Is acute kidney failure reversible?

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When the kidneys stop working suddenly, this is called acute kidney failure. This can happen within a few hours or a few days. With timely treatment, acute kidney failure is not a serious problem, the kidneys can return to normal function after treatment.

1. Symptoms of acute kidney failure

Not all patients with acute renal failure develop obvious symptoms. Your doctor can detect acute kidney failure when testing for another medical condition.
Symptoms of the disease depend on how damaged the kidney function is, how quickly the kidney function declines and the cause of the kidney failure. Here are some common signs in patients with acute kidney failure:
Urinating less than usual Swelling in your legs, ankles and feet (due to water retention by your body) Drowsiness or feeling very tired Shortness of breath Itching Joint pain, swelling Loss of appetite Confusion Throwing up or feeling like you will Chest pain or tightness Muscle twitches Seizures or coma (in severe cases) Stomach and back pain Scarlet Fever Nosebleeds

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2. Causes of acute kidney failure

There are three main reasons for acute kidney failure, including:
2.1 Something is blocking blood flow to your kidneys It could be due to:
Infection Liver failure Medicines (aspirin, ibuprofen) , naproxen or a COX-2 inhibitor, such as Celebrex) Blood pressure medication Heart failure Severe burns or dehydration Blood loss 2.2 Some reason for your urinary retention It could be:
Bladder, cervical cancer , colon or prostate Blood clots in your urinary tract Enlarged prostate Kidney stones Nerve damage in the bladder 2.3 Something that causes your kidneys to fail Blood clots Cholesterol deposits medicines that can directly damage the kidneys, including NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and naproxen, chemotherapy and antibiotics Glomerulonephritis (inflamed kidney filters; can be caused by infection, autoimmune disease (such as lupus), multiple myeloma, scleroderma, chemotherapy drugs, antibiotics, or other toxins)

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Hóa trị cũng là nguy cơ khiến thận của bạn bị hỏng

3. Factors causing acute kidney failure

Most patients with kidney failure often have another health problem. If you have any of the following, you may be at higher risk for acute kidney failure:
You have been hospitalized for a long time, especially in intensive care. You have diabetes. Elderly. You have coronary artery disease. You have heart failure or high blood pressure. You have chronic kidney or liver disease.

4. Diagnosis of acute renal failure

To diagnose acute kidney failure, your doctor will ask you to start with a physical exam. You will then be ordered to have blood, urine and kidney tests done.
Blood tests. Measure the concentration of the following 2 substances - creatinine and urea nitrogen.
Creatinine is a waste product in the blood produced by muscle activity. Normally, it is removed from the blood by the kidneys. But if those organs stop working, creatinine levels rise. Urea nitrogen is another waste product found in your blood. It is created when the protein present in the food you eat breaks down. Like creatinine, the kidneys remove it from the blood. When the kidneys stop working, urea nitrogen levels increase. Urine test. Your doctor will check your urine and blood, and look for certain electrolytes (chemicals that control important body functions). The results help determine the cause of your kidney failure.
Imaging test. Some tests, like an ultrasound or a CT scan, can show if your kidneys are enlarged or blocked.

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5. Is acute kidney failure reversible?

If there are no other problems, the kidneys can heal on their own.
In some other cases, acute kidney failure can be treated if detected early. It may be related to changes in your diet, medication use or even dialysis.
Diet: Your doctor will limit the amount of salt and potassium you can take until your kidneys heal. That's because both of these substances are eliminated from your body through the kidneys. Changing how and what you eat will not change acute kidney failure. But your doctor can adjust your diet to deal with the factors that contribute to kidney failure. Medications: Your doctor may prescribe medications to regulate the amount of phosphorus and potassium in your blood. When your kidneys are damaged, they cannot remove these substances from your body. Medicines won't help the kidneys heal, but they can relieve some of the problems that cause kidney failure. Dialysis: If kidney damage is severe, you may need dialysis until your kidneys recover. Dialysis does not help heal the kidneys, but takes over the work of the kidneys until the kidneys can function. If the kidneys do not heal, dialysis can be prolonged. Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consulting services. and comprehensive, professional medical treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.
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