Learn What is Gelatin?

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Gelatin is a common ingredient in soups, broths, sauces, marshmallows, cosmetics, and medicines. It is a popular thickener and gelling ingredient of animal origin containing high protein content. In this article, learn about what gelatin is and the possible health benefits of using gelatin.

1. What is Gelatin? Manufacturers created gelatin by processing animal bones, cartilage, and skin. The process of extracting collagen, a fibrous protein that connects muscles, bones, and skin, and turning it into gelatin, an odorless, colorless jelly-like substance. After refining, pureing and drying, this ingredient will be presented in the form of a gelatin powder, which is easy to use for many purposes and for long-term storage. Because of its animal origin, gelatin is considered a high-protein product. For example, 100 grams of dry gelatin powder contains more than 85 grams of protein. The protein in gelatin is composed of different amino acids. Accordingly, the types of amino acids in foods made from gelatin depend on the specific food, the source of the gelatin, and the way it was processed. The most abundant amino acids in gelatin are glycine and proline. In other words, the bones and organs of some animals contain the amino acids in gelatin and by eating gelatin the body can get these amino acids.
Therefore, gelatin is not for vegetarians or vegans. However, gelatin substitutes for vegetarians and vegans have also been widely marketed. Besides, gelatin is gluten-free, so it poses no risk to people who are allergic to gluten. However, some products that contain gelatin as ingredients, such as soups and desserts, may also contain gluten.

Giải đáp gelatin là gì?
Giải đáp gelatin là gì?

2. What are the benefits of gelatin? Gelatin when used in food processing, cosmetics can bring certain gelatin health benefits, including:
2.1. Strengthens healthy body tissues In the powdered form of gelatin, in its purest form, gelatin is high in protein. This is a macronutrient, which means the body needs a significant amount to function.
The Dietary Guidelines for Adults recommend that a reliable 46–56 grams of protein be consumed per day, depending on their age and sex. This means that on average, protein should make up 10–35% of a person's daily calories. This is because protein is essential to:
Build and structure the body Supports the proper function of various organs Acts like enzymes and hormones 2.2.Skin care Collagen has a valuable function of making elastic framework for skin. With age, the body gradually loses collagen. The skin becomes less firm and wrinkles can form. At this time, the amount of gelatin ingested can also contribute to increasing collagen levels and supporting skin elasticity.

2.3. Aids in digestion Gelatin contains glutamic acid, which the body can make glutamine. This substance can help promote a healthy lining in the stomach and aid in digestion.
2.4. Stable blood sugar control Glycine - an amino acid in gelatin can help better control blood sugar levels, especially in patients with type 2 diabetes. However, some foods made from gelatin, such as marshmallows, are high in sugar and not suitable for people with this condition.
2.5. Strengthens Bones Gelatin contains lysine, which plays a role in muscle and bone health. This ingredient will help the body absorb calcium, keep bones strong and prevent bone loss.
Observational studies have found an association between amino acid consumption and increased bone density. However, in people with osteoporosis, the effectiveness of increasing gelatin consumption for improving bone health requires more studies to confirm.
2.6. Improves Sleep Quality Gelatin contains high levels of the amino acid glycine. Some studies suggest that glycine may improve sleep quality and other neurological functions. However, researchers do not specifically recommend consuming gelatin for the primary purpose of improving sleep.

Gelatin là một thành phần phổ biến trong súp, nước dùng, nước sốt, kẹo dẻo...
Gelatin là một thành phần phổ biến trong súp, nước dùng, nước sốt, kẹo dẻo...

2.7. Weight loss Consuming gelatin products as part of a balanced diet can help promote weight loss because gelatin is high in protein and low in calories. It is the protein component that will help people feel full for a long time. However, some foods that contain gelatin, such as chewy candies and marshmallows, are also high in sugar. Therefore, people should choose low-sugar sources of gelatin, especially if used for weight loss purposes.
2.8. Protects Hair According to studies, the consumption of gelatin also has the benefit of promoting hair health. This is based on a study that showed improvements in hair growth in men with androgenetic alopecia in a group of subjects who received gelatin-cystine supplements.

3. Compare the role of gelatin with other commonly used proteins 3.1. Gelatin vs collagen Collagen is a protein that helps form bones, muscles, and skin so it's important for overall health. Collagen processing companies also often get animal origin to create gelatin.
Compared with collagen, gelatin also contains similar proteins. And lab tests show that consuming gelatin as part of a varied diet can provide benefits comparable to consuming collagen.
3.2. Gelatin versus pectin Pectin is used as a thickener or gel-like structure. In cooking, this ingredient can also serve the same purposes as gelatin. However, pectin is derived from plants and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
Companies often produce pectin from the peels of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, pectin contains a lot of carbohydrates but little protein unlike gelatin. Specifically, there is only 1 gram of protein in 100 grams of dried pectin powder.

Gelatin có thể cải thiện chất lượng giấc ngủ
Gelatin có thể cải thiện chất lượng giấc ngủ

3.3. Gelatin versus agar Like pectin, agar is a plant-based thickening and setting agent. Companies often produce agar from seaweed extracts.
In contrast to gelatin, agar has little nutritional content. However, it can be a useful gelatin substitute in vegetarian and vegan cooking.
4. Gelatin recipes at home Gelatin is found in many ready-to-eat foods and can be easily added to home recipes. For example:
Sprinkle gelatin powder into smoothies can increase the amount of essential protein Gelatin can add shape and texture to sweet or savory dishes. To use gelatin powder, first “bloom” the ingredients in cold water, then add hot water to dissolve. Different products have different instructions for amount and time, but in general, using more water will give the gelatin a softer consistency. Gelatin-rich broth can be made at home by cooking leftover meat or bones from poultry or beef. For extra flavor, add both carrots and onions, as well as some herbs. Cover the bones and other ingredients with water, bring to a boil, and then reduce heat. Check from time to time to make sure the mixture doesn't boil down and add water if needed. When the broth cools, the surface will have a gel-like substance. This dish can be used immediately to make soups or stews or frozen for later use. Using leftovers in this way can help the environment by reducing food waste.
5. Things to keep in mind when taking gelatin Not all foods that contain gelatin are healthy. In particular, people with certain health conditions or goals should also look at the fat and carbohydrate content included on the nutrition facts label.
In addition, the quality of gelatin in a food may depend on:
Quality of the ingredient, such as the health of the animal used to prepare the gelatin Preparation method Other ingredients in a dish or product Contains gelatin There is some disturbing evidence that consuming gelatin may increase the risks associated with zoonotic diseases, such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says that the source of raw materials for the production of bovine gelatin is safe, as long as the manufacturers process it according to standard, safety guidelines.
In summary, gelatin is a high protein ingredient that can enhance the taste, texture and nutritional value of some foods, such as cakes, stews and gel desserts. Therefore, gelatin powder should become an available cooking ingredient at home, providing many health benefits in many different ways. However, because gelatin is an animal product, it is not suitable for people with vegetarian or vegan diets. Pectin and agar are both plant-based alternatives that can be substituted for gelatin powder in cases of need.
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References: peta.org, .healthline.com, .rousselot.com, britannica.com, medicalnewstoday.com

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