How to calculate calories to lose weight safely

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Calorie is a unit of energy commonly used to measure the energy content of foods and beverages. To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than your body needs each day. So how to calculate calories to lose weight how to lose weight safely?

1. How many calories should you eat on average?

On average, a woman needs to eat about 2,000 calories a day to maintain her weight and 1,500 calories a day to lose one pound of weight per week. Meanwhile, men need 2,500 calories to maintain and 2,000 to lose one pound of weight per week.
However, the exact number of calories depends on many factors, including age, height, current weight, activity level, metabolism and many more.

Trắc nghiệm dành riêng cho người mắc đái tháo đường: Chế độ ăn của bạn đã hợp lý chưa?

Người bị bệnh đái tháo đường cần phải quan tâm nhiều hơn đến cách tính toán khẩu phần ăn sao cho phù hợp với nhu cầu và tình trạng sức khỏe. Nếu chưa rõ, bạn có thể tìm hiểu kỹ hơn thông qua bài trắc nghiệm ngắn sau đây.

2. How to lose weight safely?

First, nutritionists all recommend that the best weight loss is to lose weight gradually. If you lose weight too quickly, you will lose muscle, bone, and water instead of fat.
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics you should aim to lose 1-2 pounds per week and avoid fad diets or don't take the word for it. Products that support weight loss of unknown origin. For faster results, you will need to consult with your doctor to ensure that you are healthy during weight loss and receive all the nutrients you need.

Qúa trình giảm cân nên được tiến hành từ từ
Qúa trình giảm cân nên được tiến hành từ từ

You may have heard advice to simply burn more calories than you eat and drink. But in reality it is not so simple. The metabolism in your body that turns calories into fuel is also a matter of concern. And if you cut too many calories, it will affect your health due to the lack of calories to maintain basic daily activities. Even if you slow down your metabolism will make you deficient in some nutrients.
There are many ways to lose weight safely without cutting too many calories such as:
Cut portions. Find out how many calories you eat in a typical day and cut back a bit. Read food labels to see how many calories are in a product. Drink more water so you don't get hungry. Whichever method you use, you'll need to prioritize healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein. To achieve effective and safe weight loss, you should consult a nutritionist to help you plan accordingly.

Bổ sung nhiều nước hơn để giảm cơn đói và thèm ăn
Bổ sung nhiều nước hơn để giảm cơn đói và thèm ăn

3. How to calculate calories to lose weight without starving?

Eat more protein
When it comes to weight loss, protein is the king of nutrients. Adding protein to your diet is the simplest, most effective and most delicious way to lose weight.
Studies show that protein both speeds up metabolism and helps curb cravings. Because protein is the energy needed for metabolism, a high-protein diet can increase calorie burn by 80-100 calories per day.
Research shows that people who eat about 30% of calories from protein eat 441 fewer calories per day. In other words, you can easily increase calorie burn and decrease calorie intake by adding protein to your diet.
Protein can also help fight cravings, which is a dieter's worst enemy. Consuming 25% of daily calories from protein reduces obsessive thoughts about food by 60% and reduces the desire for late-night snacking by 50%.
If you want to lose weight sustainably without too much effort, consider increasing your protein intake long term. This technique will not only help you lose weight but also prevent weight gain again.
Avoid sugary soft drinks and fruit juices
Another relatively easy change you can make is to eliminate calories from liquid sugars from your diet, including soda water, fruit juices, and fruit juices. , chocolate milk and other drinks with added sugar.
Studies have shown that sugary drinks are strongly associated with an increased risk of obesity, especially as 60% of children are at risk of weight gain when eating one serving of sugary drinks. Besides, sugary drinks have a harmful effect on metabolism and increase the risk of many other diseases.
While small amounts of natural sugars from foods like fruits are beneficial, large amounts from added sugars and sugary drinks can harm your health in a variety of ways.

Lượng đường trong nước ép trái cây sẽ gây hại cho sức khỏe
Lượng đường trong nước ép trái cây sẽ gây hại cho sức khỏe

Drink lots of water
A very simple tip for weight loss is to drink plenty of water as it can increase the number of calories burned. Drinking about 8 glasses of water (68 ounces or 2 liters) a day can help you burn about 96 extra calories.
However, the timing of when you drink water is also more important, as drinking water before a meal can help reduce hunger and make you eat fewer calories.
When combined with a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water (especially before meals) is very helpful if you need to lose weight.
Caffeinated drinks, like coffee and green tea, are also great. Caffeine can boost metabolism, at least in the short term.
Reduce carbs
Cutting carbs is a very effective way to lose weight, as it reduces your appetite and makes you eat fewer calories.
Studies have shown that eating low-carb foods until full, can help you lose two to three times more weight than a low-fat or calorie-restricted diet.
Not only that, but a low carb diet has many other health benefits, especially for people with type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome.
However, you don't necessarily need to follow a low-carb diet. Simply make sure you're eating well, eating plenty of fiber, and focusing on whole foods.
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