Hello Doctor
I take birth control pills daily in a pack of 21. I finished my last pill three days ago and am currently on my 7-day break. Is it safe to have sex during the 7 days off birth control pills??
Anonymous Customer
Reply from Pharmacist Nguyen Van Thang - Clinical Pharmacist, Department of Pharmacy, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
In response to the question, "Is it safe to have sex during the 7 days off birth control pills?", I would like to provide the following information:
Daily birth control pills typically contain estrogen and progesterone, which are two female sex hormones. These hormones work to prevent ovulation, thicken the cervical mucus to block sperm and alter the uterine lining to make it unsuitable for implantation. When taken consistently for 21 days, the birth control pill provides effective contraception, and you remain protected during the 7-day break. However, it’s essential to note that the effectiveness of oral contraceptives ranges from 91% to 99%. Therefore, there is a small risk of unintended pregnancy. It is advisable to monitor your menstrual cycle and consult an Obstetrician or Gynecologist if you notice any irregularities.
If you have further questions about having sex during the 7 days off birth control pills, feel free to visit any medical facility within the Vinmec Health System for further inspection and advice. Thank you for trusting us with your questions. Wishing you good health.
Best regards!
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