Home Tag Unintended pregnancies

Articles in Unintended pregnancies

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Is it okay to have sex while forgetting to take 1 pill of the birth control pill?
Bác sĩ ơi, em uống thuốc tránh thai hàng ngày nhưng em quên mất một viên, hôm sau em lại chỉ uống viên hôm trước quên mà không uống viên của ngày hôm đấy và cứ duy trì uống như vậy tới hết vỉ. Trong thời gian này, em có quan hệ tình dục không an toàn thì có sao không bác sĩ?
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If I have sex before my period one day after taking the emergency contraceptive pill, can I get pregnant?
Chào bác sĩ! Xin hỏi bác sĩ, em có quan hệ trước ngày kinh nguyệt một ngày hôm sau mới uống thuốc tránh thai khẩn cấp có khả năng có thai không ạ? Rất mong bác sĩ tư vấn, cảm ơn bác sĩ!
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Is it safe to have sex during 7 days off birth control pills?
Cháu uống thuốc tránh thai hàng ngày vỉ 21 viên. Cháu vừa mới uống hết viên cuối vào 3 ngày trước và giờ đang trong thời gian nghỉ thuốc. Bác sĩ cho cháu hỏi, quan hệ tình dục trong 7 ngày nghỉ thuốc tránh thai có an toàn không?
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Interactions between oral contraceptives and antiepileptic drugs
It is known that antiepileptic drugs with cytochrome P450 isoenzyme P450 (CYP450) in the liver reduce sex hormone levels in women taking oral contraceptives, thereby reducing the effectiveness of the drug and increasing the risk of unwanted pregnancy. Meanwhile, antiepileptic drugs without isoenzymes in the liver will not affect the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. So what is the interaction between oral contraceptives and antiepileptic drugs?
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Jencycla drug: Uses, indications and precautions when using
Jencycla is a hormone that works to prevent unwanted pregnancy by making vaginal fluid thicker to prevent sperm from reaching an egg and changing the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching. enter.
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What are the uses of Desogestrel?
Birth control pills are a simple and effective method of preventing pregnancy, but not all women understand how to use them effectively and avoid side effects. Here is the basic information about the birth control pill Desogestrel.
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Uses of Naphativ
Naphativ belongs to the group of hormonal drugs - hormones, is made in the form of film-coated tablets. The main ingredient of Naphativ is Levonorgestrel and is indicated for birth control. However, Naphativ can cause some unwanted side effects. Therefore, before using Naphativ, patients should learn detailed information about this product.
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Signs of unsuccessful abortion
Dấu hiệu hút thai không thành công không khó để nhận biết nên chị em hoàn toàn có thể nhận ra những triệu chứng bất thường sau phá thai. Tuy nhiên, do nhiều người chủ quan nên không đi khám chữa trị ngay dẫn đến những hậu quả khôn lường.
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Can only genital contact get pregnant?
Hi doctor! When you have not had sex but only foreplay has contact with that part, is there a risk of pregnancy? Looking forward to consulting your doctor. Thank you doctor!
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Does using condoms when having sex many times increase the risk of gynecological diseases?
Hi doctor! I have sex with many people at the same time but use a condom, will I be infected with gynecological diseases? Looking forward to consulting your doctor!
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Do you need to take birth control pills when the new penis is inserted into the vagina and then withdrawn?
Hello doctor! I was forced to have sex, but when the penis was inserted inside the vagina, I pulled it out right away, so the time the penis was inside the vagina was less than 10 seconds, but due to the secretion of mucus from the penis, I was worried. Unplanned pregnancy problems.
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