Nutritional composition of coriander leaves

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor Obstetrician and Gynecologist - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

According to Eastern medicine, katuk has cool, sweet taste, heat-clearing, detoxifying, blood-tonic, laxative effect.... The nutritional composition of katuk contains a high amount of vegetable protein, so it is recommended to use it. substitute animal protein.

1. Characteristics of hot vegetables

Spinach is a common vegetable, common in Vietnamese meals. Spinach is easy to grow, easy to live and grown by stem, grown everywhere. Therefore, it is often grown in gardens, around ponds, along fences, along paths... mainly to make use of the land.
Spinach grows quickly and has very few pests and diseases, does not have to use pesticides, so it is very healthy and safe to eat. People use spinach leaves to cook soup with meat, bones, or shrimp, mussels are also very delicious and nutritious for family meals, adding summer cooling effect. People who can't use it should abstain from using it or if using it, they should add a few slices of ginger.

2. Nutritional composition of kumquat

Spinach is a healthy, safe and nutritious food with high nutritional value.
In terms of nutritional value, 100g of water spinach provides:

Thành phần Giá trị Thành phần Giá trị
Canxi 169mg Năng lượng 35 kcal
Sắt 2,7mg Protein 5,3g
Magiê 123mg Glucid 3,4 g
Mangan 2.400mg Celluloza 2,5g
Phospho 65 mg Vitamin C 185mg
Kali 457mg Vitamin A 6.650µg
Natri 25mg
Kẽm 0,94mg
Đồng 190µg

Energy 35 kcal. Protein: 5.3g. Glucose 3.4 g. Cellulose 2.5g.
Spinach is rich in nutrients, good for health, especially helping women after giving birth to quickly remove dirty fluid from the uterus. Spinach is also a valuable source of fiber, which helps the intestines digest easily, has the effect of preventing constipation and preventing atherosclerosis.
The amount of protein in fresh vegetables is generally low. However, there are many types of vegetables that people find a significant protein content such as spinach with a content of up to 5.3 / 100 grams.
Nutrients and micronutrients: Calcium 169mg; Iron 2.7mg; Magnesium 123mg; Manganese 2,400mg; Phosphorus 65 mg; Potassium 457mg; Sodium 25mg; Zinc 0.94mg; Copper 190μg.
Vitamins: Vitamin C 185mg and vitamin A 6,650μg.
Spinach has a much higher vitamin A and vitamin C content than grapefruit, lemon, orange... This is an important ingredient in collagen production, fat transport, cholesterol regulation and immunity. . In addition, vitamin C in the body is essential for wound healing and anti-aging to improve brain function. Vitamin A is needed for growth, vision, fighting infections and maintaining healthy skin.
It should be noted that vitamin C will be lost when vegetables are crushed. Therefore, using fresh vegetables, cooking immediately is the best way to preserve the amount of vitamin C in vegetables.
According to Oriental medicine, the leaves of the leaves have cool properties, in addition to the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, diuretics, increased salivation, blood tonic, hemostasis, laxative, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, muscle-building. The taste is slightly bitter. Both the leaves and roots of the plant have health benefits. Kale leaves cure measles, cough, pneumonia, high fever, diarrhea, and poison. The roots are diuretic and blood thinner.

3. Some other uses of kumquat

Ăn rau ngót giúp làm sạch sản dịch cho mẹ sau sinh
Ăn rau ngót giúp làm sạch sản dịch cho mẹ sau sinh

Spinach can be used as a remedy for some of the following diseases:
Treatment of thrush in children: breastfed babies may have thrush due to milk residue or fungus causing pain and difficulty in sucking. Treatment of placental remnants: after childbirth, women have abortions, for some reason, the placenta remains in the uterus and causes infection. Postpartum care. Bone pain: Sauerkraut cooked with pork bones, eaten several times a day will cure bone pain effectively. Epistaxis . Alcohol detoxification. Treat skin pigmentation. For pregnant women, it should be noted that the vegetable contains a certain amount of papaverin - a substance that causes uterine smooth muscle contractions, which can cause miscarriages in women. Therefore, pregnant women should limit the consumption of bok choy to avoid unwanted cases.
Spinach has both nutritional value in daily meals, very good for health, and has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying and curing a number of diseases. Therefore, spinach is a precious food and an effective medicine, which you can add to your family's daily meal.

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