Itching in the anal margin for a long time is caused by what? What medicine is needed?

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Hello doctor. I have itching at the edge of the anus, only a small itch on the left side of the anus, no blood in the stool, no burning pain or fatigue, dizziness. In addition, I often urinate many times a day. The doctor asked me what my condition was like? What medication should be used to prevent this? I would like to thank you.
Anonymous question
Hi, itching in the anal margin is usually caused by intestinal parasite infection (worm infection, tapeworm...). Frequent urination, pain or burning? Usually a urinary tract symptom. I need to go to a medical facility for advice on a urine test, stool examination for intestinal parasites.
Thank you for asking questions to the website . Best regards.
BSCK I Nguyen Le Hong Tram - Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital
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