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Tag Dream
Articles in Dream
Uses of Ildenaf
Ildenaf medicine has the main ingredient Sildenafil citrate, commonly used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Let's find out what Ildenaf medicine is used for in the article below.
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Differentiate between kidney yin and yang
Both women and men have kidney yin and kidney yang. The body must be healthy if the kidney yin and yang are balanced. If either kidney yang or kidney yin is weakened, it will lead to a decrease in vitality.
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When does male puberty end?
Puberty is the stage in which a child's body undergoes a series of changes, from psychological to physiological, to become an adult. So when does puberty in males end? What are the symptoms and what can affect this process?
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How Often Should Men Ejaculate?
The frequency of ejaculation is not just a reflection of one’s quality of life but also has a significant link to male reproductive health. While this is a common experience for all men, not everyone fully understands the optimal frequency for ejaculation.
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Does lucid dreaming have any effect?
Have you ever woken up confused, or even worried, about why your dreams were filled with steamy sex scenes and you were the main character in the dream? In fact, wet dreams are a normal part of life, and so is dreaming about sexual activity with your partner or someone other than your partner.
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Semen flows out naturally, why?
Semen can flow out naturally from the penis due to sexual stimulation, side effects of drugs or dangerous diseases. Therefore, if men have the phenomenon of semen flowing out naturally, they should go to the doctor to find the right cause and have a method to improve the condition.
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Recognize men's desire cycles
The sexual needs of men and women differ significantly. Consequently, women often seek to understand men's desire cycles and how to recognize signs of their affection when in love.
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Is it okay to ejaculate a lot during puberty? Some things to know about ejaculation during puberty
Besides changes in appearance and psychology, ejaculation is one of the important physiological milestones showing that a male adolescent has officially entered puberty. Below are the basics you need to know about ejaculation during puberty.
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