Nutrition for the elderly: What you need to know

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The aging process leads to a series of changes inside the body, such as muscle loss, thinner skin and less acid in the stomach, decreased appetite... These changes can affect to the way the elderly absorb nutrients, if not handled in time can lead to nutrient deficiency. Here are 8 nutrition facts for the elderly that you need to know.

1. Older people need fewer calories, but need more nutrients

A person's daily calorie requirement depends on height, weight, muscle mass, activity level and several other factors. For the elderly, calorie needs may decrease because they tend to move and exercise less, and the amount of muscle is also less due to the aging process. If you maintain the same calorie intake as when you were young, older people will easily gain more fat, especially around the abdomen. This is especially true for post-menopausal women, because the drop in estrogen levels during this period further promotes belly fat storage.
However, even if they need fewer calories, they also need to increase certain nutrients (even higher requirements than young people), that is: protein, vitamin D, calcium and vitamins B12 . To ensure adequate nutrition, the elderly should eat a variety of foods, such as fruits, vegetables, fish and lean meat...

2. Older people need to absorb more protein

Loss of muscle and loss of strength with age is common. In fact, the average adult after the age of 30 will lose 3-8% of muscle mass per decade. This process is called myasthenia gravis (minimization of muscle) and is a major cause of myasthenia gravis, fractures, and reduced mobility in the elderly.
A study that followed 2066 elderly people for 3 years found that those who ate the most protein lost 40% less muscle mass than those who ate the least. A joint review of 20 aging studies also found that a diet for the elderly that provides enough protein can slow muscle loss, help increase mass and build more muscle. Besides, if combined with strength training exercises, it will be a very effective method to help fight body weakness.

3. Older people need to absorb more fiber

One of the digestive problems that are very common in the elderly is constipation. This condition is more common in people over the age of 65, and it is 2.3 times more common in women than in men. This is because people in this age group tend to be less mobile and often have side effects from taking many medications that cause constipation.
Doctor's advice is to always provide enough fiber in the diet for the elderly. It passes through the intestines without taking much time to digest, contributes to the formation of stools and promotes bowel movements, effectively relieving constipation. In addition, a high-fiber diet also helps prevent diverticulitis in the elderly. This is a condition in which small sacs form along the wall of the colon and become infected or inflamed, causing severe pain.

Dinh dưỡng người cao tuổi cần hấp thu nhiều chất xơ hơn
Dinh dưỡng người cao tuổi cần hấp thu nhiều chất xơ hơn

4. Elderly people need calcium and vitamin D supplements

Diet for the elderly cannot lack calcium and vitamin D. These are two of the nutrients that are especially important for bone health. Calcium helps build and maintain strong bones, while vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. However, older adults tend to have a harder time absorbing calcium from their diet. Prolonged calcium deficiency can promote bone loss and increase the risk of fractures.
To prevent this condition, the elderly need to consume more calcium and vitamin D through food and supplements. Some foods rich in calcium include dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, yogurt... while vitamin D is present in many fish (such as salmon, herring, etc.) ...) and sunshine.

5. Older adults need vitamin B12 supplements

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) is a water-soluble vitamin that helps create red blood cells and maintain brain function. However, it is estimated that 10-30% of people over 50 years of age have a reduced ability to absorb vitamin B12 from the diet due to physical reasons or certain medical conditions (such as atrophic gastritis...) . In addition, older people who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet will have more vitamin B12 deficiency, because this substance is abundant in animal foods such as: liver, eggs, meat, fish, milk...
Do Therefore, the diet for the elderly should include fortification of foods containing vitamin B12 or supplementation through functional foods.

6. Other important substances to supplement for the elderly

Several other nutrients also provide health benefits for older adults, including:
Potassium: helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure, kidney stones, osteoporosis and heart disease, which are quite common conditions Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the elderly. Studies have shown that Omega-3s can reduce heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure and triglycerides. Omega-3s are mainly found in fish. Magnesium: is an important mineral for the body. However, the elderly are at risk of deficiency due to poor diet, medication use and changes in intestinal function. Iron: Iron deficiency is common in the elderly. This can lead to anemia, a condition in which the blood doesn't supply enough oxygen to the body. Although iron is found in many vegetables, plant sources of iron are not as well absorbed as iron from meat. Most of these nutrients can be obtained from a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and lean meats.

Chế độ dinh dưỡng cho người già cần quan tâm đến các chất dinh dưỡng
Chế độ dinh dưỡng cho người già cần quan tâm đến các chất dinh dưỡng

7. The elderly body is more prone to dehydration

Water plays an important role for humans when it makes up about 60% of body weight. However, the body is constantly losing water through sweat and urine, so it is important to drink enough water.
As people age, the elderly tend to be more susceptible to dehydration and problems such as: decreased cellular fluid, decreased ability to absorb medications, worsening of medical conditions and increased fatigue tired.
The advice is to persist in drinking enough water every day, regardless of whether you feel thirsty or not. To make it easier to drink, try drinking 1-2 cups of water with each meal, drinking water through eating soup, soup; carry a water bottle with you every time you go out....

8. Elderly people are prone to decreased appetite

Another concern for older adults is decreased appetite. If this problem is not addressed, it can lead to unwanted weight loss, nutritional deficiencies, impaired health in the elderly.
Factors that can make older people more susceptible to anorexia include: changes in hormones, taste and smell as well as changes in living circumstances
Studies have found that older people often have lower levels of hunger hormone (ghrelin) and higher levels of satiety hormones (cholecystokinin and leptin), meaning they may feel less hungry and feel full more quickly.
Other factors that can also lead to anorexia include: tooth loss, loneliness, pre-existing medical conditions and the use of medications that reduce appetite.
The advice is to try breaking up portions into several meals and eating them every few hours. If not, you can try making it a habit to eat healthy snacks like almonds, yogurt, and hard-boiled eggs. These foods help provide many nutrients and enough calories.
In general, the diet for the elderly should include a full range of important substances such as: fiber, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, magnesium and a number of other important nutrients. You can consider supplementing through your daily diet or a supplement prescribed by your doctor. All these ways help to balance nutrition for the elderly and ensure they have a healthy and happy life even in the late afternoon.
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