Home Tag Gastrointestinal - Liver and gallbladder

Articles in Gastrointestinal - Liver and gallbladder

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Causes of stomach pain when hungry
Experiencing stomach pain when hungry, especially if accompanied by symptoms like acid reflux, heartburn, bloating, or indigestion, is a clear sign of potential stomach issues. These discomforts not only disrupt your well-being but also take a toll on your overall health and quality of life.
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Is epigastric pain dangerous?
Upper abdominal cramping can occur due to various causes. It is a common symptom that can often be managed with home care or medication. However, in some severe cases, patients should seek medical attention immediately. The following article will help us better understand this condition.
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Do gallbladder polyps disappear on their own? When is surgery necessary?
Gallbladder polyps usually do not have distinct symptoms. However, in some cases, patients may experience abdominal pain, bloating, or jaundice,...
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Why Do Children Have High Liver Enzymes?
High liver enzymes in children are becoming increasingly common and tend to rise in number. However, many parents are still unaware of the causes, symptoms, and prevention methods for high liver enzymes in children.
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6 habits mothers should adopt to reduce spitting up and vomiting in newborns
Aside from pathological reasons, newborns often experience spitting up and vomiting milk, which can usually be alleviated by adjusting a few simple habits during breastfeeding.
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Beneficial foods for liver cancer patients
Nutrition is essential for liver cancer patients, as it supports their overall health and strengthens their ability to combat and recover from the disease.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics