Home Tag Unintended pregnancies

Articles in Unintended pregnancies

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Is it safe to have sex during the 7 days off birth control pills?
I take birth control pills daily in a pack of 21. I finished my last pill three days ago and am currently on my 7-day break. Is it safe to have sex during the 7 days off birth control pills??
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Signs of unsuccessful abortion
Signs of unsuccessful abortion are not difficult to recognize, so women can completely recognize the abnormal symptoms after abortion. However, many people are subjective and do not go to the doctor for treatment immediately, leading to unpredictable consequences.
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Risk of Pregnancy with Withdrawal Method
The withdrawal method is a traditional contraceptive method that has been widely used for many generations. But is the withdrawal method truly effective in preventing pregnancy? How can you perform the withdrawal method safely to minimize the risk of unintended pregnancy?
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Does sex have any "side effects"?
Sexual activity, in addition to its potential health benefits, carries certain risks, such as exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. However, these risks can be effectively mitigated through proactive planning and the implementation of comprehensive preventive measures
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Early Sexual Activity at Ages 16 and 17: Risks and Consequences
Having sex at an early age among adolescents from 16 or 17 years old can cause dangerous consequences for the present and future, especially in cases where knowledge about safe relationships is not yet equipped. Early sexual exposure not only affects the individual but also causes many burdens for the family and society.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics