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Articles in Urine test

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Stages and features of diabetic nephropathy
Diabetic nephropathy is a chronic complication that can damage the small blood vessels in the kidneys. People with long-term diabetes with factors such as blood fat, high blood pressure, smoking, inactivity, obesity ... are subjects at risk of diabetic kidney complications.
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Complications of polycystic kidney
Polycystic kidney disease is a common and relatively dangerous hereditary cystic kidney disease, potentially leading to kidney failure, kidney cancer, but so far there is no specific treatment for polycystic kidney disease.
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Early detection of the risk of kidney failure after kidney transplant thanks to Japanese technology urine test
A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure where a healthy kidney is removed from a donor and transplanted into the recipient's body. Kidney transplantation is usually classified into 2 cases corresponding to a deceased donor or a living donor.
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Itching in the anal margin for a long time is caused by what? What medicine is needed?
Hi doctor. I have itching at the edge of the anus, only a small itch on the left side of the anus, no blood in the stool, no burning pain or fatigue, dizziness. In addition, I often urinate many times a day. The doctor asked me what my condition was like? What medication should be used to prevent this? I would like to thank you.
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Abdominal pain above the navel often appears in the morning, what is the risk of disease?
Hi doctor. I have abdominal pain on the left belly button below the ribs and the pain in the morning is very painful there. Present pain accompanied by urination. Doctor, what disease do you have? Thank you doctor for your advice.
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What is the symptom of the disease in the left waist, ie the lower abdomen?
Hi doctor! I often have pain in my left waist and left lower abdomen, and I often get angry when I need to urinate. Currently, the urination and all activities are still normal, no night urination, normal urine. This phenomenon has been repeated for several years. I have been to the doctor, ultrasound, urine tests all have normal results. So the doctor asked me: "What is the symptom of the left lumbar pain, the lower abdomen is the symptom?" What else do you need to check? Looking forward to the doctor's advice and answers! I sincerely thank!
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What to do if urinating does not go away with anal prolapse?
I am 36 years old this year, 5 months ago I had a symptom of urinating with a feeling that it was not completely gone, no pain, no pain. Accompanied by the anus is prolapsed, must be pushed up with your hands, when you are sad to defecate, you have to hold back with abdominal pain, then it's over. 6 days ago, I had a pain in the lower left abdomen once a day. After that no more stomach pain. I hope the doctor advises if urinating does not go away with anal prolapse, what to do?
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Slight pain in the hip area after urinating, is there any disease?
After urinating, I felt a slight pain in the hip area, sometimes on the left side, sometimes on the right side for about 10 minutes. So, please ask the doctor, is there any disease in the mild pain in the hip area after urinating?
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Treatment of hypertension with chronic renal failure
Hypertension causes chronic kidney failure and conversely, renal failure causes hypertension. Therefore, it is necessary to control blood pressure to reduce the risk of chronic kidney failure, and at the same time, it is necessary to treat chronic renal failure well to maintain stable blood pressure.
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Symptoms of Prostatitis in Men
The prostate gland is only found in men, about the size and shape of a walnut, located below the bladder surrounding the first part of the urethra. The disease can occur at any age but is most common in middle-aged men. However, due to lack of knowledge about the disease, many people do not identify the signs of prostatitis, leading to late detection, making treatment more difficult.
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The meaning of blood and urine tests in the health check package
General health check-up is understood as a comprehensive medical examination program for all parts and organs of the body to screen for diseases. However, in reality, many people still do not clearly understand the meaning of some tests, especially blood tests and urine tests. What diseases do abnormal indicators indicate?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics