Is being selfish always bad?

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We often despise and condemn selfish people who only care and calculate for their own benefits without caring about those around them. But sometimes being selfish isn't a bad thing. There are times when being selfish is the right thing to do for your own health and happiness.

1. What is selfish living?

Living selfishly is only caring, thinking about yourself, just for your own benefit without caring about those around you. Selfish people often think that they are the center, only know how to cultivate themselves, always want to give the best for them. The petty selfish person also only knows how to receive but does not know how to give, and even always calculates ways to achieve his goals, regardless of trampling or harming others.

2. Is being selfish always bad?

When the word “selfish” comes to mind, it usually conjures up negative connotations at first. We detest selfishness and assume that “me and my preferences” should be avoided, and instead strive to live for the good of humanity. Although selfishness is defined as being concerned only with personal pleasure and gain, with a lack of concern for others, you cannot take it quite literally. Try to look at it objectively, there are situations where being selfish is necessary. For example, you may be told that you need to adjust your own oxygen mask before helping someone else in an airplane emergency, or that you need to ensure your safety before helping anyone who is injured. No one can call you selfish for following those instructions. Sometimes being selfish isn't a bad thing. There are times when being selfish is the right thing to do for your own health and happiness.
We hear the phrase self-care all the time now. The phrase pops up everywhere from social media to skin care products, yoga classes, and more, but self-care isn't just a bunch of gibberish commercialized online. society. Self-care begins with taking care of and taking care of yourself physically.
Then it evolved into mental health care and even more holistic healing for the marginalized in society such as women, people of color and marginalized communities . So why do we still feel that taking care of ourselves is selfish? Don't neglect yourself and your health just because you feel selfish. Selfishness is not a bad thing. Remember that you have a selfish right to want to take care of yourself and restore your own mental and physical health. Many people who focus entirely on giving, end up feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and stressed. Chronic stress is associated with a number of health risks, including diseases like diabetes, cancer, and mental illness. You can reduce stress by being a little selfish and practicing good self-care.

Đôi khi việc sống ích kỷ không phải lúc nào cũng là một điều xấu
Đôi khi việc sống ích kỷ không phải lúc nào cũng là một điều xấu

3. Times when you should live selfishly

3.1. When you need help Everyone needs help from time to time, but we often avoid seeking help. Whether we admit it or not, sometimes asking for help can make you feel inadequate, weak, or needy. But remember that it is extremely important to ask for help when needed. If you're stressed about a work project, ask a coworker for support or delegate tasks. If you need companionship, ask a friend for support.
3.2. When you need a break When you feel emotionally, mentally or physically tired - it's time to rest. Sometimes, the solution is simply to get a good night's sleep. Not getting enough sleep has a number of consequences, including difficulty concentrating, a weakened immune system, and memory problems. Skipping sleep too much can even have a negative impact on your relationships. Sometimes we often feel like we have to keep working and sleep is not our top priority, but the reality is that we need rest. If you work late and skip sleep, it's time to find your work-life balance again. Next time you choose to go home to sleep, instead of going out for drinks with friends, that's okay. If that's called being selfish, don't bother and put yourself first.
Rest does not always mean sleep. Whether your brain is feeling out of balance or your health is deteriorating, treat it as a sick day and take time to rest. Don't force yourself to do the laundry or cook because you're at home. Instead, read a book in bed or binge-watch an entertainment program. If you are feeling exhausted, exhausted, it's time to take a break and not feel guilty about it. Be selfish because it is necessary at the moment.

3.3. When you need alone time Some people may not understand when you choose to stay at home instead of going out. Never feel selfish for wanting to be alone if that's what you want. We all need time alone sometimes. Social interaction can be tiring for some people. There is no shame in taking time for yourself. If you're working nonstop, your mood isn't going your way, or you need to reevaluate your relationships, now might be a good time to plan some alone time. You don't need to fill your time with social activities unless you want to. Run to the shower, unplug and have that “me time” you crave.
3.4. When you want to end a relationship, job or life situation Breaking up with someone important, moving to a new city, or quitting a job is never easy. If you feel bad about being around someone or fear seeing them again, it's time to rethink your relationship. We often keep friends or relationships because we are afraid of hurting someone. But when it comes to damaging relationships, sometimes you need to be selfish and put yourself first. Continuing a relationship or a job or whatever, especially an abusive relationship, doesn't make you happy anymore. If something is affecting your health, it may be time to say goodbye.

Sống ích kỷ có thể cần thực hiện khi bạn muốn kết thúc một mối quan hệ
Sống ích kỷ có thể cần thực hiện khi bạn muốn kết thúc một mối quan hệ

3.5. Loss of balance between give and take Although it can fluctuate, any relationship should have a good balance between giving and receiving. But when the balance is off, all you're doing is giving and all they're doing is getting in return, then it may be time to rethink the relationship. The balance between give and take is especially important when living with someone. Do you find yourself doing all the errands and chores when they come home from work while they come home and just sit back and relax. It's important to have a balance to avoid both frustration and fatigue. Depending on the situation, you may choose to talk to them, take a short break to recharge, or remove the relationship altogether. You are not selfish to prioritize your own needs over the needs of others if your act of giving is causing you harm.
3.6. To avoid burnout after work or in your personal life Everyone is prone to burnout at work. Some professions can be particularly challenging. When burnout occurs, it can take a toll on both your professional and personal life. So when work time is up, turn off work notifications, turn off email, and deal with it tomorrow. No matter what you do, make sure you have time to separate yourself from work. Creating a work-life balance can help you avoid burnout and bring more happiness into your own personal life.
We still think we are selfish when we put ourselves first. But remember that everything has a positive side, and so does a negative side and living selfishly. Sometimes being selfish is the right thing to do to help you take the time to take care of yourself and regain balance in your life.
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