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Articles in Clean private areas

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Burning pain outside the private area after sex?
Em bị đau rát ở bên ngoài vùng kín từ ngày hôm qua, và em có quan hệ vào ngày hôm trước ngày bị đau rát. Vậy bác sĩ đau rát bên ngoài vùng kín sau quan hệ có sao không? Em cảm ơn bác sĩ.
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What do Poanvag suppositories do?
Poanvag is a vaginal suppository that comes in the form of a soft capsule. The drug is indicated for use in cases of vaginitis, fungus, vaginal itching ... The drug is placed deep into the vagina every night before going to bed.
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How to use Nabifar . alkaline salt
Nabifar alkaline solution contains the active ingredient sodium bicarbonate with many uses such as cleaning, softening the skin, cleaning the intimate area in women, helping to whiten teeth, reduce bad breath... Let's find out the uses and benefits Note when using Nabifar through the article below.
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Find out about Phytogyno feminine hygiene solution 100ml
Phytogyno 100ml is a gynecological hygiene solution with the main ingredient being Alpha Terpineol derived from nature. The advantage of Phytogyno is that it is safe, does not harm the skin and mucous membranes besides antibacterial and deodorizing effects. So are Phytogyno products good?
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Uses of Gynopic
Gynopic is a form of feminine hygiene medicine that is used by both men and women. The drug has the main ingredient Berberine chloride and many other excipients. So what is Gynopic? How is Gynopic used? Please refer to the article below to answer the above questions.
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Uses of the drug Mangizeni
Mangizeni is a topical gel used mainly to treat inflammatory conditions of the genitals for both men and women. During treatment with Mangizeni topical gel, patients need to ensure compliance with the correct dose and frequency of medication prescribed by the doctor.
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What is vulva? How to tell if the vulva is normal or abnormal?
m hộ hay còn gọi là cửa mình, nằm bên trong thành môi nhỏ, phía dưới lỗ niệu đạo và phía trên hậu môn, là cửa dẫn vào âm đạo. Vì nằm ở vị trí nhạy cảm nên âm hộ đôi khi gặp phải những vấn đề bất thường, khiến cho chị em không khỏi lúng túng.
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What is bad gas? Roles and classifications
Vaginal discharge, also known as vaginal discharge, appears in women from the time they enter puberty. In addition to acting as a lubricant and moisturizing agent for the genital environment, vaginal discharge is also a "weapon" to help limit the growth of pathogens in the private area.
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Vaginal discharge: When is it abnormal?
Vaginal discharge, also known as vaginal discharge, plays a role in maintaining the pH balance of the "private area". In addition to providing moisture to a woman's vagina, vaginal discharge also works to clean dead cells clinging to the vaginal wall, preventing bacteria from penetrating and causing vaginal infections.
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Vaginal discharge during puberty: What you need to know
Khi bước vào tuổi dậy thì, buồng trứng của bé gái bắt đầu phát triển, lượng nội tiết tố cũng tăng lên, hình thành khí hư hay còn gọi là huyết trắng sinh lý.
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Guidelines for intimate hygiene during puberty
Cơ quan sinh dục của nữ giới rất nhạy cảm với chức năng đào thải nước tiểu và hoạt động tình dục. Vị trí lại gần hậu môn do vậy nếu không được vệ sinh đúng cách rất dễ bị viêm nhiễm.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics