Home Tag Emergency contraceptive pills

Articles in Emergency contraceptive pills

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Can I get pregnant after having sex with ejaculating outside and washing the genital area?
I had a cesarean section 1 month and 14 days ago. Recently, I had sexual intercourse, and after my partner ejaculated outside, I washed my genital area. I would like to know if there is a possibility of getting pregnant after having sex in this manner. Given that I am only 1 month and 14 days post-delivery, is it safe for me to take emergency contraceptive pills? Thank you for your guidance.
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Is it safe to have sex during the 7 days off birth control pills?
I take birth control pills daily in a pack of 21. I finished my last pill three days ago and am currently on my 7-day break. Is it safe to have sex during the 7 days off birth control pills??
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics