Home Tag Fungal infections

Articles in Fungal infections

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Maintaining Hygiene Before Giving Birth
Proper hygiene in the genital area before giving birth helps expectant mothers have a more comfortable and smooth process while waiting to welcome their newborn. If hygiene is neglected, not only will mothers feel uncomfortable, but the baby's health may also be at risk due to easier bacterial invasion. Here are some useful tips to help mothers know what to do to keep their bodies clean and comfortable before delivery.
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How do female reproductive systems change during pregnancy
You are pregnant ? You detect your vulva has something unusual, but you hesitate to ask others? Female reproductive systems altering during pregnancy is a problem that every pregnant women must deal with, however, do not be nervous, read through our article below and you may find the answers you need.
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Candida Infection in the Lungs: Diagnosis and Treatment
Candida albicans is a yeast that commonly causes infections in various parts of the human body, including the lungs. Accordingly, Candida can cause many dangerous complications in the lungs, so patients need timely diagnosis and treatment.
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