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Articles in Green vegetables

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Nutritional composition of coriander leaves
According to Eastern medicine, katuk has cool, sweet taste, heat-clearing, detoxifying, blood-tonic, laxative effect.... The nutritional composition of katuk contains a high amount of vegetable protein, so it is recommended to use it. substitute animal protein.
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Are pickled radishes good for you?
Pickled radishes are a convenient alternative to fresh radishes. They are rich in nutrients and provide many of the same health benefits as fresh radishes, but have a longer shelf life. However, pickled radishes can also be high in salt and sugar, and many people wonder if pickled radishes are actually good for you.
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Are frozen vegetables good for health?
Frozen vegetables are often considered a convenient and affordable alternative to fresh vegetables. Not only are they cheaper and easier to prepare, but they also have a longer shelf life and can be found year-round.
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Fiber can help you lose weight, but which one to choose?
Fiber is an important nutrient that many people often overlook in their daily diet. Fiber is classified as soluble or insoluble, depending on its ability to dissolve in water. Insoluble fibers function primarily as bulking agents in the body’s waste products. In contrast, some types of soluble fiber can have significant effects on health and metabolism — as well as weight.
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Are tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable?
Tomatoes are one of the most popular and versatile foods of the summer. They are often grouped with other vegetables in cooking, but many people also know them as a fruit.
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Nutrition and eating for people with HIV/AIDS
If you are HIV/AIDS positive, nutrition and HIV/AIDS are an issue that you need to pay special attention to. This is because your body will go through changes, both due to the medications and the disease itself. For example, you may experience excessive weight loss, infections, or malnutrition. Improving your diet can improve your health and how you feel.
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Is eating vegetables effective for weight loss?
Vegetables are always a healthy food, recommended to be added to the daily menu of every family. Through this article, let's find out what the effects of eating vegetables are, whether eating vegetables helps you lose weight and what vegetables you should eat to have the slimmest, healthiest body.
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Change vegetables in your diet
Eating lots of vegetables is good for your health. Increasing the amount of green vegetables in your diet is a good thing for most people because vegetables provide many nutrients that the body needs. Adding vegetables to your diet is very effective for weight loss because most vegetables contain very few calories and natural fat, and no cholesterol.
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Which foods belong to the vegetable group?
Eating lots of vegetables is good for your health. The vegetable group includes a wide variety of foods. Any vegetable or vegetable juice is considered a vegetable food. We can buy vegetables fresh, frozen, canned; prepare vegetables whole or cut, puree and eat vegetables raw or cooked.
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What happens when you don't eat vegetables?
Eating more vegetables is one of the simplest ways to improve overall health. All vegetables contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber that are beneficial to health. So what exactly are the effects of eating more vegetables and what happens if you don't eat vegetables?
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How to keep vitamins in your vegetables?
Losing vitamins in vegetables is an easy mistake to make when processing and cooking food. Besides, high heat also causes the loss of fiber in vegetables. So how to keep the highest vitamin content in vegetables?
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