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Articles in Ejaculate

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Sex but no ejaculation pregnant or not?
Hello doctor! Doctor, can I ask you: if I have sex but do not ejaculate, can I get pregnant? I look forward to your advice, thank you!
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Can external rubbing sex get pregnant?
My boyfriend and I rubbed each other outside with only a thin layer of underwear in between. So doctor, can you tell me if having sex outside can lead to pregnancy? Thank you doctor.
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Uses of Duraject 60
Duraject 60 drug with the main ingredient is Dapoxetin, commonly used to treat premature ejaculation in men. Let's find out what Duraject 60 has and how to use it in the article below.
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What is a semen analysis?
Male infertility accounts for about 20% of the causes of infertility, of which more than 90% of cases are due to sperm abnormalities. Semen analysis is a method to evaluate sperm status in order to have timely interventions to protect men's reproductive health.
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Why have a semen analysis? Meaning of test indicators
Semen analysis is a basic and essential step in the process of diagnosing infertility in couples. Through the results obtained from the test, the doctor will reflect the status of sperm in the semen and the natural fertility of men.
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Premature ejaculation: When to see a doctor and how to treat?
Premature ejaculation is a sign of male sexual dysfunction, affecting marital happiness and fertility. Men with premature ejaculation need to be examined, accurately diagnosed for the cause and treated promptly to avoid complications of infertility.
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Ejaculation with blood: What you need to know
Hematospermia is a condition in which there is blood in the semen, caused by many different reasons. Most cases of hematospermia are due to benign diseases, but there are some cases of hematospermia that are a sign of malignancy, especially in people over 40 years old.
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Retrograde ejaculation can cause infertility
In some men, the phenomenon of reaching orgasm but not ejaculating during sex is called retrograde ejaculation. Men who experience this disorder can lead to the risk of infertility.
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Retrograde ejaculation after prostate disease treatment
Retrograde ejaculation is a disorder of ejaculation that can adversely affect reproductive health and even cause male infertility. There are many causes of retrograde ejaculation, including prostate disease.
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8 things you didn't know about your penis
Most men are very concerned about penis issues such as how long is enough or what to do if the penis is small. But besides the size, there are still some surprising things that you do not know about your penis.
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Why premature ejaculation? How to treat?
Premature ejaculation is a very common phenomenon in men, manifested by ejaculation after a short time without the man's wishes. Although it is not a life-threatening disease, premature ejaculation makes many patients worry because of their unsatisfactory sex life. This article will provide information about the causes of premature ejaculation and how to treat it.
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