Lose weight after pregnancy with 6 simple exercises

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Losing weight after giving birth is not as difficult as many people think. Research shows that starting a regular exercise program right after giving birth is not only good for your overall health but also reduces your risk of postpartum depression. Each pregnancy and birth changes a woman's body in different ways, so consult your doctor before engaging in any postpartum weight loss exercises.

1. Walking

While it may not sound like a post-pregnancy exercise, walking is one of the simplest ways to create a postpartum exercise routine.
How to: Start with a short and easy walk. In the end, you'll work your way up to an energetic walk. Gentle walking can still do wonders for a woman's health and physique after giving birth, especially in the beginning. Carrying your baby in front of your chest adds extra weight and can increase the effectiveness of your workout.
Postpartum women can also try walking backwards or walking in a zigzag pattern to get the muscles working. You should not bring your baby when participating in this activity until you have mastered and are sure of your ability to balance.

2. Breathe deeply with your abs

This exercise is very easy and a woman can do it an hour after giving birth. This relaxes the muscles, initiating the process of strengthening and toning the abdominal muscles.
How to do it: Sit up straight and breathe deeply. The movement is performed correctly if the abdomen is observed to rise on inhalation and fall on exhalation. The diaphragm combines with the abdominal muscles to perform deep breathing movements. Contract and hold your abs tight while inhaling and release when exhaling. Gradually increase the time to contract and hold the abdominal muscles.

Hít thở sâu bằng cơ bụng là bài tập đơn giản và dễ thực hiện
Hít thở sâu bằng cơ bụng là bài tập đơn giản và dễ thực hiện

3. Raise your head, raise your shoulders and bend your body

These three movements help strengthen the back muscle group. They also tone the belly and burn calories.
How to do it:
Raise your head: Lie on your back, arms relaxed along your sides. Keeping your lower back flat on the floor, bend your knees with your feet flat on the floor. Relax your belly as you inhale. As you exhale, slowly lift your head and neck off the floor. Inhale while lowering your head. Shoulder lifts: When you can do 10 head lifts with ease, try this shoulder lift. Maintain the position you were in when you raised your head. Inhale and relax your abdomen. On an exhale, lift your head and shoulders off the floor, reaching your arms and hands toward your knees. If this strains your neck, fold both hands behind your head, but don't pull your neck back. Inhale as you lower your head and shoulders. Bends: When you can do 10 shoulder lifts, switch to this move. Start in the same position on the floor. Lift your torso up until it's between your knees and the floor below. Bring your hands towards your knees and hold for 2 to 5 seconds. Then slowly lower down. Don't forget to exhale as you exert yourself. Inhale as you relax.

4. Tilting the pelvis in a kneeling position

This pelvic tilt exercise tones your abs. Strengthening the abdominal muscles can also help relieve back pain.
How to do it: Start in a four-legged position, toes touching the floor behind, arms extended straight down, palms touching the floor. Your back should be relaxed and straight, not bent. As you inhale, pull your buttocks forward, tilt your pelvis, and rotate your pubic bone upward. Hold the pose while counting to three and release.

5. Kegels exercise

This is a popular exercise for postpartum women. This classic exercise will tone your bladder muscles and help reduce the risk of urinary incontinence associated with childbirth. The more kegel exercises you do and the longer you hold them, the better you will be at controlling urinary leakage caused by exertion such as sneezing, laughing, or holding a baby.
How to do it: Your goal is to contract and hold the muscles that control the flow of urine. To get the most out of it, start by exercising while you go to the bathroom. When you urinate, exercise your muscles until the flow of urine temporarily stops. Then relax and let the urine flow out. Remember what it feels like, and when you're not urinating, contract your muscles, hold for a few seconds, and relax those muscles. Try to do this move 10 times per session, three times a day.

Kegels là bài tập phổ biến cho những người phụ nữ sau sinh
Kegels là bài tập phổ biến cho những người phụ nữ sau sinh

6. Additional exercises for Mother and Baby

It can be difficult to find a time when you can be away from your baby during the first few months after birth, so try the exercises you do with your newborn. Use caution when doing them for the safety of the child. At first, you should practice with a doll or rolled up blanket the same size as your child. Only do this when you are sure that there is no danger of dropping your child. Make sure you're healthy enough and have a good sense of balance to keep you and your baby safe.
Baby glider: Hold your baby close to your chest, do a forward lunge with your left foot (take a big step forward and bend your knees). Don't let your toes cross your knee, then return to the starting position and lunge with your other foot. This move will help strengthen the legs, back muscles and torso. Repeat 8-10 times on each side.
Jump: This is similar to a baby roller coaster, but instead of a forward lunge, do a hip swing - step to the side instead of forward and do a squat. Reach your hands back as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your knees above your ankles. Repeat 8-10 times on each side.
Squats and bends: Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hold your baby tightly and close to your chest, squat down, letting her feet touch the floor. As you stand up, bring your baby closer to your chest. Repeat 15 times. Note that this exercise should only be performed when the fetus is at least 10 to 12 weeks old.
With these postpartum weight loss exercises you can do it yourself at home to see results after a period of persistence. These are all considered simple movements, easy to perform and suitable for many women.

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