1. Don't forget to take a shower and clean yourself thoroughly before giving birth
Before giving birth, expectant mothers may sweat excessively, leading to feelings of itchiness and discomfort. Therefore, maintaining personal hygiene as well as genital hygiene is crucial. Besides, after giving birth, mothers will have a long period before they can shower again. Many expectant mothers often opt for short haircuts to avoid feeling cumbersome during delivery. However, if a mother wishes to keep her long hair, she should securely tie it up.
Additionally, mothers should bring several sets of breathable, moisture-absorbing, and loose clothing in their hospital-kit bags
Don’t forget to prepare a few clean towels to wipe away sweat during labor.
2. Remember to keep your nails clean
If fingernails and toenails are too long, they can easily accumulate bacteria, especially intestinal bacteria. This poses a risk to the baby when there is direct skin contact, as the baby's skin is still very delicate. Thus, during sanitation process before labor, mothers should remember to trim their nails and remove any nail polish.

3. Don't forget to clean the genital area
During pregnancy, hormonal changes in a mother’s body lead to various alterations in the function and operation of reproductive systems. Increased vaginal discharge creates a moist environment that can facilitate the growth of bacteria, particularly fungi, leading to common gynecological issues during pregnancy. Therefore, maintaining proper hygiene in the genital area before giving birth is essential to prevent adverse effects on the health of both mother and baby. This genital hygiene step is crucial and thus, should not be overlooked.
Mothers should keep in mind the following points to maintain a healthy genital area:
- Avoid soaking in tubs or prolonged immersion in dirty water such as ponds, lakes, or rivers.
- Change underwear at least twice a day to keep the area dry and prevent the formation and growth of fungi and bacteria.
- Do not perform deep douching in the vagina, as this can harm the vaginal flora and potentially cause uterine bleeding.
- Use women's intimate hygiene solutions to clean the area, but don't overuse them, as chemicals can kill beneficial bacteria and disrupt the natural pH balance in the vagina, leading to dryness and discomfort.
- After using the toilet, mothers should remember to clean the genital area by drying it with a dedicated towel. This towel should be changed and washed daily.
4. Remember to trim pubic hair
Before childbirth, mothers may want to trim excess pubic hair if it is too thick. Experts recommend that mothers should either shave or wax at least 7 days before giving birth, whether vaginally or via cesarean section. This helps to prevent infections from small wounds on the skin, as they can attract bacterial growth.
Shaving pubic hair has been a topic of debate among scientists. Some studies on pregnant women during labor have shown that cuts or redness from shaving can lead to sites that promote bacterial infections. In some studies, mothers who shaved their pubic hair had a higher risk of infection compared to those who did not. Therefore, expectant mothers should only trim their pubic hair to avoid causing skin injuries.
Currently, trimming pubic hair is considered one of the necessary hygiene steps before childbirth in many hospitals. However, this makes many expectant mothers feel uncomfortable. Some completely dislike the idea of trimming hair due to the discomfort they experience afterward, such as skin irritation or the regrowth of thicker and coarser hair, which can lead to infections.
Many hospitals around the world, especially in the United States, have begun to acknowledge the view that shaving pubic hair is not necessary during childbirth or cesarean sections.
Many doctors believe they can assist mothers in delivering without this step. In some hospitals, if a pregnant woman does not wish to shave her pubic hair, they may suggest shaving only the part related to the episiotomy. Therefore, if a pregnant woman feels uncomfortable with the idea of shaving, she should discuss this with her doctor before labor begins. Her wishes may be accommodated, or the doctor could simply provide advice on trimming the necessary area.
Regardless, pregnant women can also consult obstetricians during routine prenatal checkups concerning trimming pubic hair. It’s essential to weigh the benefits and of this procedure before making a final decision regarding hygiene before childbirth.

5. Don’t forget to clean the nipples before childbirth.
A few hours after giving birth, a mother can start breastfeeding. Therefore, during pre-birth hygiene, it’s important for mothers to thoroughly clean their nipples. This helps prevent milk duct blockage after birth.
It's recommended to use a soft bath sponge to gently scrub both sides of the nipples, avoiding strong scrubbing with fingernails, as it may cause injury to the nipple.
6. Don’t forget about urination before childbirth.
During labor, mothers need to remember to urinate; typically, this should be done every 2 to 4 hours to keep the bladder empty. A full bladder can hinder uterine contractions and the baby’s position. This is an important step in hygiene before childbirth that mothers should pay attention to.
During pre-birth hygiene, remember to perform an enema.
Due to the effort involved in pushing during childbirth, there are cases where a mother may accidentally have a bowel movement on the delivery table. This not only causes embarrassment for the mother but can also lead to a lack of hygiene and the risk of contaminating medical instruments. Moreover, it can create unnecessary difficulties for doctors. Therefore, mothers can purchase tools and perform an enema when signs of labor start. This is a crucial hygiene step before childbirth.
For mothers who experience premature rupture of membranes, have a breech baby, have a history of cesarean delivery, rapid labor, or have heart diseases, it’s advised not to attempt enemas at home without consulting a doctor first.
Above is a small list for mothers-to-be to prepare before childbirth. We hope these will help mothers get everything that is essential for a hygienic delivery!
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