Human metabolism: What you need to know

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If we consider our body as an operating machine, then metabolism is the way to provide fuel for the engine to work. So let's find out how the mechanism of metabolism in the body is through the article below.

1. What is metabolism?

Metabolism is the process of converting food into energy for the body to function. People with a fast metabolism will burn calories faster than those with a slow metabolism. Exercising is one of the ways that you can boost your metabolism, as exercise will make you burn more calories. Here's what we need to know about body metabolism.

2. Eating more often will boost metabolism

If you are an athlete, resting metabolism accounts for 60% - 75% of calories burned per day. But the number of calories burned when the body is in rest mode is not exactly the same for each person.
For people with a naturally high metabolic rate will be able to eat more without gaining weight. Conversely, if people have a slower metabolism, there is a risk of gaining weight when they eat a lot. So is there a way to boost metabolism? Here are some ways that scientists encourage us to do to increase metabolism and lose weight.

Một số người có thể bị tăng cân khi ăn nhiều vì cơ chế trao đổi chất chậm
Một số người có thể bị tăng cân khi ăn nhiều vì cơ chế trao đổi chất chậm

3. Sleep

Researchers have proven that short sleep leads to weight gain. People who sleep at least 6 hours at night are often prone to overeating and they often crave starchy foods. Overeating is the only problem when you're not sleeping;
On the other hand, not enough sleep time also slows down the metabolism in humans. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania recently brought 36 healthy adults into the lab to observe their sleep. Over 5 days, half of them only slept 4 hours a night, the other half had to sleep up to 10 hours at a time. Although the sleep-restricted group was more active and awake for more hours during the day, their resting metabolism slowed by about 50-60 calories per day.

4. Protein

Dr Kevin Hall, a senior investigator at the National Institutes of Health, has done experiments to test the uniformity of all calories, no matter where they come from, and that seems to be the case. it's correct. But he also says that protein can boost metabolism, with the body spending more energy trying to digest and absorb protein than it does consuming fats and carbohydrates. Diets that convert sugar or carbohydrates to fat can also help boost metabolism.
In a recent study of 17 overweight or obese men who followed two different low-calorie diets. The first is a high-carbohydrate and lower-fat diet. The second is a ketogenic diet that is lower in carbohydrates and higher in fat. Protein intake was similar between the two diets. The results showed that the men lost weight on both diets, but their metabolisms were slightly higher than on the ketogenic diet. Evidence that eating a lot of protein can help maintain a resting metabolism.

Bổ sung chất đạm từ nhiều nguồn khác nhau giúp cơ thể tăng cường trao đổi chất
Bổ sung chất đạm từ nhiều nguồn khác nhau giúp cơ thể tăng cường trao đổi chất

5. Lose weight

When we lose weight, the body fights hard to get it back. The more you pull your weight away from its natural stable point, the more your body will resist. One mechanism that counteracts weight loss is slowing the resting metabolism. The faster and more extreme the weight loss, the slower the metabolism appears. A series of recent studies have shown exactly how dramatic the metabolic slowdown after weight loss can be. Hall spent six years watching contestants from the reality show for overweight people. The program had these contestants perform extreme exercise for 4 and a half hours a day, combined with a strict diet to quickly lose weight. By the end of the competition, which lasted for 7 months, some people had halved their starting weight. The problem is that their metabolism slows down. By the end of the program, when they were at their lowest weight, their resting metabolites had dropped more than 600 calories per day on average. Scientists are currently testing whether leptin injections after weight loss can maintain metabolism and prevent weight regain.

Therefore, slow and steady weight loss is the best way to control weight. We need to try to change the way we think about weight loss. Instead of going on a diet by drastically cutting calories and killing yourself at the gym to achieve a certain weight, it is better to focus on forming habits that you will be able to stick with it for a long time.
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