Instructions on how to clean the genital area when having chickenpox

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When you have chickenpox growing in the private area without paying attention to proper hygiene, it is easy to leave many complications, depending on the level of each person.

1. Why get chickenpox in the intimate area?

When you have chickenpox, the typical symptom of the disease is that the body will appear blisters in areas such as: face, limbs, then it will spread quickly to the whole body. Therefore, it is possible for chickenpox to grow in the vagina. However, when chickenpox grows in the private area, the patient needs to follow the correct and safe chickenpox treatment methods, it will not be too serious.
But if there are blisters only on the genital area, it is not necessarily chickenpox. Therefore, you need to visit medical facilities to know for sure if you have chickenpox or not.

Thuỷ đậu là bệnh truyền nhiễm do Varicella zoster virus gây ra
Thuỷ đậu là bệnh truyền nhiễm do Varicella zoster virus gây ra

2. Instructions on how to clean the genital area when having chickenpox

When you have chickenpox growing in the private area without paying attention to proper hygiene, it is easy to leave many complications, depending on the level of each person. Therefore, you need to clean the intimate area when having chickenpox properly to avoid complications. Specifically:
Should clean the intimate area with physiological saline and wash daily with clean water, then dry the body. Perform gentle cleaning, avoid breaking the chickenpox rash (easy to cause superinfection), which can form scars that stay on the body for a long time. After going to the toilet, wash the intimate area gently with clean water and then use a soft towel to pat dry to keep the genital area clean and dry. Choose clothes and underwear with thin, light, loose and airy materials to avoid affecting the blisters. Do not arbitrarily drink, apply any medicine, or arbitrarily apply leaves and plants without consulting a doctor.

Vệ sinh vùng kín đúng cách để tránh để lại biến chứng khi bị thủy đậu
Vệ sinh vùng kín đúng cách để tránh để lại biến chứng khi bị thủy đậu

3. Be careful when you have chickenpox

In addition to properly performing vaginal hygiene when having chickenpox, patients also need to note a few things:
Pay attention to nutrition: Eat food in liquid form to facilitate the digestion process. foods (porridges, bananas, red beans, eggs, asparagus,...) At the same time, supplement with foods rich in vitamin C (oranges, lemons, strawberries, pears, tomatoes,...) to increase strengthen resistance, fight infection, prevent concave scars. Keep personal hygiene clean, in addition to bathing and cleaning the intimate area daily, the patient's clothes need to be washed with soap and ironed before wearing. Limit contact with other people because chickenpox can be spread to healthy people. Usually, people only get chickenpox once in their life because immunity is built right after getting sick. But there are also cases of weak resistance to chickenpox recurrence, so everyone should get chickenpox vaccine, especially women planning to have children should get vaccinated against chickenpox. chickenpox vaccine 3 months before pregnancy. People with chickenpox will develop blisters all over the body. If you only have blisters on your genitals, it may not be because of chickenpox. At this time, the patient should go to a medical facility to be examined by a doctor.

Người mắc bệnh thủy đậu sẽ bị nổi mụn nước khắp toàn thân
Người mắc bệnh thủy đậu sẽ bị nổi mụn nước khắp toàn thân

Vinmec International General Hospital provides varicella vaccination service for all customers, customers using the vaccination service at Vinmec will have advantages such as:
Source high quality vaccines, with clear origin, suitable for the age to be vaccinated. Ensure safety from the stage of registration, storage to use. Before vaccination, all customers are screened before vaccination with specialist doctors to ensure the best health when vaccinated. 100% of vaccinated customers are monitored and re-evaluated before leaving. In particular, the post-vaccination monitoring room is fully equipped with emergency facilities; the team of doctors - nurses are trained in anaphylaxis emergency management to ensure timely and correct treatment when an incident occurs. For direct consultation or to schedule an appointment for vaccination at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE
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