant women Sapodilla is a good fruit for pregnant and lactating women to supplement energy. Electrolytes like potassium help control morning sickness and dizziness. The potent antioxidant properties of sapodilla also aid in fighting bacterial infections.
Helps healthy skin The richness of vitamins A, C and B found in sapodilla helps to rejuvenate the skin, locking in moisture from deep within. A large amount of polyphenols, flavonoids and antioxidants prevent harmful toxins from damaging healthy skin cells, smooth wrinkles as well as crow's feet, slow down the aging process, support skin strengthening. naturally bright.

Ăn hồng xiêm tốt cho phụ nữ mang thai vì chất kali trong hồng xiêm giúp kiểm soát ốm nghén
Ăn hồng xiêm tốt cho phụ nữ mang thai vì chất kali trong hồng xiêm giúp kiểm soát ốm nghén

4. The side effects of sapodilla

Sapodilla is a safe food, eating sapodilla is good for health if consumed in moderate amounts. However, eating too much can lead to gastrointestinal problems.
Raw Sapodilla contains tannins, which can cause an itchy sensation in the mouth if eaten when not fully cooked. Eating raw fruit can also lead to irritation and inflammation of the throat, causing breathing problems in children. Furthermore, sapodilla seeds are hard and hooky, and ingestion can cause stomach upset and vomiting.
People who should limit eating sapodilla:
People with stomach diseases: In sapodilla contains a lot of resin, combined with acid in the stomach, causing uncomfortable symptoms, pain in the epigastrium. People with diabetes: They contain high amounts of sugar. Being hungry: High levels of vitamin C will stimulate the stomach to secrete more gastric juice than usual. People who have just finished eating crabs: The tannins in sapodilla combined with protein-rich foods will create clumping solids that cause abdominal pain and nausea. In short, "eat sapodilla hot or cool", the answer is cool. This fruit is very beneficial for health because it contains many essential nutrients, including fiber, iron, calcium, antioxidants and vitamins A, C, and B complex. Sapodilla is good to eat if consumed in moderation, helping to boost energy, brain health, vision and immunity. You can enjoy this fruit whole or make it into desserts, smoothies, or milkshakes.

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