Supplementing milk for cancer patients: What you need to know

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Many studies have looked at the link between milk consumption and cancer, some indicating that milk has the ability to protect the body against cancer, while others suggest that milk is one of the effects. major cause of increased cancer risk. The most commonly consumed dairy products include milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, and butter.

1. Can colorectal cancer drink milk?

Colorectal cancer is also known as colon cancer or colon cancer. The disease is caused by the abnormal growth of cells that invade or spread to other parts of the body. It is one of the most common types of cancer in the world.
There are many causes of colorectal cancer, daily diet is one of the main factors. Consuming large amounts of foods high in fat, animal meat will increase the amount of bile acids, causing the bacterial populations in the gut to change. At that time, intestinal bacteria will convert bile acids into toxins that cause cancer. Or in a diet lacking in vitamins, low in fiber also contributes to an increase in cancer.

Hầu hết các nghiên cứu đều chỉ ra rằng tiêu thụ các sản phẩm từ sữa có thể giúp giảm nguy cơ mắc ung thư đại trực tràng
Hầu hết các nghiên cứu đều chỉ ra rằng tiêu thụ các sản phẩm từ sữa có thể giúp giảm nguy cơ mắc ung thư đại trực tràng

Most studies show that consuming dairy products can help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Because in milk there are some components that have the ability to protect the body and fight colorectal cancer. These ingredients include:
Calcium Vitamin D Lactic acid bacteria, found in fermented dairy products like yogurt

2. Should prostate cancer drink milk?

Prostate cancer, also known as prostate cancer, is a type of cancer that develops in the prostate gland located just below the bladder in men. Its main function is to produce and store semen. In Europe and North America, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men.
Cancer cells can spread from the prostate gland to other parts of the body, especially the lymph nodes and bones. Prostate cancer causes symptoms such as pain and difficulty with urination, sex, or erectile dysfunction.

Tiêu thụ một lượng lớn sữa có thể làm tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh ung thư tuyến tiền liệt
Tiêu thụ một lượng lớn sữa có thể làm tăng nguy cơ mắc bệnh ung thư tuyến tiền liệt

Most large studies indicate that consuming large amounts of milk can increase the risk of prostate cancer. Milk is a complex liquid containing a wide variety of biologically active compounds. Some of them may protect against cancer, but some other ingredients in milk may have undesirable side effects for people with prostate cancer. These ingredients include:
Calcium: The calcium found in milk increases the risk of prostate cancer. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1): High levels of insulin cause health problems and increase the risk of prostate cancer. Estrogen hormone: Reproductive hormone in the milk of pregnant cows can stimulate prostate cancer growth.

3. Stomach cancer should drink milk?

Stomach cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the world. Stomach cancer can develop in any part of the stomach, and can spread throughout the stomach or to other parts of the body, typically the lungs, lymph nodes, liver, and esophagus. Every year, around 800,000 people die from stomach cancer around the world.
Stomach cancer often causes some symptoms such as heartburn, indigestion, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, discomfort in the epigastric region, nausea, bleeding, bloating, weight loss,...
Currently, there is not enough convincing evidence to prove that milk increases the risk of stomach cancer. In general, the main goal in nutrition with cancer patients is to choose soft, liquid foods with high nutritional and energy content. On the other hand, milk is considered as a food source that contains all the necessary nutrients for the body. Milk contains protective components such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and certain probiotic bacteria in fermented dairy products. In addition, milk also contains high protein content, along with easily absorbed minerals and vitamins, which are suitable for treating stomach diseases, especially people with stomach cancer. In addition, fresh milk also has the effect of neutralizing the amount of acid in the digestive juices, helping to reduce pain and support unpleasant symptoms such as abdominal pain.
However, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) can promote gastric cancer.

4. Should breast cancer drink milk?

Các bệnh nhân mắc ung thư vú nên hạn chế các sản phẩm từ sữa
Các bệnh nhân mắc ung thư vú nên hạn chế các sản phẩm từ sữa

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer and the leading cause of death in women. The disease often causes a number of symptoms such as pain in the breast or mammary glands, abnormally large breasts, lumps in the mammary glands, axillary lymphadenopathy, breast skin changes, nipple retraction.
Overall, there is no clear evidence to support a link between milk and breast cancer. However, some studies recommend that breast cancer patients should limit dairy products, because milk has a high fat content that increases the risk of breast cancer recurrence and death.

5. Safe use of milk for cancer patients

Since dairy can actually increase the risk of prostate cancer, men should avoid consuming too much.
Current dietary guidelines for dairy recommend 2-3 cups or cups per day, to ensure adequate absorption of minerals, such as calcium and potassium. However, the ideal intake is no more than two dairy products per day, which is equivalent to two glasses of milk.
To prevent and avoid the increased risk of cancers, you should build yourself a reasonable, safe and healthy diet, consume milk in moderation and always choose fresh foods, Green, preservative free and unprocessed. Early cancer screening is considered a perfect measure in the timely detection and treatment of cancers. Vinmec International General Hospital currently has a high-tech cancer screening and screening package, including genetic testing, imaging, and biomarkers for early tumor detection. A single gene test can assess the risk of 16 common cancers in both men and women (lung cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer) Bowel cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, ....)
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