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Articles in Canxi additional

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533 Uses of Osteocare medicine
Osteocare is a liquid calcium supplement that is trusted by many people because of its health benefits. Osteocare is often recommended for children and adults. So what are the uses of Osteocare and how should it be dosed?
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Calcium should be taken before or after meals?
Calcium supplements help prevent osteoporosis in the elderly, strengthening the bones of women who are pregnant or postpartum. This article will explain when to take calcium, in relation to meals, for the best results.
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What to Eat After Kidney Stone Surgery?
Kidney stones often cause significant pain for those affected. However, a proper diet can play an effective role in managing and preventing kidney stones. Staying hydrated, avoiding foods high in salt and sugar, and pairing calcium with oxalate-rich foods are essential aspects of a kidney stone-friendly diet.
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How much calcium do pregnant women need each day?
During pregnancy, the body's demand for calcium increases. So, how much calcium does a pregnant woman need each day? Properly and adequately supplementing calcium will help expectant mothers reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
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What nutrients are deficient when the body experiences itching?
Hives and itchy skin can sometimes indicate unhealthy skin resulting from a poor diet. What nutrients might be deficient in the body when itchiness occurs?
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What should be the time gap between calcium and iron supplements?
What should be the time gap between calcium and iron supplements? This is a common question, particularly among pregnant and nursing women. You should read this article to find the best answer and learn how to optimize the timing of these supplements.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics