Is armpit fat tumor dangerous?

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Abnormal appearance of a lump or lymph node under the armpit is very common. For the most part, these are benign tumors, but in many cases they are potential signs of dangerous diseases.

1. What is a fatty tumor in the armpit?

Axillary lipoma is a condition of one or more enlarged lymph nodes under the arm. Lymph nodes play an important role in the immune system, they are small, oval-shaped glands located throughout the body. These tumors are usually very small, but the patient can feel the tumor and touch it. Armpit lumps can occur in both men and women of all ages.

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2. Causes of armpit tumor

Causes of armpit lipomas can be:
Inflammation of the sweat glands: Due to blocked sweat glands or hair follicles, bacteria can cause infection and accumulation of pus, creating a lump. If the pus is broken, it can infect the surrounding skin. Doctors can use medication or laser hair removal, according to Reader's Digest. Cysts or Abscesses: Frequent underarm shaving irritates hair follicles and soft skin, which can cause cysts or abscesses, which are pus-filled bumps. Mastitis often occurs in lactating women. An infection can cause enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit. If the disease is not treated in time, it can cause breast cancer. In addition, axillary lipomas are caused by:
Infection (viral or bacterial) Overgrowth of fat cells (not harmful) Allergic reactions Post-vaccination reactions Infections fungus Noncancerous fibrous tissue growth

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In this case, the tumor is usually not dangerous, it's just an overgrowth of some of the local tissue.
In the following cases, a tumor can signal a dangerous disease, especially in women such as:
Breast cancer reaction Lymphatic system cancer Blood or bone marrow cancer Autoimmune disease (such as lupus erythematosus) Therefore, in any case, when detecting an abnormal armpit fat tumor, the patient should also go to hospitals and medical facilities for examination, diagnosis and treatment. cure.

3. Diagnosis of lipoma in the armpit

Some diagnostic methods to help detect dangerous armpit lipomas are:
A general examination is the first step in diagnosing an armpit lump. Manual examination of axillary lumps will help the doctor determine the texture of the tumor and examine the lymph nodes. If it is found to be a benign tumor such as a lipoma in the armpit, no treatment is required. If it is a malignancy, surgery is needed to remove the tumor. Blood cell count: To identify red and white blood cells. Mammogram: An imaging test that allows the doctor to see the tumor more easily. Biopsy Allergic reaction test

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4. Armpit tumor treatment

After diagnosing to determine axillary lipoma and its cause, the doctor will recommend a treatment method suitable for each patient's condition.
Bacterial infections will require treatment with oral antibiotics. The tumor is related to allergies, the patient will be prescribed medication and avoid contact with allergic agents, the tumor will gradually disappear. If the axillary fat tumor is malignant, the patient will be transferred to the oncology department for care and treatment with a combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. In cases where the armpit lipoma is benign and does not require treatment, the patient can self-treat at home such as warm compresses and over-the-counter pain relievers to relieve discomfort. Tumors that do not require treatment include tumors such as:
Tumors related to viral infections
Fibroids, fibroids (non-cancerous breast lumps)
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