How often should a man ejaculate?

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The number of ejaculations not only reflects the quality of life, but also has a link to men's reproductive health. Although this is a problem that everyone has experienced, understanding this rule is not necessarily good for everyone.

1. Benefits for men if they can ejaculate often

Ejaculation is also an indispensable part of daily life, because this action contributes to promoting the movement of muscle groups, especially the central nervous system.
When ejaculating, men will have an orgasm to help blood circulation and mental clarity and improve sleep quality. The reason why ejaculation makes men feel so good is due to the release of the hormones oxytocin and dopamine, substances that stimulate nervous excitement that make the body feel good and create positive energy.

Trắc nghiệm: Chế độ dinh dưỡng 3 tháng đầu thai kỳ của mẹ bầu như thế nào?

3 tháng đầu được coi là giai đoạn phát triển quan trọng nhất của thai nhi. Để phát triển toàn diện, thai nhi cần được cung cấp đầy đủ dưỡng chất, đặc biệt là các vi chất cần thiết. Làm bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn có thêm kiến thức về chế độ dinh dưỡng trong 3 tháng đầu thai kỳ.

The following content is prepared under supervision of Bác sĩ chuyên khoa I, Lê Hồng Liên , Sản phụ khoa , Khoa Sản phụ khoa - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Central Park

Lê Hồng Liên
Lê Hồng Liên
Bác sĩ chuyên khoa I,
Sản phụ khoa
Khoa Sản phụ khoa - Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Central Park

2. The difference between ejaculation from masturbation and ejaculation during sex

Ejaculation in men often occurs in 2 different aspects: ejaculation due to masturbation and ejaculation through sexual activity. So how many times is it enough to ejaculate when masturbating or having sex?
Is it okay to ejaculate twice a day? This is normal if it is ejaculation during sex. And when masturbating is usually not recommended, because ejaculation more than 2 times a day affects the sensations of the nerves, moreover, it is harmful to health and will make the body fall into a state of fatigue. .
The difference between ejaculation due to masturbation and ejaculation due to sex is difficult to draw a definite conclusion, but after ejaculation often gives men a number of benefits such as:
Creates a deep sleep, improves sleep mental health Improves sperm quality after each ejaculation Improves men's health Reduces the risk of migraines Prevents cardiovascular disease

Sau xuất tinh thường mang lại lợi ích cho sức khỏe tim mạch nam giới
Sau xuất tinh thường mang lại lợi ích cho sức khỏe tim mạch nam giới

3. Causes affecting ejaculation in men

Besides, many men have problems with ejaculation such as not being able to ejaculate or feeling like they want to ejaculate many times without control.
There is a thought that limiting and controlling the number of ejaculations helps the spirit to have more energy because the energy released when ejaculating is not lost, but returns to the brain. if ejaculation doesn't actually happen.
But science can not agree with this action but also not completely reject it, because it is still not possible to find out the motor principle of this action is really good or how it affects health. of men.
The theory of running out of sperm when a man can't ejaculate has been disproved by science by proving the speed of sperm production. The number of sperms is born quite quickly with the number up to 1500 individuals / second. So every day the body produces millions of sperm, so running out of sperm seems unlikely.

4. What will sperm be like if not ejaculated?

As in a Taoist belief that, without ejaculating, the amount of energy will return to the brain to supply the body to help the spirit become more refreshing. So what if the sperm in that ejaculate is not brought out?
There are many people who think that no ejaculation or retrograde ejaculation can still achieve orgasm, but most of them do not anticipate how serious the risk will be if it continues for a long time. If the control of ejaculation occurs less, it can be a way to create a feeling of excitement for men, but more or less can not be confirmed to be safe for reproductive health.
Sperm are produced to perform reproductive tasks but not ejaculated is not necessarily a good thing. Therefore, you can try incomplete ejaculation but there is no guarantee for your health when it happens.
In the absence of ejaculation, sperm cells will be eliminated at night - spermatogenesis or reabsorbed by the body. Therefore, it is not only during puberty that the appearance of nightmares occurs, but this condition can also happen to those who are inhibited from ejaculating.

Nam giới có thể gặp tình trạng mộng tinh nếu không được xuất tinh
Nam giới có thể gặp tình trạng mộng tinh nếu không được xuất tinh

5. Is it good for men to ejaculate 21 times per month?

The number of ejaculations for men often does not have a specific number, so determining how many ejaculations a week is enough needs to be evaluated through many criteria.
According to a study published by European Urology that, after studying the number of ejaculations on 31 925 men, scientists have chosen the number of 21 times / month is suitable to meet most. The needs of men are also valuable to help prevent and reduce prostate cancer effectively.
However, regular ejaculation is not applicable to everyone and the fact that ejaculating helps reduce prostate cancer is still an unproven hypothesis. Therefore, even though many years have passed, scientists have not given up on studying the effects of ejaculation on the prevention of prostate cancer.
In 2003 there were several surveys for men with prostate cancer. Some evaluation questions in the male ejaculation survey
At what age did you first ejaculate? Before and after the age of 30 how many sexual partners did you have? Estimate the time when you ejaculate the most until taking the survey Based on the survey data, assuming the answers are honest with high accuracy, the effects of frequent ejaculation are not complete. It is the cause of prostate cancer in men being reversed.
Therefore, 21 ejaculations per month is not necessarily an appropriate and applicable number for all and at the same time there is no basis to confirm that this is the ideal number of times to help men avoid danger. chance of prostate cancer.

6. What to do if you want to increase the number of ejaculations?

You want to ejaculate multiple times to increase the feeling of pleasure, is that possible? Increasing the number of ejaculations requires a process of exercise to improve the body's stamina, but not because of that, it becomes difficult. To increase the effectiveness, you can try some supportive exercises:
Kegels Exercise Kegel exercises are not only effective for women, but also the exercise of choice to help men increase orgasm when they ejaculate. . When performing this exercise, you need to feel like holding your urine for 5-20 seconds, do this a few times until the body can control all activities that make ejaculation under your control. no effect on pleasure.
When doing kegel exercises, men will feel the contractions of the muscles and bladder clearly to help the blood circulation process easily, and also a way to reduce erection and increase the number of ejaculations. up as desired.
Stock up for a day With the rapid proliferation of sperm, holding off ejaculation for a certain time is also a measure for a plan to increase the number of ejaculations.
Try to abstain from masturbation or sexual activity for 1-2 days to accumulate sperm count for the upcoming date.

Số lượng tinh trùng sẽ cải thiện sau khi nhịn quan hệ 1-2 ngày
Số lượng tinh trùng sẽ cải thiện sau khi nhịn quan hệ 1-2 ngày

7. Should I increase the number of ejaculations or prolong the time for each ejaculation?

Increasing the number of ejaculations or prolonging the time before ejaculation is always an intimate question to answer the question "how many times is enough ejaculation?". The number of ejaculations that match the ideal time will be the best solution for this case.
Currently, there are several methods to help prevent ejaculation to prolong time and enhance pleasure, but this is not necessarily the best way for male reproductive health.
Therefore, choosing between the number of ejaculations or prolonging the time to ejaculate depends on the location and health of each person and adjusts accordingly. Avoid the use of an inappropriate fixed formulation that causes serious effects.
Therefore, "how many times to ejaculate is enough" depends on many factors as well as the difference and changes flexibly with each object. To know more and increase the quality of each ejaculation, please contact for advice and support from leading specialists at Vinmec International General Hospital.
Male Gynecology - Vinmec International General Hospital brings together experts, experienced obstetricians and gynecologists who have cured many cases of men having problems with reproductive health. with common diseases of the department such as: seminal cystitis, orchitis, balanitis, cystitis, urethritis, foreskin length, foreskin stenosis,...
The examination process is always is performed in a methodical and correct manner with the support of a team of skilled medical staff and modern machinery and equipment to help patients achieve good treatment results and shorten hospital stay. institute.

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