Is your body aging faster than your age?

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Wrinkles on the skin, more fatigue, ... are signs of aging, which occurs as you age. But if these signs come earlier than expected it is called premature aging - premature aging.

1. What are the signs of premature aging?

The aging process is different for each person. But there are some signs of aging that are considered premature if you notice them before the age of 35. They are:
1.1 Melasma spots on the skin Melasma or age spots are flat spots on the skin that appear over the years. exposure to the sun. These hyperpigmentation spots can develop on your face, the back of your hands, or your arms. They tend to appear after the age of 40. People with fairer skin may develop melasma earlier.
However, see your doctor if the spots are black, change shape, bleed or have rough edges,... as it could be a warning sign of other health problems like skin cancer.
1.2 Hand skin becomes more ribbed and wrinkled Over time, the top layers of skin usually become thinner, containing less protein (e.g. collagen) that gives the skin its firmness. As a result, your hands often start to have more veins, the skin is thinner and more prone to wrinkles. Most people show this sign when they are between the ages of 35 - 40.
1.3 Hyperpigmentation in the chest area Many people have signs of increased pigmentation, patchy skin as they age. These different areas of pigmentation may be due to damaged skin cells, due to sun exposure. This type of hyperpigmentation is not always associated with aging. It can be caused by eczema or other skin conditions that damage the melanin cells in your skin.
1.4 Dry or itchy skin Dry or itchy skin may occur more as you age prematurely. That's because the skin is thinner, so it is easier to lose water, produce less oil, leading to faster drying. You will notice your skin becomes drier and more prone to flaking as you approach your 40s.
1.5 Wrinkles and Sagging Skin As you enter your 30s, your skin slows down in collagen production. - a protein that ensures firmness and elasticity of the skin. Collagen keeps your skin smooth and supple. Because the skin has less collagen, the skin is more prone to wrinkles and sagging. You may notice this more easily in areas of the forehead or other areas of skin that are often exposed to the sun.
1.6 Hair Loss Hair loss occurs when stem cells that stimulate new hair growth in hair follicles die. Factors such as hormone changes, genetics, environment, diet, ... will stimulate the hair loss process to happen faster. Up to 40% of women over the age of 70 experience hair loss. For men, 50% of men over the age of 50 experience hair loss.
1.7 Other signs A rapidly aging body also shows signs like:
Walk slower: If your walking speed slows down when you are in your 40s, it could be a sign that you are aging faster. compared with the normal level; Memory problems: The mild memory changes that come with aging can begin as early as your 40s. It may take you longer to remember names, events, ... But most cases of Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia occur after the age of 65; Joint pain: Not everyone experiences stiffness when they go home, but the risk of osteoarthritis increases as you age. Men tend to have joint pain after age 45 and women after age 55; Easy bruising: As you pass your 60s, your skin becomes thinner and loses more fat. The blood vessels will become thinner. Besides, some drugs can also cause bruising on the skin. Most bruises are harmless and will go away on their own. However, you should see your doctor if you often have large bruises, especially on your face, back, and chest; you have bruising after starting a new medication; More Fat Waist: Fat tends to accumulate in the abdomen as you age. This is especially common in post-menopausal women. Regardless of your age, a high waistline is associated with health problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The risk increases if women have a waist circumference over 89cm and men have a waist circumference over 101cm. ; Weaker hands: Another sign of premature aging is that you feel your arm strength is reduced, driving is uncertain. Weaker hand strength usually appears when you are 50 years old. If you experience hand weakness earlier or suddenly become weak, it could be a sign of arthritis, nerve damage or some other health problem; Vision problems: As you pass your 40s, you may have trouble seeing up close - that's presbyopia. Sometimes, aging causes more serious problems like glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration; Irregular Menstruation: A woman's period usually becomes irregular around the age of 40. That's perimenopause - when your body makes less estrogen, your periods will be less. If your period suddenly changes or is painful during your period, especially in your 30s, you need to see your doctor right away as it could be an early sign of menopause.

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Rụng tóc là một trong các biểu hiện của già trước tuổi

2. Causes of premature aging

There are several factors that can cause premature aging, making you age before your time. They are:
Smoking: The toxic substances in cigarette smoke will make your skin dry, wrinkled and appear many other signs of aging; Sun exposure: UV rays in the sun penetrate the skin, damage the DNA in skin cells and cause wrinkles; Genes: There are some rare genetic conditions that make you more likely to experience childhood aging and early puberty (Progeria syndrome). Others have Werner syndrome with wrinkled skin, gray hair and baldness when they are 13-30 years old,...; Poor quality of sleep: Sleep helps to regenerate cells. If the quality of sleep is poor, it will increase the signs of aging and cause a decline in the function of the skin barrier; Diet: A diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates can negatively affect your skin; Drinking alcohol and coffee: Drinking too much alcohol causes the body to lose water, and the skin to sag. The caffeine in coffee has a similar effect; In addition, there are other causes: Environmental pollution, stress,...
Watch now: Aging skin and loss of volume

3. What should you do to deal with premature aging?

When you notice signs of rapid aging, premature aging, you can take the following measures:
3.1 Deal with melasma on your skin If you find spots on your skin, go away See a dermatologist to rule out other skin conditions. Then, knowing this is a sign of premature aging, you can change your lifestyle. That is:
Apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 daily to protect skin from UV rays, avoid direct sun exposure. When going outside, you should cover up well; Spot treatment of melasma to see if they fade by using aloe vera, vitamin C, products containing alpha hydroxy acids; You can choose high intensity pulsed light therapy, cryotherapy, chemical peels, etc. to treat melasma. 3.2 Dealing with Dry Hands, Tendons If you have thin, ribbed hands and more fragile skin, moisturize your skin more often. You can try a product that helps lock in moisture for the skin barrier and apply a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 on your hands.
If your hands are often exposed to chemicals and pollution (due to work), wear gloves to protect your hands. If you are concerned about your hands, you can talk to a dermatologist for laser treatment, chemical peels,...
3.3 Coping with hyperpigmentation on breasts If hyperpigmentation occurs You should start protecting this area against the negative effects of the sun. Besides, you should use sunscreen with SPF 30 for chest skin every day, shielding damaged skin areas. At the same time, you should regularly moisturize your breasts (use a lotion with vitamin C or retinoids) and maybe use products prescribed by your doctor to treat breast hyperpigmentation (steroid steroids). mild and bleach).
3.4 Coping With Dry or Itchy Skin If your skin is flaky, dry, and itchy, you should see a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis of your problem. If dry skin is a sign of premature aging, start focusing on making changes to your lifestyle. They are:
Drink more water, take a warm bath for a longer time; Use a moisturizer suitable for the skin, apply daily; If it doesn't work, talk to your doctor about using a stronger moisturizer

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Già trước tuổi có thể phải đối phó với tình trạng da khô

3.5 Coping with Wrinkles and Sagging Skin If your skin is saggy or wrinkled, you should:
Protect your skin every day with a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Limit your exposure to the sun. out in the sun, if going out should wear loose clothes and a brim team; If you are a smoker, you should quit; Drink enough water and moisturize your skin every day. Should use products extracted from green tea, with vitamin C, vitamin A, retinoids and antioxidants; Botox and fillers can be injected according to the doctor's prescription. 3.6 Coping With Hair Loss If you have a lot of hair loss or your hair is getting thinner, you should buy the right shampoo and conditioner. Besides, you need to pay attention to make sure your diet is full of foods that are good for your hair. Also, you should consider taking a multivitamin or vitamin supplements to help your body make keratin, the important structural component of hair and nails.
3.7 Coping with other problems If your walking speed is slowing down, you should practice walking more. To start the program, go for 5 minutes/day and gradually increase to 30 minutes/day; To have a clear mind and better memory, you should eat healthy, be physically active; If you want to deal with joint pain, you should work harder on sports, especially strength and flexibility exercises (consult your doctor before exercising); To keep your waistline free of excess fat, you should exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet; If you want to improve the strength of your arms, you should do exercises specifically for the arms; To prevent vision problems, you should wear sunglasses when out in the sun to protect your eyes from UVA and UVB rays; quit smoking; healthy eating; go to an ophthalmologist every year.

4. Is there any measure to slow down the aging process?

The aging process cannot be stopped or reversed. However, you can completely slow down the premature aging process by making lifestyle changes and using some suitable products. Ideally, you should talk to your doctor to get the right advice to help slow down the aging process.
Some tips for you are:
Apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 every day to prevent early signs of aging; Sunscreen, moisturizer and skin protection all over the body (instead of just the face); Be patient when using skin care and protection products because they take time to show visible results; Wash your face twice a day with warm water and mild cleanser, remove makeup before going to bed; Get enough sleep, at the right time to help the skin regenerate itself every day; Have a balanced diet to provide enough nutrients for a healthy body; Drink enough water (8 cups of water/day); Exercising daily to increase circulation, make skin healthier and younger; Quit smoking, control stress by practicing yoga, walking, meditation,... When you find yourself showing signs of premature aging, you should change your living, eating and exercising habits. ... to deal with this situation, helping the skin and body stay young and healthy.
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