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Vasodilators help to quickly relieve angina pectoris, heart; It also improves blood flow to the heart, dilates the walls of arteries and veins, and prevents blood vessel constriction. From there, the blood vessels will be dilated, blood will flow more easily and blood pressure will be lower.
1. What is a vasodilator?
Vasodilators are drugs that relax the smooth muscle cells of the vessel wall and reduce the concentration of Ca2+ ions in the blood in varicose veins, causing blood vessels to dilate and blood circulation speed to increase.
Vasodilators are divided into three groups:
Varicose veins . The drug has a mixed effect on both arteries and veins. Vasodilators act on the arteries.
2. The use of vasodilators in the treatment of heart disease and blood pressure
2.1. Vasodilators in cardiovascular treatment Coronary vasodilators in cardiovascular treatment help to quickly relieve angina pectoris, heart, and improve blood flow to the heart.
The group of coronary vasodilators commonly used in cardiovascular treatment is nitrate. The action of this class of drugs is to dilate the arteries and veins, resulting in a decrease in pressure on the heart and improved blood flow to the heart. Thereby, reducing angina attacks.
Besides, the nitrate drug group when used for cardiovascular treatment has a quick and long-lasting effect. However, this drug is only suitable for patients who:
No need for angioplasty; No stents have been placed; Have not done other coronary surgery methods. 2.2. Vasodilators in the treatment of blood pressure The mechanism of vasodilators in the treatment of blood pressure is to dilate veins and artery walls, preventing blood vessel constriction, from there, blood vessels will be dilated, blood will circulate. easier and blood pressure will drop.
Vasodilators are often used when other drugs cannot control blood pressure, or used as an adjunct to other drugs in the treatment of hypertension.
3. Some side effects of varicose veins
Common side effects of the drug include:
Hydralazine group causes headache, eye swelling, joint pain,... Minoxidil group causes fluid to accumulate in the body causing you to gain weight; hair, hair grows fast. Shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, chest pain, flushing. However, most side effects of vasodilators are mild and usually go away after a few days.
Do not use vasodilators for pregnant and lactating women, patients with low blood pressure, severe anemia; Do not use nitrate group of drugs together with PDE-5 enzyme inhibitors because of the danger on the heart. Vasodilators are prescription drugs, so patients should not arbitrarily use drugs without the prescription and supervision of the doctor.
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