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Articles in Helminths

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Uses of Alinia
Alinia is a pharmaceutical drug used to treat diseases associated with bacterial infections in the gastrointestinal tract. However, in the process of using the patient may unfortunately experience some dangerous side effects. Please report back to your doctor and go to the hospital as soon as possible to protect your health.
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Uses of Albenca 400
Albenca 400 belongs to the group of anti-parasitic and anti-infective drugs with the main ingredient being Albendazol 400mg. The drug is indicated in the treatment of infection with one or more intestinal parasites such as roundworms, pinworms... However, using Albenca 400 in the treatment may experience some side effects. Therefore, before using Albenca 400, patients need to carefully study the information and follow the doctor's instructions.
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How to recognize a helminth infection?
Helminth infections are one of the most common infections worldwide. The disease is transmitted by eggs contained in human feces, thereby contaminating the soil in areas with poor sanitation. The main species that cause disease in humans are roundworms, roundworms (Trichuris trichiura) and hookworms (Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale).
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Intestinal obstruction due to worms: Signs and treatment
Worms and flukes are parasites that can live in the human body, they can cause asthma, gastrointestinal diseases, in addition to causing dangerous complications such as intestinal obstruction caused by worms, worms. bile duct...and life-threatening if not treated early.
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Itching in the anal margin for a long time is caused by what? What medicine is needed?
Hi doctor. I have itching at the edge of the anus, only a small itch on the left side of the anus, no blood in the stool, no burning pain or fatigue, dizziness. In addition, I often urinate many times a day. The doctor asked me what my condition was like? What medication should be used to prevent this? I would like to thank you.
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Is roundworm dangerous?
Roundworm disease can cause severe abdominal pain, nausea and fatigue, infection of the central nervous system causing the patient to lose consciousness, weakness, quadriplegia... and lead to death if not treated. timely.
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Complications caused by strongyloidiasis
Parasitic infections always have a great impact on quality of life, of which strongyloidiasis is the most dangerous parasite among gastrointestinal parasites because it has the characteristic of long-lived in the body. can cause many dangerous complications, even life-threatening.
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Is liver fluke in humans dangerous?
Liver flukes in humans include fascioliasis and fascioliasis. Although fluke is not directly life threatening, it is the cause of many serious health complications.
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Instructions for using the correct pinworm dewormer
Anyone is at risk of pinworms from childhood through adulthood. Pinworms can cause symptoms that range from mild to life-threatening. Therefore, taking deworming drugs should be done periodically and properly.
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Common worm diseases
Gastrointestinal worm infections are common in countries with hot and humid tropical climates like Vietnam. Many cases of worm infection can cause dangerous complications such as: Severe anemia caused by hookworms, worms in the bile ducts, intestinal obstruction caused by worms, encephalitis, meningitis,... Most worms do not cause protective immunity. protection, worm diseases can still be re-infected after recovery.
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Types of worms that can parasitize in the human body
Helminthiasis is a fairly common medical condition worldwide, especially in underdeveloped countries. There are many types of worms that can parasitize in the human body, each of which will cause different symptoms.
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