Home Tag Anal itching

Articles in Anal itching

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Uses of Aristocort
Aristocort drug is often used to treat dermatological problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis,... To better understand the use of Aristocort drug, what are the side effects, how to use it effectively, please read. refer to the following article.
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How to treat anal fistula?
An anal fistula is a small tunnel under the skin that connects the abscess to the infected sebaceous gland. With symptoms of pain and a lot of pus discharge, the patient is uncomfortable. Currently, the main treatment for this disease is surgery.
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15 causes of anal itching
Anal itching is a common condition that occurs in or around the anus. There are many causes for this condition such as skin diseases, your hygiene habits or your diet that can trigger itching symptoms.
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Itching in the anal margin for a long time is caused by what? What medicine is needed?
Hi doctor. I have itching at the edge of the anus, only a small itch on the left side of the anus, no blood in the stool, no burning pain or fatigue, dizziness. In addition, I often urinate many times a day. The doctor asked me what my condition was like? What medication should be used to prevent this? I would like to thank you.
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Having a round tumor next to the anal interstitium with itching, difficulty in defecation is a sign of what disease?
First of all, I would like to introduce my condition, at the edge of the anal opening, I have a round tumor about 1cm in diameter. Initially, there are signs of uncomfortable burning pain, sometimes itching, itching spreading to the outside of the anus.
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Recurrent anal abscess what to do?
Hello doctor, I am 54 years old this year, about 6 months ago I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with an anal abscess (surgery anal fistula) so far I have anal itching again, a feeling of tightness in the anus. subject, I immediately thought of an old disease that might have recurred.
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Question: What is anal pain and itching?
Hi doctor! According to my research online as well as monitoring I feel that I am having an anal fissure due to the last time I went to the toilet, the stools are hard and big. After that, I noticed cracks around the anus causing pain when standing, sitting or doing other things.
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Anal itching 1 month after hemorrhoid surgery, do you need to see a doctor?
Hello doctor, I have had surgery to treat hemorrhoids 1 month ago but now it's anal itching when going to the toilet. I have to squat to be comfortable, urinating so many times is a bit uncomfortable. Please tell me if anal itching after hemorrhoid surgery 1 month needs to go to the doctor? Thank you very much.
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Anal itching, anal hole with blisters is a symptom of what disease?
I gave birth 10 days ago and have a lot of itching in the anus. Before giving birth, I also had an itch, when I touched the anal opening, I found that there were blisters stretching along the folds of the anus. I went to the toilet and didn't see any blood. When I gave birth, the doctor at the obstetrics hospital said that I might have hemorrhoids, but after 1 month of pregnancy, I would go back to the doctor if the itching persists. So the doctor asked me to ask if anal itching, anal hole with blisters is a symptom of what disease?
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Anal fissure, anal itching how to treat?
My mother had anal itching for about half a year with pain in the tailbone, often passing blood in spite of eating enough vegetables and not eating hot food. 1 month ago, my mother went to the doctor, was diagnosed with anal fissure and treated with surgery but there was no sign of improvement, still very painful and itchy, went back to the doctor and said the problem was normal. It's been about a week after surgery but now it's been 3 weeks and it still hasn't healed. So the doctor told me how to treat anal fissures and anal itching?
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Anal fissure is hemorrhoids?
With similar symptoms, many people confuse hemorrhoids with anal fissures. It is necessary to distinguish the symptoms of anal fissures and hemorrhoids for effective early treatment. So are anal fissures hemorrhoids?
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